Top 25 - attractions in Tunisia

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Tunisia is a small North African country with access to the Mediterranean Sea. This state has everything for a quality beach holiday: a long coastline, comfortable hotels in the cities of Sousse, Hammamet and Monastir, operating on an all-inclusive basis, evening and night entertainment offered by clubs and restaurants in resort areas.

On the territory of Tunisia, many historical monuments of the period of domination of the Phoenicians, the Roman Empire, the accession of the Arabs and the rule of the Ottoman Empire have been preserved. The legacy of the French colonialists has a great influence in the country, thanks to which Tunisia remains a modern and progressive country, developing along a secular path.

What to see in Tunisia?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Ancient city of Carthage

The capital of the ancient Phoenician state, founded in 814 BC. Until 146 BC was the largest and most influential city in the entire western Mediterranean. After it was conquered and destroyed during the Punic Wars, it lost its importance. The remains of Carthage are located near the capital - the city of Tunis.

Ancient city of Carthage

Amphitheater in El Jem

The Roman amphitheater built in 238, which was the largest in Africa and only slightly inferior in size to the Colosseum. Despite the destruction of previous centuries, the building has come down to us in a well-preserved form. Under the main arena is a whole underground city, where wild animals and fighters preparing for battle were kept during the time of the gladiators.

Amphitheater in El Jem

City of Sidi Bou Said

A small picturesque town 17 km. from the capital. The architecture of the buildings repeats the ornaments of traditional Arab settlements. Since 1915, according to the decree of the authorities, it was forbidden to build modern buildings here so as not to violate the authentic appearance. For tourists, Sidi Bou Said is an attraction, for local residents it is just an ordinary city.

City of Sidi Bou Said

Sahara desert in Tunisia

This huge desert occupies almost 30% of the territory of the state. Its vast expanses are almost uninhabited, only Bedouin tribes periodically roam from place to place. The Sahara is a popular place for tourists - jeep safaris and excursions to Bedouin settlements are organized here.

Sahara desert in Tunisia

National Museum of Bardo

Museum complex in a beautiful old building of the 17th century. in the suburbs of the city of Tunisia. Along with the National Museum of Egypt, it is considered the best and largest in North Africa. In 12 halls exhibits of various eras are presented, telling about the Phoenician, Roman, Christian and Arab past of the country.

National Museum of Bardo

Ancient city of Dugga

The ruins of an ancient Roman city, where more than 25 thousand people lived centuries ago. Well-preserved temples, theaters, fountains, necropolises and mausoleums have survived to this day. On the stone pavements there are even traces of chariots that once passed here. A visit to Dugga can give a comprehensive picture of the life of a large ancient city.

Ancient city of Dugga

The ancient city of Kerkuan

Remains of a Punic settlement of the 6th century. BC. This is the only surviving example of Phoenician-Punic architecture, so it is of particular historical value. The city was destroyed by the Romans in the 3rd century. BC, the ruins were discovered already in the 20th century. Kerkuan is included in the UNESCO heritage list.

The ancient city of Kerkuan

Gellala Village

Located in the south of the island of Djerba. This is a settlement of local artisans who communicate with each other in the Berber language and make pottery using ancient technologies. There are about 450 workshops in the village that make pots, jugs, dishes, spice containers, vases and vessels.

Gellala Village

Cave city of Matmata

A Berber town where the older generation of this nomadic people lives in caves. The rooms are dug right into the rocks, some "houses" are two- and three-story. This way of building housing was dictated by the harsh desert conditions. During unbearable heat and sandstorms, cave dwellers feel quite comfortable inside their homes.

Cave city of Matmata

Medina of Tunisia

Represents the historical center of the capital city of Tunis. It is an interweaving of old squares, market stalls, narrow stone streets and traditional quarters where the ignorant can easily get lost. In the Medina, you can admire the cozy courtyards and ancient mosques that have been standing here for hundreds of years.

Medina of Tunisia

Cathedral of Saint Vincent de Paul

Tunis Christian Cathedral, located opposite the French Embassy. The cathedral was built twice - in 1881 and in 1893, since during the first construction some geological features were not taken into account and the building collapsed. The building is owned by the Catholic Church under a 1964 treaty.

Cathedral of Saint Vincent de Paul

El Ghriba Synagogue

Jewish temple on the island of Djerba, one of the oldest shrines in the world. Its age is more than 2000 years, Jews from all over the world constantly make pilgrimages to these places. The synagogue houses the manuscript of one of the oldest sacred Jewish books, the Torah. The relics of St. Shimon Bar Yashai (author of the Talmud) are also buried here.

