Top 20 attractions in Maikop, Russia

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The capital of Adygea is located in the foothills of the Caucasus Range. This has affected the climate: there are no sharp temperature changes. The name of the city can be translated as "valley of wild apple trees." It has retained an abundance of greenery on its streets to this day. Russian soldiers founded the settlement in the land of the Circassians. Therefore, Maikop historically in its structure relies on the traditions of different peoples. This is clearly demonstrated by the sculptural group "Forever with Russia".

To better understand the local flavor, it is worth visiting the monument to the Maykop barrow. Many exhibits found here during excavations have been transferred to the museums of the city. And in summer one of the largest swimming pools in Europe awaits tourists. A real resort area has been organized in the city park, where anyone can relax.

What to see and where to go in Maykop?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

City Park of Culture and Leisure

Destroyed in 1966 in the center of Maikop. Over the years, the structures have dilapidated, and the plants have become almost "wild". At the beginning of the 21st, a full-scale reconstruction took place in order to give the park its current look. Among other things, a light and music fountain called "Clock" was installed. Amusements are open during the summer season. Then there is a large outdoor pool. Nearby you can have a bite to eat in one of the cafes.

City Park of Culture and Leisure

City pool

One of the largest outdoor swimming pools in Europe. There are many opportunities for summer activities around. There are sides for diving, as the depth of 3 meters allows this. There is a rescue tower, a police outfit is on duty. Changing cabins, toilets, sun lounger rentals are all available. Nearby is an area with outdoor exercise equipment and a sand volleyball court.

City pool

Lenin Square

Designed in 1969. Then the construction took place. In 1973, a monument to Lenin by M. Manizer was erected. Since the monument stands on a high pedestal, it can be clearly seen from anywhere in the square. Already today, a light and music fountain appeared here, which somewhat modernized the appearance of the district. Large city events are still held on the square.

Lenin Square

Maykop Cathedral Mosque

It was built over a year and a half by 2000. Fast completion of work is a must. It was put forward by the Arab Sheikh Khalid bin Saqr al-Qasimi, who paid for the project. The mosque is crowned with a huge azure dome. The building itself is square with minarets at the corners. One of the characteristic features of this religious site is that it is allowed to visit non-Islamic tourists.

Maykop Cathedral Mosque

Monument "Unity and Consent"

The opening took place in the city center in 2013. The monument is the 20th similarity of the Adyghe traditional hearth. It is also a symbol of comfort, home and family. The author of the project is A. Bersirov, Honored Artist of the Republic. The monument is decorated with all kinds of ornaments, images of the heroes of legends and legends, as well as ritual scenes. Nearby are the Cathedral Mosque and the National Museum.

Monument Unity and Consent

Monument "Forever with Russia"

In 1968, the 400th anniversary of the annexation of Adygea to Russia was celebrated. In honor of this event, a monument was erected on Friendship Square. It is part of a large memorial complex. The authors were representatives of the Manizer dynasty - famous sculptors and artists. The sculptural group consists of two warriors identifying Adygea and Russia. They are on a granite pedestal and have a height of 4 meters.

Monument Forever with Russia

National Museum of the Republic of Adygea

It was founded in 1925 and did not have a permanent address for a long time. For some time the ethnographic collection was even housed in Krasnodar. In 1936, after receiving the status of a local history collection, it moved to Maykop. It has occupied the current building since 1950, and in 1993 the museum became National. Gradually, new halls were opened: with anthropological finds, dedicated to the Adyghe diaspora, an exhibition of folk costumes and tools.

National Museum of the Republic of Adygea

Museum of Oriental Art

The North Caucasian branch of this museum was opened in the city in 1985. Is the only one of its kind. It was created to collect materials about the culture of the North Caucasus and preserve the traditions of folk art. The funds are divided into the following collections: “Fabrics. Woven products”, “Precious metals and precious stones”, “Ceramics, wood and metal”, “Painting, graphics and sculpture”, “Archaeologists”.

Museum of Oriental Art

Art Gallery

Has existed since 1980. The funds are about 1300 units of storage. Particularly noteworthy is the collection entitled "Graphics of Adygea". The gallery also hosts temporary exhibitions. Here, local artists present their paintings, with whom I arrange meetings. Collections from other museums also come. In one of the halls, the exhibition "Folk crafts and crafts of the Circassians" is open on a permanent basis.

