Top 25 Gothenburg Attractions, Sweden

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Gothenburg is a typical Scandinavian city with the usual set of sights. However, each of its buildings keeps some interesting history or stands out from the rest. For example, the fish market, although it still operates as usual, is an architectural monument. And the Haga district from once poor and suburban has turned into a prosperous, economically and culturally important for Gothenburg.

The local Botanical Garden is one of the best in Europe. Some museum collections also do not know equal. The Swedes do not forget about entertainment, for which the Liseberg Park was founded. Young tourists and their parents will also like Universum, a scientific center where everything is explained clearly, allowing them to gain knowledge through experience.

What to see and where to go in Gothenburg?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Haga area

In the past it was considered a suburb of Gothenburg. Founded by Queen Christina in the 17th century and was located outside the city walls. Gradually, the area developed and became part of the city. It features well-preserved architecture. However, some houses had to be demolished and replaced with replicas. People with high incomes live here. Tourists are attracted by walking areas and the atmosphere of past centuries.

Haga area

Amusement park Liseberg

Built for the 300th anniversary of the city. There were mass events dedicated to this date. One of the largest parks in Scandinavia. Conditionally divided into several zones. There are playgrounds for walking and a picturesque corner where hares run. Tourists are more attracted to breathtaking rides or venues for concerts. On weekends and holidays, it is traditionally crowded here.

Amusement park Liseberg

Botanical Garden

It was opened in 1923 with the money of both the authorities and local residents. It is a gift to the city for the 300th anniversary. One of the best botanical gardens in Europe. Since 2001, it has been in the administration of the Vestra region. The area is more than 175 hectares, of which 40 are constantly cultivated, and the rest of the territory is reserved places and an arboretum. Attractions: rock garden, rhododendron valley, Japanese garden.

Botanical Garden

Tredgårdsfoereningen Park

It was created in 1842 by the community of gardeners with the direct participation of King Charles XIV. It is considered one of the most beautiful parks in Europe of its era. The best time to visit is summer, when everything around is blooming and fragrant. There is a rose garden where almost 2 thousand types of roses are grown. The palm greenhouse appeared in 1878, which made it possible to work with five different climatic conditions.

Tredgårdsfoereningen Park

Park "Slottsskogen"

Broken in the 80s of the XIX century almost in the center of the city. In the past, since the founding of Gothenburg, there was a dense forest here. Among the neat lawns and walking paths, you can find a lot of interesting things: a zoo, a pond and sports grounds. The Way Out West festival is held annually. Each season brings some unique experiences. For example, in winter, penguins live in an outdoor pool.

Park Slottsskogen

Scientific Center-Museum "Universum"

It occupies seven floors and is aimed at both kids and older people. The pavilions housed a mini-jungle with real tropical butterflies and a small oceanarium with sharks. There is a room that allows you to learn in practice the principles of the lie detector. In another room, you can test your dexterity and bypass the laser safety beams. Experiments both teach and entertain.

Scientific Center-Museum Universum

Volvo Museum

Located on the island of Hisingen in the industrial area. The museum is entirely dedicated to the history of the company. Volvo is Sweden's leading vehicle manufacturer. The exhibition presents models of different periods, from the earliest to the prototypes of the machines of the future. There are also samples of engines for tanks and aircraft parts - all this is supplied for the needs of the country's army.

Volvo Museum

Maritime Museum "Maritiman"

The largest of the "floating" shipbuilding museums. The total number of ships in the collection is 19. The oldest of them was launched in 1875. Tourists can climb on board and look around. There are services of a guide who will tell you about each ship: the history of its creation, purpose, how it ended up in the museum. Inside one of the ships there is a restaurant, a cafe, a souvenir shop.

Maritime Museum Maritiman

Aeroseum Museum

Founded in 1999, when the foundation of the same name began to deal with bunkers located near the city's airport. The area of ​​two bunkers built in the 50s of the last century is 8 thousand m² and 22 thousand m². They go underground for 30 meters. The exposition tells about aviation, from the first myths about flights to the present day. Although the tours are in Swedish, you can pre-arrange the presence of an interpreter.

Aeroseum Museum

Art Museum (Göteborgs konstmuseum)

It can be found at Getaplatsen Square. Unlike other museums, this collection was started thanks to donations. The exhibition includes paintings by world-famous masters such as Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet. It also houses one of the largest collections of Scandinavian art. In the 90s, the building was expanded: there were areas for temporary exhibitions, the Hasselblad center, a shop and a cafe.

Art Museum (Göteborgs konstmuseum)

Statue Fountain of Poseidon

One of the symbols of Gothenburg. The height of the statue is 7 meters. The creator of the fountain, Carl Milles, completed work on it by 1930. Poseidon looks like an athletic youth holding a shell and a fish in his hands. The bowl of the fountain is decorated with additional decorative elements - fantastic creatures and waterfowl. All this creates the effect of dynamics and makes the composition more alive.

Statue Fountain of Poseidon

City Museum (Göteborgs stadsmuseum)

He began to receive guests in 1861. Its goal is to collect all the information about the city from ancient times and convey it to visitors. It has existed in its current form since 1993, when 5 different museums united under the sign. The most notable exhibit is a Viking Age ship, one of a kind. The museum hosts lecturers, seminars and even city tours are held.