El Ghriba Synagogue

Mausoleum of Khabib Bourguiba

The tomb of the first president of independent Tunisia, located in Monastir. Thanks to H. Bourguiba, the country became independent from France in the middle of the 20th century. It is an imposing building in the traditional Maghreb style - a large gilded dome, tall minarets and Moorish archways.

Mausoleum of Khabib Bourguiba

Mosque of Ukba

One of the largest mosques in Tunisia, located in Kairouan. The history of the temple began in the 7th century, when the first small building was erected under the supervision of the Arab commander Ukba ibn Nafi. For a long time, Uqba was a place of pilgrimage for Muslims who could not get to Mecca. According to one of the ancient fatwas, visiting this mosque seven times was equivalent to visiting Mecca once.

Mosque of Ukba

Al-Zaytuna Mosque (Olive Mosque)

The main mosque of the country and the only temple, which is open to representatives of other religions. In the XII-XIV centuries. the building housed the university of Islamic law and the study of the Koran. At lectures in a spacious prayer hall, 10 thousand listeners gathered. This is the oldest and most revered mosque in the city of Tunisia.

Al-Zaytuna Mosque (Olive Mosque)

Ribat Fortress in Monastir (Ribat Khartem)

Construction of the VIII century, which served as a defense against attacks from the sea and land. This powerful structure is quite well preserved due to repeated restoration in recent years. Now tourists are allowed into the fortress, who can admire Monastir and its surroundings from the upper observation platforms.

Ribat Fortress in Monastir (Ribat Khartem)

Ribat fortress in Sousse

It also served to protect against the attacks of the Berbers from the desert and the Gentiles from the sea. Ribat was built in the form of a square with semicircular towers on the sides. The fortress gave shelter to travelers and merchants fleeing danger. One of the watchtowers offers a picturesque view of the seaport of Sousse and the old town.

Ribat fortress in Sousse

Kelibia fortress

The oldest city-fort, built in the V-III centuries. BC, is the same age as Carthage. Located 100 km. from the capital of the country. In addition to historical value, tourists are attracted by the best beach in Tunisia, El Mansour, located here, and excellent seafood restaurants.

Kelibia fortress

Phrygia Zoo

One of the most visited places by tourists is located in the suburbs of Hammamet. It contains more than 50 species of birds and animals. Guests can admire representatives of the African fauna: flamingos, lemurs, crocodiles, cheetahs, lions and swans. It will also be interesting to look at the show with the participation of dolphins and fur seals.

Phrygia Zoo

atlas mountains

A mountain system that begins in Tunisia and continues along the Algerian and Moroccan coasts. The highest peak of the chain reaches a height of 4000 meters. Coniferous forests grow here, waterfalls rustle and deep canyons gape with an abyss. For tourists, viewing platforms are equipped in picturesque places.

Atlas mountains

Ishkel National Park

A small nature reserve, most of which is occupied by Lake Ishkel. It was created in order to preserve the unique ecosystem of the reservoir and surrounding areas. Several species of migratory and waterfowl winter here. In the reserve, a typical Mediterranean landscape pleases the eye: olive and pistachio groves, juniper and acacia thickets.

Ishkel National Park

Djerba Island

A famous resort and the warmest place in Tunisia. Due to the fact that Djerba is located south of the main tourist areas, the water and air are always a couple of degrees warmer here, the season lasts a little longer. The infrastructure of the island is well developed - it offers restaurants, modern hotels and a variety of entertainment.

Djerba Island

Lake Chott El Jerid

Huge lake covered with salt crust. Its area is almost 250 km². The reservoir is famous for the fact that bizarre salt crystals shimmer in different colors depending on the angle of the falling sunlight. This is a picturesque and breathtaking sight. Locals and visitors like to visit the lake in winter, when it is already cool in the north of the country.

Lake Chott El Jerid

The rest of the scenery for "Star Wars"

It was in Tunisia that episodes of the famous saga were filmed. In the Sahara desert, George Lucas created the distant world of the planet Tatooine (named after the local town). To this day, the film's grandiose sets remain at the filming location, which have become a popular tourist attraction.

The rest of the scenery for Star Wars

Souk el-Juma market

A colorful bazaar typical of this area, where after an exciting bargain you can buy interesting ceramics, Berber jewelry, scarves, incense, spices and a thousand other useful things. The market is known for the fact that Tunisian potters have been selling their work here since the 16th century.

Souk el-Juma market