Top 25 attractions of Gelendzhik, Russia

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Gelendzhik is considered one of the best resorts on the Black Sea coast. Firstly, it is very well located on the shores of a picturesque bay with a unique microclimate, comparable in its characteristics to the Mediterranean. Secondly, a large number of fairly good beaches makes the city attractive for beach lovers. Therefore, such an honorary title went to him not by chance.

The mountain slopes surrounding Gelendzhik are covered with dense vegetation, vineyards are scattered here and there, and numerous resort villages are located in the vicinity. Adherents of active tourism also have a place to turn around, as local hiking trails are considered one of the most picturesque within a radius of 100 km.

What to see and where to go in Gelendzhik?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Gelendzhik bay

A bay in the north-east of the Black Sea, which has been used for trade and strategic purposes since ancient times. Due to the shape of the bay and natural conditions, there is a rare type of climate for Russia inside it - dry subtropical. In 1900, the first sanatorium was opened here and since then the development of tourism has been on the rise. Natural and artificial beaches occupy two thirds of the bay.

Gelendzhik bay

Embankment of Gelendzhik

It is believed that all city roads will certainly lead the tourist to the city embankment. It stretches along the Gelendzhik Bay from Cape Tolstoy to Tonkiy and has a horseshoe shape. Some sources indicate that this promenade is the longest in the world, it stretches for as much as 14 km. But, nevertheless, the main infrastructure and attractions are located on a site not exceeding 3 km.

Embankment of Gelendzhik

Beaches of Gelendzhik

City beaches are located along the entire Gelendzhik Bay. By category, they are divided into wild, at boarding houses and recreation centers, urban - only a few dozen places where you can swim and sunbathe. In terms of composition - pebble, rocky (practically without a convenient entrance to the water) and sand and pebble. The city is often referred to as one big beach, as their total number approaches 150.

Beaches of Gelendzhik

Safari Park

Amusement park and open-air zoo. It contains animals that once suffered from human cruelty and ended up in this place for rehabilitation. The very first inhabitants were animals selected from street photographers. Today, lions, bears, monkeys, wild boars, tigers, leopards, puma, and wild birds live in the park. Visitors can visit the local maritime museum, arboretum and terrarium.

Safari Park

Olimp Park

A year-round tourist complex at the foot of the Markoth Range with attractions, hiking trails, restaurants, exhibitions, entertainment venues and its own mini-zoo. In the season, in the evenings, concerts are held at Olympus, guests are entertained by animators. The park has several viewing areas from where you can admire the picturesque panorama of the surroundings of the Gelendzhik Bay.

Olimp Park

Cableways to Safari Park and Olympus Park

In the safari park and the park "Olympus" tourists are taken by cable cars. They are attractions in their own right. Tickets for the trip are usually sold along with entrance tickets to the entertainment areas. During the trip, tourists admire the bewitching mountain views (the views from the cable car to the Safari Park are more picturesque). During the season, transport systems operate until late at night.

Cableways to Safari Park and Olympus Park

Cultural Center "Old Park" (Kabardinka)

A place where nature, architecture, history and culture intertwine in an unusual way. Getting here, you plunge into a special atmosphere of love and respect for everything that is located on the territory of the cultural center. The buildings here give way to perennial ash trees that have been growing in this place since time immemorial.

Cultural Center Old Park (Kabardinka)

Lermontovsky boulevard

The alley is one of the most beautiful parts of the embankment. It stretched from Sadovaya Street to the White House Hotel. The boulevard is lavishly decorated with flower beds, fountains and sculptures. There are a large number of verandas and restaurants. At the beginning of the street there is a monument to M. Yu. Lermontov in 1956. The poet is depicted in full growth in a military uniform. In 1998 the monument was restored.

Lermontovsky boulevard

Water parks of Gelendzhik

There are four water parks in the city and its environs: Dolphin, Begemot and Zolotaya Bukhta, the largest water entertainment complex in Russia, plus a small Coconut Paradise in Arkhipo-Osipovka. If there are always a lot of people in the Golden Bay, then in the more modest Behemoth there is a chance not to stand in a long line for the slide, thereby spending more time on entertainment.

Water parks of Gelendzhik

Gelendzhik Dolphinarium

The Dolphinarium is an obligatory item of the program for tourists coming to Gelendzhik. A variety of shows featuring bottlenose dolphins, fur seals, beluga whales and walruses attract hundreds of visitors. It happens that dolphins are also involved in performances, which leads children to indescribable delight. During the season, several performances a day are held here, always gathering a full house.

Gelendzhik Dolphinarium

Oceanarium "Ocean Park"

The oceanarium is located in the center of the resort area near the embankment. Aquariums with river and marine life are located on an area of ​​400 m². The territory is divided into three halls: freshwater and ocean fish, coral reef fauna, marine predators. Here you can see sharks, piranhas, starfish, octopuses, lobsters, rays and many other inhabitants of the abyss. You can even book a tour if you wish.

Oceanarium Ocean Park

Gallery "White Horse"

Art gallery dedicated to contemporary art. The peculiarity of her collection is that all the paintings are made of garbage. These works were made by children from dozens of cities in Russia and Ukraine as part of the 2014 environmental festival. On the basis of the museum, master classes are held for participants of all ages on the manufacture of art objects from materials intended for recycling.

