Top 15 attractions of Staraya Russa, Russia

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Staraya Russa is a city in the Novgorod region with a rich past. Its heyday is associated with the salt industry. Despite the fact that the city stands on the river, for a long time there were problems with drinking water, just because of the salt. The problem was solved only by building a water tower. However, high mineralization also had a positive side - a resort of the same name was opened in Staraya Russa.

Urban architecture is typical for central Russia. Despite the occupation, many buildings of the past were preserved here, including the Transfiguration Monastery. In general, there are many religious objects here, and most of them are active. The war years remained in the memory of the townspeople and immortalized for posterity in the Museum of the North-Western Front. In his collection there is also an exposition in memory of the Afghan campaign.

What to see and where to go in Staraya Russa?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Resurrection Cathedral

Built on the radiance of Polisti and Pererytitsa. The first building of the cathedral dates back to the 90s of the 17th century. In 1833, it was substantially rebuilt, including being enlarged. The destruction from shelling during the war was massive. It needed repairs, after which the cathedral housed a cinema, a club, a warehouse and a museum in succession. Returned to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1992, at the same time services began.

Resurrection Cathedral

Cathedral Square and water tower

In the past, the area was called Trade Square. There were trading rows, finally destroyed during the occupation. Of the old buildings, only the water tower has been preserved. The construction helped to provide the city with fresh water, with which there were problems. Drinking water from the rivers around was not possible because of the salt. Therefore, in 1908, the authorities initiated the construction of a 50-meter Art Nouveau tower.

Cathedral Square and water tower

Resort "Staraya Russa"

One of the oldest resorts in central Russia was founded in 1828. In the 1930s, the first buildings with baths of various classes were built. Subsequently, well-known people of the country, including Grand Dukes Alexei and Vladimir, came here to improve their health. During the war, the resort became a hospital, and its buildings were partially destroyed. At the moment, Staraya Russa has the status of a CJSC.

Resort Staraya Russa

Muravyovskiy fountain

The most powerful mineral spring of the Old World. The name of the fountain was in honor of Minister Muravyov. He initiated the drilling of a new well. Its depth is about 110 meters. In 1859, the project was handed over to a special commission. The area around was ennobled, a metal tent was added. During the war years, the structure was destroyed, later a new shed appeared, but it was dismantled due to rust.

Muravyovskiy fountain

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

The oldest building in the city, recognized as a historical monument. It was first mentioned in chronicles in 1192. The first temple was made of wood and soon burned down during a big fire. Active development of the territory of the monastery was carried out in the 17th century with money from the salt industry. Now it houses the local history museum. Well-preserved frescoes of the 15th-17th centuries became part of the collection.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

Church of the Holy Trinity

During its history, the temple has experienced many troubles. In the 17th century, a fire from a neighboring building spread to it, because of which the church had to be rebuilt. In 1836, a hurricane demolished the dome and damaged the ceilings. In the process of restoration, the plan of the structure was completely changed. During Soviet times, there was a warehouse for grain. Since the 1980s, the church has been used as an exhibition hall. It was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church only in 1997.

Church of the Holy Trinity

Church of the Holy Great Martyr Mina

The date of construction of the church is 1371, but this is inaccurate data. The temple is not mentioned in chronicles, so the conclusions of the researchers are based on indirect facts. In Soviet times, the building was taken under the city executive committee. The temple suffered from shelling during World War II. It was repaired, but there was no full restoration. At the moment, services are not held, and the doors are also closed for tourists.

Church of the Holy Great Martyr Mina

St. George's Church

The first temple appeared on this site in 1410. Its walls became the basis for the construction of a new church building in the middle of the 18th century. The church is single-domed, as is its northern limit. The bell tower was erected nearby in the 80s of the XIX century. Divine services were not held under Soviet rule. The temple was briefly opened to parishioners during the occupation. After the war, the bell tower was dismantled and later restored.

St. George

Church of St. Nicholas

The date of construction of the first temple is 1371. It was larger than the current one and fell into decay during the Time of Troubles. In 1910 a new church was erected. A feature of its design was the absence of internal pillars. The three-tiered bell tower appeared only a century later. After the Bolsheviks came to power, the temple was a museum, and later a warehouse. In 1991 the building was handed over to the Old Believer community.

Church of St. Nicholas

"Estate of the medieval Rushanin"

The interactive open-air museum covers an area of ​​1700 m². The estate of the Middle Ages was created on the basis of archaeological research. For this reason, the buildings here are authentic to the real ones, and the entertainment is also a match for the real crafts and everyday life of the past. The exposition has been welcoming visitors since 2014. Buying a single ticket gives you access to all the facilities of the estate.

Estate of the medieval Rushanin

House-Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky

The writer, together with his family, rented a two-story house in Staraya Russa as a dacha in 1873. Here Dostoevsky worked on a number of his works, including The Brothers Karamazov. In 1909, it was decided to turn the building on the embankment of the Pererytitsa River into a museum. But the process was delayed, and authentic interiors and personal items became available for viewing by visitors only in the 80s.

House-Museum of F. M. Dostoevsky

Museum of the North-Western Front

Opened since 2003. The exposition of the museum covers all the events that took place in the district during the Great Patriotic War. The exhibitions describe the fighting, the underground liberation movement and the life of the city during the occupation. One of the important exhibits is a bell cast in 1672. It was presented to the city by Peter I. Since 2011, a department dedicated to the war in Afghanistan has been functioning.

Museum of the North-Western Front

Monument "Eagle"

The project was started by V. Martynov in 1893. When he went to the front, I. Wittenberg continued to work on the creation of the monument. The height of the composition is about 5 m. A sphere is set on a tetrahedral stele, and on it is an eagle with spread wings. A monument to the soldiers of the Wilmanstrand Regiment is dedicated. During the Great Patriotic War he suffered from bullets. Completely restored in 1953.

Monument Eagle

living bridge

Thrown across the river Polist. The exact date of construction is unknown. Initially, the bridge consisted of rafts. They lay right on the water and swayed, so the name "Alive" appeared. They tried to officially rename it to "Alexandrovsky", but the popular name was fixed too firmly. The current appearance of the bridge was acquired after 1890. From the 1920s until the war, a tram line ran here.

Living bridge

Tsaritsyno spring

Created while drilling a well for a salt plant in the 30s of the last century. The strength of the source allowed three mills to work. The name of the source was given in gratitude to Catherine II for the coat of arms of the city, reflecting its history. Currently, it is not used in any way, and the water from the source simply flows into the river. A small lake formed around. It does not freeze even in winter in severe frosts.

Tsaritsyno spring