Top 20 attractions of Blagoveshchensk, Russia

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Blagoveshchensk is still very young by the standards of many Russian cities. Founded by the Cossacks, it began to grow and develop quite quickly. At a certain point in history, the administrative center of the Amur Region even overtook Khabarovsk. In many ways, this was facilitated by trade routes and close proximity to China. The Celestial City of Heihe is located on the other side and is visible from the embankment in great detail.

The visit of Tsarevich Nicholas to Blagoveshchensk in 1891 left a tangible cultural mark. Among other things, a majestic triumphal arch appeared and a museum collection of local lore began to form. All important events of the past and present, the residents are trying to perpetuate. For this reason, there are so many monuments on the streets and squares.

What to see and where to go in Blagoveshchensk?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Embankment of the Amur River

Blagoveshchensk is the only administrative center of the region located on the state border. Standing on the embankment of the city, you can see with the naked eye Heihe, a Chinese city built on the opposite bank. Because of this feature, special rules for visiting neighbors are applied to residents of Blagoveshchensk. The embankment stretches for several kilometers. It is wide and clean, has fences along the entire length.

Embankment of the Amur River

Triumphal Arch

Even before the coronation, Nicholas II toured the country. In honor of his visit, a 20-meter arch was built in Blagoveshchensk. The building met the Tsarevich right on the banks of the Amur in 1891. In the 1930s, a flood completely destroyed the arch. It was decided to restore it only in the zero. Although they relied only on surviving photos, they even guessed the place exactly: when installing a new structure, they discovered the foundation of the old one.

Triumphal Arch

Shopping arcade "Mauritania"

They have been found on Khmelnitsky Street since 1907. The name was obtained largely due to the unusual appearance of a one-story building. The Gothic style was used in the design of the facades. Counters were set up inside to sell products, mainly flour, meat, and bread. Now the building houses the Institute of Geology and Nature Management of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2005, Mauritania was recognized as a cultural monument of federal significance.

Shopping arcade Mauritania

Square of victory

One of the main ones in the city. Here is a monument to those who died during the Great Patriotic War. It was opened in 1967. Thanks to the memorial, in 1975 the square received the name of Victory. In 2011, some objects were added, for example, guns. The area, arch and architecture around complement each other. In tourist excursions, guides often talk about these sights as a whole.

Square of victory

Lenin Square

Another important square for Blagoveshchensk. Before the revolution, a boulevard with many green spaces passed through this territory. However, later a timber processing enterprise was opened here. It existed until 1966. And already in 1967, a square was laid out, named after the leader of the world proletariat. Now all kinds of events are held here, and an ice rink is flooded for the winter.

Lenin Square

Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore

The arrival of the future Emperor Nicholas II in the city in 1891 was accompanied by an exhibition of gold miners. This event became the basis for the museum's collection. Under the exposition, they took the building, which in the past was a department store. Now the funds have 155 thousand units of storage. Among the many cultural and educational programs, one of the most popular is Day Off at the Museum. It is designed for the whole family.

Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore

Amur Drama Theater

In 1883, on a rented stage, the artists of the newly born theater performed a play based on Gogol's The Inspector General. Since the audience liked the performance and there was a demand for new productions, it was decided to build a building for the theater. In 1886, the troupe found a permanent home, where it is still based. The artists successfully toured Russia and some other countries, including China.

Amur Drama Theater

Amur Regional Puppet Theater

For many years since its creation in 1964, the theater did not have its own home. The actors, along with the props, "wandered" around the children's institutions, where they played performances of different genres. For some time the theater occupied the small philharmonic hall. In the early 90s, the troupe received the entire building. The team tours, including outside the region. They participate in popular promotions to attract the public. One of them is Night at the Theater.

Amur Regional Puppet Theater

Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Construction dragged on for several years and was completed by 2002. Previously, this place was the oldest church in the city. The cathedral has 7 gilded domes. The bell tower, whose height is more than 32 meters, is also crowned with a dome. About 540 parishioners can pray in the temple at the same time. The main value is the Albazin Icon of the Mother of God. According to legend, she appeared on the Amur in the middle of the 17th century.

Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Gavriil-Arkhangelsk Monastery

It was built at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries in the Neo-Gothic architectural style. Such an unusual view for an Orthodox building is explained by its history. The building originally belonged to the Roman Catholic Church. After the formation of the monastery, it was not easy: there was little territory for construction nearby, and the brethren were content with small premises. During divine services, everyone is allowed to enter the temple at the monastery.

Gavriil-Arkhangelsk Monastery

Monument to Muravyov-Amursky

The founder of the city was honored with a monument in 1993. It was installed on the waterfront. The author of the project was N. Karnabeda. The monument was cast in bronze at a factory in Belogorsk. In 2011, the territory was reconstructed, and the monument was removed from the pedestal. He was returned to his place, although during the work they injured the general's leg. Three years later, the monument was moved several tens of meters so that it fits better into the general plan.

Monument to Muravyov-Amursky

Monument to the border guard with a dog

Installed on the Amur embankment in 2007. A three-meter sculpture was cast according to an individual sketch. The customer was a local building association. On the border guard uniform of the beginning of the last century. He keeps the defense, leaning on a rifle. Next to him is a faithful dog. The border guard looks towards China. His stern look says that no one will pass by without the appropriate permission.

Monument to the border guard with a dog

Monument to a dog named Druzhok

The monument is dedicated to a real dog, which became popular in the country after a big flood. In 2013, part of the district was flooded. The owners of Druzhka, together with their neighbors, were evacuated. They also took the animals, but the dog returned to his home. He stood up to his neck in water and refused to leave his post. The photo taken has gone viral. In honor of such an unusual fidelity, a bronze Druzhok was installed on the embankment.

Monument to a dog named Druzhok

Monument to the Cossacks-First Settlers

The sculptural group is installed at the burial place of the Cossacks. They founded the Ust-Zeya post here in 1856, but they never got used to the new climate. The monument was opened in 2014. The Cossacks are depicted in different poses, but each one is at work. They seem to carry eternal watch, guarding the distant borders of the state. Newlyweds come to the monument to tie a ribbon on neighboring trees and take a few photos.

Monument to the Cossacks-First Settlers

Monument to Zinaida Sinitsyna

For 20 years, Zinaida Sinitsyna stood in the same place near the city park selling ice cream. She worked almost seven days a week and was always smiling and welcoming. The locals called her the Snow Maiden. A quarter of a century after her death, in 2013, a monument was created. It perpetuates the memory of a good man. In addition, the sculpture is a symbol of constancy, diligence, kindness.

Monument to Zinaida Sinitsyna

Monument to the Shuttle

The site for the installation of the bronze figure was not chosen by chance. In 2008, the monument took its current place near the building where the Amur fair was held. The appearance of the "shuttle" is a collective image of the merchants of the 90s: thinness, glasses, huge trunks with all sorts of things. Then the lack of work and the slightly opened borders forced some intellectuals to change their field of activity and go into trade.

Monument to the Shuttle

Friendship Park

It was created in the 90s and was supposed to emphasize the good relations between Russia and its eastern neighbor - China. The Chinese-style pavilion is the decoration of the area. Asian features are also visible in the elements of decorating the territory. Amusements were built for children, and for adults - small recreation areas where you can wait out the midday heat. The project includes the transformation of the park into the "City of Masters".

Friendship Park

Park Pervomaisky

Mentioned since 1901. At one time it was a garden for cyclists, and then for watermen. The territory of 7.6 hectares is divided into 6 zones, and each has something interesting. Playgrounds - recreation for the smallest, attractions - for older vacationers. Responsible for leisure are cultural and entertainment programs. Most of them fall on the warm season, on weekends and holidays.

Park Pervomaisky

City Park of Culture and Leisure

Founded in 1889 as a garden. Later received the status of a park. Amusements appeared, new alleys, places to go gray in the shade. The appearance has since changed several times, but the functions have remained the same. Most holidays and city events take place here. On weekends there are programs for the whole family. In the warm season, there are ice cream and fast food vendors, cafes work without interruptions.

City Park of Culture and Leisure

Lotus lake in Ivanovka

The teachers of the local school conceived a project to grow lotuses. For this, an artificial stagnant reservoir was created. The scientific experiment, five years after the start, has become the main attraction of the district. Flowering in Ivanovka begins every year at a different time. It all depends on weather conditions, but tentatively the buds bloom in the second half of summer and delight tourists until the first frost.

Lotus lake in Ivanovka