Gallery White Horse

Museum of History and Local Lore

The museum has a history of more than 100 years and is the main exhibition hall of the city. The complex consists of three branches: the main branch, the street exhibition and the Korolenko Family Estate. The exposition reflects the history of the indigenous peoples of the Western Caucasus since ancient times, tells about the events of the Caucasian wars and the Second World War. You can also see ethnographic and natural science collections here.

Museum of History and Local Lore

House-Museum of V. G. Korolenko

The museum is located about 20 km from Gelendzhik on the Dzhanhot farm. The manor is an architectural monument of the early 20th century. Inside there is a collection dedicated to the life and work of the writer and publicist V. G. Korolenko. Vladimir Galaktionovich lived in this house during his visits to the Black Sea coast. Here he created many of his works. The museum opened in 1964.

House-Museum of V. G. Korolenko

Holy Ascension Cathedral

The first temple appeared in Gelendzhik in the 1840s, it was built of wood and burned down a few years later. It was restored in 1864, but the stone building appeared only in 1909. The cathedral managed to avoid destruction, although it was repeatedly closed and misused. In the 1990s, the building was returned to believers, after which its restoration began. Today the Holy Ascension Cathedral is the cathedral church of Gelendzhik.

Holy Ascension Cathedral

Sculpture "White Bride"

An elegant monument stands on the embankment of Gelendzhik and is a true decoration of the city space. It was installed in 2010 in honor of the opening of the next swimming season. It is believed that "Gelendzhik" is translated from the Turkic language as "White Bride", so this image was chosen for the future symbol of the city. Today the monument is one of the most recognizable sights of the resort.

Sculpture White Bride

"Assol and Scarlet Sails"

A composition on the theme of a story known to everyone from the work of Alexander Grin appeared on the embankment in 2010-2011. It is a small boat with scarlet sails in the middle of a flower bed and a bronze figure of Assol. The attraction immediately became popular with residents and guests who are happy to take pictures here.

Assol and Scarlet Sails

Fountain "Loving Hearts"

A sculptural composition from 2007 depicting the plot of an ancient legend about lovers, somewhat reminiscent of the theme from Scarlet Sails. The fountain consists of figures of a girl and a young man embracing, standing on a round stone-pedestal in the middle of a small water tank. It is believed that if you throw a coin into the water, you can get married successfully, so the attraction is very popular with young women.

Fountain Loving Hearts

Spring "Natasha"

The source is located in the vicinity of Gelendzhik on the Mikhailovsky Pass. A jet of water pours out of a jug, which is supported by a girl, and then flows into a stone reservoir. The whole composition is framed by a wide arch, which harmoniously complements the appearance of the sculptural group. Many legends are associated with the spring, some of which were invented by the tourists themselves after visiting this place.

Spring Natasha

Gateway lighthouse of Gelendzhik

One of the oldest lighthouses on the Black Sea coast. It was built at the end of the 19th century and survived during the Great Patriotic War. Today the building is considered an architectural monument. It is noteworthy that the structure is still working properly, although it is already over 100 years old. For all the time of its existence, not a single detail has been replaced, except for a kerosene lamp. The height of the building is 13 meters.

Gateway lighthouse of Gelendzhik

Dolmens of Gelendzhik

Dolmens are ancient ritual structures, the purpose of which is not fully disclosed. Perhaps these were burials or religious buildings. Gelendzhik dolmens are about 5 thousand years old, which makes them older than some of the Egyptian pyramids. Many tourists come to Gelendzhik precisely for the sake of these formations, in order to touch the ancient secrets and visit the "places of power". In total, there are approximately 150 dolmens in the Caucasus.

Dolmens of Gelendzhik

Waterfalls on the Zhane River

Water streams are located in the valley near the village of Vozrozhdenie. This place is considered one of the most picturesque routes on the Black Sea coast. Two groups of cascades are located at some distance from each other, they are separated by 3.5 km. Tourists and locals swim in the crystal clear water, have picnics in the clearings and simply enjoy the beauty of virgin nature.

Waterfalls on the Zhane River

"Blue Abyss"

Autocamping is located in a pine grove, a 15-minute walk from the beach between Divnomorskoye and Dzhankhot. This is a quiet and peaceful place on a high bank for wild outdoor recreation. During the season, the Blue Abyss is visited by a huge number of tourists, so staying here can hardly be called secluded. Camping is paid, there are showers, toilets, washbasins. The nearest settlement is several tens of kilometers away.

Blue Abyss

Dzhankhotsky forest of Pitsunda pine

Pitsunda pine is a relic tree listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. This plant is a typical representative of the Mediterranean flora, but, unfortunately, it is gradually disappearing. On the Black Sea coast near Dzhanhot there is a fairly large grove with an area of ​​950 hectares, where this species grows. The forest has not only aesthetic, but also soil-protective and scientific significance.

Dzhankhotsky forest of Pitsunda pine

Rock Sail

A natural monument on the Black Sea coast, which is located 17 km from Gelendzhik. It is a flat sandstone rock 25 meters high and 20 meters long. The outlines of the formation resemble a sail, for which the rock got its name. At a height of about 2.5 meters there is a small hole, the origin of which is not entirely clear. Some sources indicate that it was broken during the Caucasian War.

Rock Sail