City Museum (Göteborgs stadsmuseum)

Museum of Natural History

Founded in 1833. The oldest of the museums in Gothenburg. The current building was given over to the exposition 90 years later. It is located in the park Slottsskogen. Part of the premises is occupied by temporary exhibitions and experimental projects. The main exhibits are stuffed animals from different parts of the world. For example, an African elephant shot in Angola, or a young blue whale found on the south coast of the city.

Museum of Natural History

gothenburg opera

Opened in 1994. Construction proceeded quickly, as funding made it possible to speed up the deadlines. The auditorium can accommodate 1301 people. The area of ​​the stage is 500 m². Here, in addition to the opera, they stage ballet, operettas, musicals. Externally, the building looks unusual: in its design, the designers wanted to focus on lightness. And inside, nothing changes the classic style of design.

Gothenburg opera

Mastuggschurkan Church

Construction began after a competition, where the project of Siegfried Erickson won. Mandatory conditions: a capacity of at least a thousand people, strong construction to withstand the weather, and ease of execution to reduce costs. The grand opening took place in 1914. The building is made of red brick, stands on a gray foundation. There are two massive bells.

Mastuggschurkan Church

Gothenburg Cathedral

Founded in the first half of the 17th century. There used to be a wooden church on this site. The cathedral was badly damaged by fire in 1721 and 1802. The building had to be rebuilt almost from scratch. He owes his current appearance to Karl Wilhelm Karlberg, who did not have time to complete the project before his death. In 1815, the church was illuminated, but some details, such as the tower, were completed later.

Gothenburg Cathedral

Church of Oskar Fredrik

Construction completed in 1893. It is considered an impeccable example of neo-Gothic architectural style. Despite three restorations, the appearance has not changed. On the east side is a chapel 75 meters high. There are many small details both in the exterior and in the interior. After the installation of the organ in 1967, organ music concerts are held within the walls of the church.

Church of Oskar Fredrik

Feskekorka fish market

Covered fish rows opened on the banks of the canal in 1874. Due to the external resemblance to religious buildings, they got their name, translated as “fish church”. Here you can not only buy seafood, but also have a bite to eat at a local restaurant. The roof of the market descends almost to the ground, and inside there is a lot of free space and no columns. The status of an architectural monument was assigned to the building in 2013.

Feskekorka fish market

Lilla Bommen

Located in the harbor of the same name. Construction completed in 1989. The premises inside the building are divided into three types: office, retail and household needs. There is an observation deck on the top floor. Given the height of the building at 86 meters, it offers a beautiful view of Gothenburg. Nearby, the barque Viking, a four-masted ship converted into a hotel, is anchored.

Lilla Bommen

Fortress Skansen Kronan

Built in the 17th century on a hill in a southwesterly direction from the center of Gothenburg. On the walls, the thickness of which reaches 5 meters, at that time there were 23 guns. They never fired, as there were no attacks on the fortress. Having lost its defensive significance, it was empty for some time. Later, until 2004, it was used by the military museum. Now it can be rented for events.

Fortress Skansen Kronan

Elfsborg Fortress

Erected at the beginning of the XIV century to protect trade routes. Location - an island on the river Geta. It was regularly shelled, participated in all wars in the region, was restored and again performed its functions. In 1612, after a long siege, the defenders of the fort surrendered to the enemy. From the fortress in modern times there were fortified walls - one of the most reliable in Europe. But the buildings inside the perimeter were not preserved.

Elfsborg Fortress

Gunnebo Palace

Located in the suburbs of Gothenburg. The manor belongs to the end of the 18th century. The architectural style is neoclassical. The construction was ordered by the merchant John Hall, who made the palace his summer residence. There is a landscaped park around. Currently, you can get inside with a tour, a walk in the park is available to everyone. In addition to the exposition, the building has a restaurant and a souvenir shop. In summer, a theater troupe gives performances in the garden.

Gunnebo Palace

Elvsborg bridge

Connects the banks of the river Geta-Elv. The suspended structure was built in the 60s of the last century. The length is 933 meters, the height above the water is 45 meters. The central part is painted green. This was done in honor of the World Championships in Athletics, which took place in the city in 1995. The bridge could be called "West Bridge" in the English manner for ease of pronunciation, but the Swedish version was left at the request of the public.

Elvsborg bridge

Southern Archipelago of Gothenburg

Among the group of islands, the most famous is Vrango. A small village located on it has a developed infrastructure. There is everything you need for a tourist holiday, including a hotel and a cafe. Travelers must make walks along the northern beaches and rocky shores to appreciate the beauties of Swedish nature. The island of Stirso is also inhabited and can be reached by ferry.

Southern Archipelago of Gothenburg

Vinga Island and Lighthouse

It takes about an hour and a half to get here from the city. There are many vacationers on the island during the summer season. You can go here on your own, or hire a guide. The first lighthouse here was built in 1890. The work of the current - the third in a row - was automated in 1974. From its top there is a panoramic view. Although the practical meaning of the structure is lost, it is not taken out of action at the request of the public.

Vinga Island and Lighthouse