Top 15 Lappeenranta Attractions, Finland

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A cozy Finnish town, small but beloved by tourists. There are especially many Russians here, the city is located only 60 km from the border with Russia. Lappeenranta has been leading its history since the 17th century. Its most important historical object is a defensive fortress, founded by the founders of the city - the Swedes at the beginning of the 18th century. Today it has been restored and turned into a popular tourist attraction.

On its territory there are museums, ancient temples, craft workshops. And from the ramparts, a panorama of the picturesque Saimaa Lake, the largest in the country, opens up. Built in the 19th century, the Saimaa Canal is an important water artery connecting the lake with the Gulf of Finland. Water cruises on motor ships, as well as yacht and kayak trips on the lake and canal are popular.

What to see and where to go in Lappeenranta?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Fortress of Lappeenranta

The construction of a powerful defensive structure was started by the Swedes in 1721. As a result of military battles with Russia, most of the buildings were destroyed, and subsequently they were rebuilt and expanded by the Russian military under the leadership of A. Suvorov. Currently, all fortifications have been restored. They house museums, workshops, art galleries, restaurants and souvenir shops. In the summer, dragoon patrols in full dress uniform go around the territory of the fortress.

Fortress of Lappeenranta

Saimaa Canal

The construction of a shipping route from Lake Saimaa through Vyborg to the Gulf of Finland was carried out in 1845-1856. Its length is 43 km, width is 34-55 meters. The height difference between the canal and the Gulf of Finland is regulated by 8 locks, 5 of which are on the Russian side. 12 automobile and 2 railway bridges were built across the canal. During the war, the canal was destroyed, the opening of the restored highway took place in 1968. Water cruises to Vyborg and St. Petersburg are popular.

Saimaa Canal

Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God

Located on the territory of the fortress. It was erected in 1744 as a garrison church at the expense of the soldiers of the Vladimir regiment. After 40 years, the wooden building was replaced with a stone one. The Orthodox Church was often visited by the commander A. Suvorov, Russian emperors. The iconostasis with ancient icons and church utensils of the 18th century - crosses, silver vessels, liturgical books - have survived to this day. The temple is active, open to the public in the summer.

Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God

Church of Lappeenranta

Initially, it was conceived as a garrison Orthodox church for the Russian military. Construction work began in 1913. But after Finland gained independence, the church building passed into submission to the Lutheran community, was rebuilt and consecrated in 1924. Today it is the main temple of Lappeenranta. It is a massive red brick building with five domes. It is located in the center of the city, on a small hill known as the Nicholas Redoubt.

Church of Lappeenranta

Church of the Virgin Mary

It is called the "churches of the double cross" because of its layout. It was built of wood in 1794. In the center of the building rises an octagonal tower with a weather vane. The interior is designed in calm gray-blue tones, the hall is designed for 870 parishioners. The main decoration is an old crystal chandelier made in St. Petersburg. There is an organ, the facade of which has been preserved since 1891. The four-story church bell tower was built 50 years later and is located at some distance from the main building.

Church of the Virgin Mary

Church of Lauritsala

Located 4 km from the city center. The current Lutheran church. Was built in 1969. It is a modernist building in the form of a triangular structure directed upwards. This form symbolizes the Holy Trinity. The height of the church is 47 m, made of concrete and glass. The interior is decorated with wood, a boat hangs from the ceiling with the inscription "truth" in Finnish. Seats in the hall are designed for 670 parishioners. There are 31 register bodies.

Church of Lauritsala

old town hall

The wooden building was erected in 1829. Subsequently, it was rebuilt several times. It acquired its present form in 1891 - by the arrival of the Russian emperor, a music hall, a dining room, good American furniture and lamps appeared in the town hall. The old clock on the tower served until 1973 and was replaced by electric ones. The city administration was housed in the building until 1983, since then its halls have been used for conferences and celebrations.

Old town hall

Museum of South Karelia

. Children's rooms are equipped for younger visitors. There is a souvenir shop. Two cannons of 1877 are installed on the site in front of the museum.

Museum of South Karelia

Art Museum

The funds of this museum contain numerous works of art by Finnish masters dating back to the 18th century. A special place is given to contemporary art forms of the south-eastern part of Finland. Paintings and drawings by novice young authors are presented. There is an interesting collection of wooden sculptures. The expositions are updated several times a year. Field exhibitions are practiced. The museum opened in 1965 and is located on the territory of the fortress, in the premises of the artillery barracks.

Art Museum

House Museum of Merchant Ivan Volkov

Construction began in 1823. This is the oldest wooden building in the city. The merchant Volkov, a former serf from Yaroslavl, and his descendants lived here from 1872 to 1983. Subsequently, the house was donated to the city and 10 years later turned into a museum. Furniture and household items have been preserved, and a number of rooms of the merchant's house have been recreated - a bedroom, a nursery, a dining room, and an office. Nearby is the Volkoff restaurant and a bakery where Russian bread is baked according to old recipes.

House Museum of Merchant Ivan Volkov

Cavalry Museum

Located in the guardroom of the fortress, built in 1772. The exhibits of the museum are connected with the military events of 1618-1648, during which the Finnish cavalrymen - hakkapeliites, who fought in the ranks of the Swedish army, became famous for the first time. Military engravings and paintings, rare weapons, uniforms, harness and horse care items, photographs are presented. A separate exposition is devoted to the Finnish dragoon regiment, which was stationed on the territory of Lappeenranta in the 19th century.

Cavalry Museum

Museum of the Saimaa Canal

It has been open to visitors since 1995. The exhibitions are devoted to the history of the construction of an important transport route and the main stages of its development. Among the exhibits are models of ships and locks, tools and uniforms of employees, a reconstruction of the chief's office, photographs and documents. In one of the halls there is a large-scale map with marked routes through which the canal is laid. The museum has a shop and cafe. Water cruises are offered.

Museum of the Saimaa Canal

Aviation Museum of Karelia

The opening took place in 2000. The expositions are located in two hangars and on the open area of ​​the Lappeenranta airfield. Among the main exhibits are helicopters and 9 aircraft made in the USSR, Sweden, France, Great Britain. Also on display are the wreckage of downed aircraft, preserved from the Second World War, pilots' costumes, personal items, documents and photographs. The museum accepts visitors only in the summer. There is a small gift shop.

Aviation Museum of Karelia

Monument to the Saimaa seal

The endemic inhabitant of Lake Saimaa has received a monument in his honor on the pedestrian street Kauppakatu in the city center. Sculptor M. Pääläinen depicted a seal resting in the sun on a stone pedestal, surrounded by a small pond. The monument was erected in 1997. The Finns are very careful about these animals - endangered representatives of the ringed seal subspecies living in fresh water. Their number today is only 310 individuals.

Monument to the Saimaa seal

Sand Sculpture Festival

Since 2004, it has been held every summer on the lakefront. Sculptors from different countries are involved in the construction of the sand town. The theme of the festival is different every year - animals, fairy-tale and mythological characters, movies and cartoons, music. To create masterpieces, at least 3 tons of sand are required. All figures are topped with an aqueous solution with the addition of glue. Such a shell is able to protect them from rain and wind. You can admire the sculptures throughout the summer.

Sand Sculpture Festival