Top 20 Iran Attractions

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Iran is the heir of the once great Persian Empire, one of the cradles of world civilization and a country with a history of more than 5000 thousand years. The tourism industry in Iran is on the rise, infrastructure deficiencies are being gradually eliminated, new hotels are being built. The country has a huge potential for development, as travelers from all over the world have a great interest in its architecture, history and well-preserved historical monuments.

A trip to Iran is an immersion in the unique atmosphere of ancient cities, where the followers of Zarathustra preached hundreds of years ago and shahs ruled. This is a walk through the luxurious oriental bazaars of Isfahan and Shiraz, saturated with the aroma of saffron and cardamom. Finally, this is an acquaintance with the legacy of the great Omar Khayyam, Ferdowsi and Ibn Sina.

In addition to sightseeing holidays and acquaintance with history, there are good ski resorts in Iran - Dizin, Shamshak and Ab-e Ali. The slopes of the picturesque Mount Elburs are attractive for climbers and climbers, and the coast of the Caspian Sea is attractive for lovers of nature and fishing.

What to see in Iran?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Imam Square

It is located in the historical center of the city of Isfahan and is included in the UNESCO heritage list. The square was founded by Shah Abbas I the Great in the 17th century. and until the victory of the Islamic revolution was called the Shah. The monumental architecture of the buildings surrounding the square is evidence of the power of the Safavid dynasty, which ruled Iran for hundreds of years.

Imam Square

Golestan Palace

One of the oldest monuments in Tehran, formerly part of the Tehran Citadel. Previously, the palace was the residence of one of the noble Iranian families, now there is a museum with many rare exhibits and a library with valuable manuscripts. The name of the building is translated as "palace of roses". It was erected in the 16th century. during the reign of Tahmasp I and has since been rebuilt many times.

Golestan Palace

Behistun inscription

An image with cuneiform writing, typical for the times of Mesopotamia, carved on the Behistun rock. The inscription was created by order of King Darius I in the 6th century. BC. It depicts the triumph of the ruler over the rebellious princes. The writing is in three languages: Akkadian, Old Persian and Elamite.

Behistun inscription


An ancient city, once the capital of Persia during the time of Cyrus II. Now only ruins remain of it. Translated from ancient Persian means "Persian gardens". On the territory of the city there is the tomb of the king, the ruins of royal palaces, the fortress of Toll-e-takht. Pasargadas are recognized as the most valuable cultural monument of the period of the Achaemenid dynasty.



The area near the ancient capital of Persepolis, where four royal tombs are located. Xerxes I, Darius I, Artaxerxes I, Darius II are buried here. During the campaign of Alexander the Great, the tombs were looted and destroyed, in this form they have come down to our times. The name "Nakshe-Rustam" refers already to the Islamic period of the history of Iran.


Azadi Tower in Tehran

The building was erected in 1971 in honor of the 2500th anniversary of the Persian Empire. The construction took more than 6 million dollars and 8,000 blocks of white marble. In 1979, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the monument was called the "Freedom Tower". It came to symbolize the freedom of the Iranians from the Shah's rule. Picturesque Azadi is often referred to as the "Eiffel Tower of Tehran".

Azadi Tower in Tehran

Khaju Bridge in Isfahan

Bridge built in the 17th century. under Shah Abbas II, the Great Silk Road passed through it. The structure consists of two rows of arches connected together, made in a typical Iranian architectural style. In the evenings, beautiful illumination is turned on, local residents and tourists like to walk along the bridge at this time and admire the surrounding landscapes.

Khaju Bridge in Isfahan

Iranian National Museum

The largest museum in the country, which stores priceless monuments from the period of ancient Persia. The museum is divided into two buildings. The first one presents expositions of the pre-Islamic period, the second - collections of the Islamic historical era. The museum was built in 1937, it became the first scientific museum in Iran.

