Top 20 Tanzania Attractions

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Half of Tanzania is covered by national parks. More than 100 reserves and reserves work to preserve the natural diversity of this part of Africa. Tourists from all over the world come to Tanzania to take part in an exciting photo safari, sunbathe on the beaches of Zanzibar, visit Bushmen settlements or climb the highest African mountain, Kilimanjaro.

Exotic Tanzania constantly ranks first in various tourist ratings. The hot tropical climate, the opportunity to watch amazing and rare animals attract sophisticated and experienced travelers who come here for vivid impressions. The most popular are combined tours, when one trip combines a beach holiday and active trips around the country.

What to see in Tanzania?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.


The highest mountain-volcano on the African continent. The majestic Kilimanjaro stands on the Masai plateau, the mountain reaches a height of 5895 meters. Translated from the local Swahili dialect, the name means "sparkling mountain". Climbing to the summit, “conquering Kilimanjaro” or simply walking organized (or independent) hikes in the picturesque surroundings are popular among numerous tourists.


City of Dar es Salaam

The largest and richest city in Tanzania, a major and important port. The metropolis is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean, it is home to several million people. Dar es Salaam arose on the site of the fishing village of Mzizima thanks to Sultan Majid ibn Said in the 19th century. The ruler was so impressed with this place that he decided to build a city, and called it "the house of the world" (this is how the translation from Arabic sounds).

City of Dar es Salaam

Zanzibar Island

Zanzibar (formerly the island was called Unguja) can be considered as a "state within a state", as it is an autonomous territory within Tanzania. The island is located in the Indian Ocean. Due to the comfortable temperature, rich excursion program, excellent tourist infrastructure, travelers often choose it as a vacation spot. There are many excellent beaches and comfortable hotels offering guests world-class service.

Zanzibar Island

Anglican Church in Stone Town

This temple is now a landmark of the capital of Zanzibar, Stone Town. The church was built in 1887 using several architectural styles. Here, traditional Arab town-planning techniques were mixed with Gothic elements. Inside the temple there is a wooden crucifix dedicated to Livingston, an outstanding British explorer of Africa, a famous scientist.

Anglican Church in Stone Town

House of Wonders in Stone Town

The building is a palace built in 1883. Until the middle of the 20th century, it served as the Sultan's residence. The name "House of Miracles" is explained simply - it was here for the first time in the whole country that electricity, water supply, and an elevator were installed. These benefits of civilization for the locals were at first a “miracle”. There is a museum in several rooms of the palace where you can see old British cars.

House of Wonders in Stone Town

stone city

The old part of the city of Zanzibar, the capital of the island of the same name. Before European colonization, it was the center of trade between the coasts of Africa and Asia. Under the ruler Said ibn Sultan from 1840 to 1956. here was the capital of the so-called Omani Empire. Stone Town is an interweaving of narrow streets where even a small car cannot pass, mosques, bazaars and houses with wooden verandas.

Stone city

Livingstone House

A fairly nondescript 3-storey building in Zanzibar, from where explorer David Livingston set off on his last expedition. The building was erected in 1860, after the death of the scientist, it was used by the local Hindu community. Later, the government bought the house and carried out its reconstruction. Now there is a tourist office that organizes various excursions for travelers.

Livingstone House

Mangapwani caves

Located in Zanzibar. A large cave is a natural formation in limestone rock, inside it is a deep lake. A smaller cave is a cramped "stone bag" carved by a man. In Mangapwani, after the official abolition of the slave trade, slaves were secretly kept. From here the slaves were taken to India and the Arab countries. In a large cave, "live goods" were taken away, and in a small cave they were kept in terrible conditions.

Mangapwani caves

Volcano Meru

The second largest (after Kilimanjaro) volcano in Tanzania. The last eruption occurred in 1877, after which Meru no longer showed signs of activity. The mountain has two peaks: Big Meru with a height of more than 4.5 thousand meters and Small Meru - more than 3.8 thousand meters. The volcano is located on the territory of the Arusha National Park, entry is allowed only with special permits.