Art Gallery

Chamber Musical Theater of RA

Exists since 1993. 11 years later named after its founder Adam Hanahu. Conductors and directors from other cities collaborated with the theater at various times. This helped to expand the repertoire as much as possible and attract a different audience. Among the productions there are both musical performances, variations of ballet and opera, as well as more experimental projects. The classics here coexist with innovations.

Chamber Musical Theater of RA

Pushkin Drama Theater

It officially opened in 1936 with a production of The Death of a Squadron. A great contribution to the development of the theater was made by director M. Akhedzhakov, who led all aspects of the institution's activities. For many years, Russian and Adyghe troupes coexisted on the same stage. In the early years of the 21st century, a division occurred. So the Russian Drama Theater was able to find its own style and focus on classical works.

Pushkin Drama Theater

State Philharmonic of RA

In 1962, a branch of the Krasnodar Philharmonic was opened in the city. This was the starting point for the development of the local concert and variety bureau and the implementation of many musical projects. It has existed in its current form and status since 2001. A recording studio operates on the basis of the Philharmonic. There is also a puppet theater, an ensemble of Russian folk instruments and a chamber music salon.

State Philharmonic of RA

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Construction in the 80s of the last century began on the initiative of local residents. They also helped with the delivery of materials. The church authorities did not give permission for the construction of the cathedral, which resulted in a short conflict. The formalities were settled, and the building turned out to stand out against the general background and bright. In 2007, 6 bells were installed. In the adjacent territory there is a gymnasium school.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Michael-Athos Trans-Kuban Hermitage

The monastery is located southeast of the city. It was founded in 1877 and until the revolution was a popular pilgrimage site. After the closure of the building, they were taken to the colony, and later - to the tourist base. It began to gradually revive in the status of a monastery since 2001. The holy spring has been restored, where you can freely draw water. The monastery earns not only on excursions, but also on the sale of tea, bread and wine.

Michael-Athos Trans-Kuban Hermitage

Monument to Maykop Kurgan

In 1897, in the east of the city, archaeologists unearthed an 11-meter burial mound. His research made it possible to replenish the museum collections with gold jewelry, utensils, tools made of copper and stone. Later, the mound was completely destroyed. In its place, in 1972, a small white stele was installed with the image of an ancient man and 7 medallions. Each of them tells about the most interesting finds in the barrow.

Monument to Maykop Kurgan


Currently, the buildings related to the plant are recognized as architectural monuments. The main building is located on Gogol Street and was founded at the end of the century before last. The malting shop appeared a few decades later on Lenin Street. The buildings have lost their former luster, but retained the artistic style and brick decor. Even the introduction of modern details does not spoil the overall picture.


Train Station

The building appeared on a spacious square in 1910. A portico with several columns was built at the main entrance; the facade is distinguished by a large number of arches. Without difficulty, in such an unusual performance, the Moorish style is guessed. Although the station is used for its intended purpose, it has become one of the landmarks of the city. It is from here that many tourists begin their acquaintance with Maykop.

Train Station

Maikop HPP

Operation began in 1950. It was built on the Belaya River and is part of the cascade of hydroelectric power stations of the same name. In the past, it played an important role in creating the industry of the region. The height of the bulk dam is 16 meters. Periodically, some parts of the equipment were replaced, but the old hydraulic units are working. The environmental situation around is within the normal range. However, in order to prevent accidents and erosion, planned measures are being taken.

Maikop HPP

Khadzhokh gorge

Part of the gorge on the Belaya River. A tourist route has been laid along it: relatively convenient stairs, floorings, railings are provided. A gorge formed due to the constant pressure of water on the limestone. The canyon is divided into two sectors by a road bridge. Downstream, there are enclosures with animals typical of the area, including a bear and a fox. The gorge is included in the list of natural monuments.

Khadzhokh gorge

Rufabgo waterfalls

A frequently visited attraction located outside the city. The waterfalls can be reached via a special tourist route, but you will have to pay for the passage over the bridge. There is also a free option - along a rather steep and long slope. In total, 16 waterfalls formed in the upper reaches of the Belaya River. One of the largest is called "Grand". Its height is about 15 meters.

Rufabgo waterfalls