Iranian National Museum

Mausoleum of Shah-Cherakh

It was erected in the XIV century. during the time of Queen Tashi Khatun. The mausoleum contains the graves of the brothers Ahmed and Mohammed, revered by the locals, who were persecuted by the shahs for their Muslim faith. The interior decoration of the building is made of mirror mosaic, for which the Iranians called Shah-Cherakh the “mirror mosque”.

Mausoleum of Shah-Cherakh

Jamkaran Mosque

One of the centers of Islamic science in Iran, a holy place associated with the name of the revered Imam Mahdi (it is believed that he prayed here). The mosque is a beautiful monumental building with “flying” minarets, a blue central dome and high gate arches. Jamkaran is visited annually by many pilgrims - Muslims belonging to the Shiite branch of Islam.

Jamkaran Mosque

Vank Cathedral

Christian temple in Isfahan. Belongs to the Armenian Apostolic Church. The Iranian authorities recognized it as a valuable cultural monument. The architectural style of the cathedral is a mixture of Muslim and Christian traditions. Despite the simplicity of the external decoration, the interior of the temple is distinguished by richness and splendor.

Vank Cathedral

Palace of Ardashir

Another name for the structure is Atesh-Kadeh. Ruins of the residence of the first king of the Sassanid state. It is one of the few surviving architectural monuments of Iran II-III centuries. AD The palace is included in the UNESCO heritage list on the proposal of the Iranian authorities. In ancient times, there was an artificial pond in front of the palace.

Palace of Ardashir

Saadabad Palace

The palace complex of the early 20th century, which includes various museums, pavilions, and palaces. Initially, Saadabad was used as the residence of the Shah, now high-ranking guests from foreign countries are settled there. Not far from the weapons museum (part of a large museum complex) are cannons cast in St. Petersburg.

Saadabad Palace

Niavaran Palace

Previously, it was part of the Saadabad complex, but in 2000 it was separated into an independent attraction. The main buildings were erected in the 20th century. under the last Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Initially, Niavaran was planned to be used as a residence for foreign delegations, but later it became the residence of the Shah's family.

Niavaran Palace

Fortress Arg-e Bam

An invaluable example of a Persian adobe building located on the Great Silk Road. The fortress is located in the town of Bam, it is a layering of styles from different eras - the fortress has mausoleums of the 12th century, a mosque of the 18th century, watchtowers. After the 2003 earthquake, the structure was in danger of disappearing.

Fortress Arg-e Bam

Mount Tash-Kuh

Flaming mountain in the province of Khuzestan. This is a unique phenomenon from the point of view of geology - thanks to natural gas and sulfur rising from the depths, an “eternal” fire burns on the surface. This spectacle attracts many tourists who gather in the evenings and admire the amazing natural phenomenon.

Mount Tash-Kuh

Lake Urmia

Once this reservoir was one of the largest salt lakes in the world, but over time it began to dry up. Over the past few decades, the amount of water has decreased by 90%, and the area has been reduced to 2000 km². The saline shores of the lake are very picturesque, in the southern part there are many small islands, some of them grow pistachio groves.

Lake Urmia

Kish Island

Coral Island, the main and most visited resort in Iran. Here, travelers are waiting for magnificent sandy beaches, calm waters of the Persian Gulf and a rich underwater world. In the west of the island you can admire the giant ship that has run aground, and in the north you can admire the ruins of the ancient city of Harire.

Kish Island

Tabriz Bazaar

The largest open market in the world and the oldest bazaar in the region. The territory of the bazaar is a full-fledged architectural complex with mosques, residential buildings, baths, galleries, caravanserais. Here they sell famous Iranian carpets, fragrant spices, jewelry, antiques. This market has been known since the Safavid dynasty.

Tabriz Bazaar

Eram garden

An outstanding example of Iranian garden art in the city of Shiraz. This place, because of its beauty, attracts streams of foreigners who love to walk along its picturesque alleys and relax in the shade of trees from the unbearable heat. "Eram" means "paradise", the locals call it "Garden of Eden".

Eram garden