Volcano Meru

Volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai

Translated from the dialect of the local Maasai tribe, the name means "Mountain of God." The volcano reaches a height of 2962 meters, it is one of the most active on the African continent. During the eruption, “cold” lava of an unusual black color is ejected to the surface, which quickly solidifies and forms bizarre shapes. The volcano is located in the Arusha National Park.

Volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai

Olduvai Gorge

A locality in northern Tanzania, part of the Ngorongoro Protected Area. Olduvai stretches for 40 km in length, the total area of ​​​​the gorge is 250 km². Many important archaeological discoveries were made here: the remains of the ancient man Homo habilis, which are more than 2 million years old, the skull of Australopithecus, the remains of primitive tools of labor and hunting were found. The OlduvaiGodge Museum, dedicated to anthropology and human evolution, is located in the gorge.

Olduvai Gorge

Serengeti National Park

A large and famous world reserve with an area of ​​14,763 km². The Serengeti occupies the natural territory of the Great African Rift. The reserve was established in 1929. Since then, its territory has been constantly expanding. In 1981, it was recognized as a natural heritage site by UNESCO and came under the protection of this organization. The nature and ecosystem of the Serengeti is considered one of the oldest on the planet.

Serengeti National Park

Ngorongoro Game Reserve

This crater was formed about 2.5 million years ago as a result of the destruction of a huge volcano. Its edges rise above sea level by 3 km, and the bottom by 2 km. The area is about 20 thousand hectares, the diameter of the crater itself is about 19 km. Now the area is a savannah plain, fenced in a circle, where almost 25 thousand species of animals live. Most of them are predators.

Ngorongoro Game Reserve

Ruaha National Park

Ruaha is the second largest national park in Tanzania. Due to the isolation, the virgin nature has been preserved in the area almost unchanged. Landscapes of Ruahi are not like other reserves, so the reserve has become attractive for tourists. The park was created in 1964. It ranks first in terms of the size of the elephant population - about 8,000 thousand individuals of this huge animal live here.

Ruaha National Park

Jozani forest

A natural area of ​​44 km², where red-brown colobuses, a rare species of monkeys, have been preserved. These animals are listed in the Red Book and in our time live only on the territory of Jozani. The size of the body of the colobus is only 45-70 cm, and the length of the tail is about 90 cm. Monkeys are peaceful, have long been accustomed to tourists and are happy to make contact. Dozens of species of endemic animals and birds also live here.

Jozani forest

Lake Tanganyika

The reservoir is considered one of the longest freshwater lakes on the planet (almost 40 km longer than Baikal). The maximum depth is almost 1.5 km, the average width is 72 km. Tanganyika has a large supply of fresh water. Only one coast is located on the territory of Tanzania, the rest belong to Burundi, Zambia, the Republic of the Congo. Due to the peculiarities of the composition of water at a depth of more than 200 meters, there is almost no life.

Lake Tanganyika

Lake Malawi

It is the third largest in Africa and the ninth largest in the world. It reaches 560 km in length, 80 km in width, and an average depth of about 700 m. Malawi is distinguished by a large variety of fish, according to various studies, their number reaches almost 1000 species. Crocodiles and whooper eagles also live here. The lake is a popular place for fishing, and all surrounding settlements are provided with local fish.

Lake Malawi

Lake Natron

Quite an unusual and picturesque place, located in the area of ​​the Great Rift Fault. The water in the lake has shades from blood red to deep orange due to the microorganisms living in it. Chemical fumes scare away predators, so many small animals settle on the shores. After death, their bodies turn into mummies due to special chemical processes in the lake area.

Lake Natron

Lake Manyara

A body of water that has become home to a huge number of magnificent pink flamingos. The population of these birds is so large that a dense pink spot above the surface of the water can be seen from afar. Also, more than 400 species of other birds live in the Manyar water area, most of which are not found elsewhere. Here you can meet the hornbill, marabou, stork, pelican, ibis, crane and cormorant.

Lake Manyara

Lake Victoria

Victoria is one of the seven African Great Lakes. It covers an area of ​​68.8 thousand km². More than 30 million people live in the coastal strip of the reservoir, and several densely populated million-plus cities have been built. The boundary of the equator passes through the territory of the lake. Industrial shipping, ferry communication between countries is developed here, water energy is actively used to provide cities and settlements.

Lake Victoria