Top 30 - attractions of Vladimir, Russia

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Vladimir is the ancient capital of Rus', once a powerful settlement, and now one of the most visited cities of the Golden Ring. Before the rise of Moscow, it was the spiritual and cultural center of the Vladimir-Suzdal land. Those glorious times are reminiscent of the majestic cathedrals of the 12th century, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and monasteries that have been chronicling for more than a hundred years.

The historical center of the city, located on a hill above the Klyazma, seems to still remember the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest and the genius of the great icon painter Andrei Rublev, who painted the walls of the Assumption Cathedral.

No less interesting are later monuments of architecture: classic city estates of the 19th century and original buildings of the early 20th century. After a walk around Vladimir, you should definitely go to museums to get to know the ancient and rich history of this city better.

What to see and where to go in Vladimir?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Cathedral Square

The historical center of the city, located on a hill near the Klyazma, where the ancient Assumption and Dmitrievsky churches, the building of the City Duma and the former provincial "Chambers" stand. In the middle stands a monument to the 850th anniversary of Vladimir, erected in 1958. The sculptural group is a white pyramid with figures of a Russian warrior, an artisan and a modern worker arranged in a circle, symbolizing the unity of the past and the future. Another well-known monument is the monument to the legendary icon painter Andrei Rublev, erected in 1995 on the occasion of Vladimir's millennium. The sculptor depicted a master deeply immersed in work.

Cathedral Square

Assumption Cathedral

A grandiose and rather rare monument of pre-Mongolian white-stone architecture (XII century). Long before the rise of Moscow, it was the main temple of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. Here the great princes were crowned. The cathedral is unique in that authentic frescoes by Andrey Rublev have been preserved inside. Since 1992, the Assumption Cathedral has been recognized by UNESCO as part of the world cultural heritage.

Assumption Cathedral

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (Bogolyubovo)

The temple is about 10 km. from Vladimir, near the village of Bogolyubovo. The church was erected in 1165 (according to another version - in 1158) in memory of the deceased heir, Prince Izyaslav Andreevich. The building is located in a depression on a man-made hill, near which the Nerl River used to flow into the Klyazma. The construction belongs to the temples of the cross-domed type with one main dome and three apses.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (Bogolyubovo)

Demetrius Cathedral

The building was built at the end of the 12th century by the will of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest. In 1237, it was plundered by the Mongol-Tatars, in the following centuries it burned several times, so many of the original architectural and interior details were lost. During the not entirely successful restoration of the 19th century, the unfortunate craftsmen completed the job by destroying the ancient frescoes and installing a new iconostasis. In the XX century, it was possible to partially restore the historical appearance of the temple.

Demetrius Cathedral

Golden Gate

One of the five passages to the city built under Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. At that time, the Golden Gate opened the entrance to the richest part of Vladimir. Once their wooden doors were covered with gilded copper plates, hence the name. At the top of the structure is a small chapel of the Deposition of the Robe of Our Lady. In the XII century, the gate was part of the complex of city defensive structures.

Golden Gate

Park named after A.S. Pushkin

The square is located next to Cathedral Square. It is one of the favorite places for walking, as it is surrounded by historical sights. The park appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, in 1899 it was named after A. S. Pushkin in honor of the great poet's anniversary. There are also several monuments on the territory, but what is remarkable is that the statue of Alexander Sergeevich himself is not here.

Park named after A.S. Pushkin

Monument to Prince Vladimir and St. Fedor

The monument is located in the park. A. S. Pushkin in the middle of a panoramic observation deck, from where a magnificent view of the Klyazma and the old districts of the city built up with wooden houses opens up. The monument was erected in 2007, its opening was timed to coincide with the 850th anniversary of the transfer of the capital of Rus' from Kyiv to Vladimir. The sculptural group was sculpted by the Moscow master S. M. Isakov. It consists of the figures of Prince Vladimir on a horse, dressed in full armor, and standing behind St. Theodore.

Monument to Prince Vladimir and St. Fedor

Lipki Park

The oldest square in the city. It is combined with the park. A.S. Pushkin and forms a common recreational space with the latter (they were connected in 1925). The first plantings appeared here in 1901 as part of the landscaping program for Vladimir, launched under Nicholas I. In the center there is a fountain, from where cobbled walking alleys radiate, and a children's playground.

Lipki Park

Patriarchal garden

Another green area in the center of Vladimir, perfect for walking and admiring the sights. Hills surround the garden from all sides, creating a unique microclimate on its territory. On a relatively small area of ​​3 hectares, a large number of plants grow. The history of the place began in the 16th century, when a cherry alley was planted here especially for the patriarch.

Patriarchal garden

Water tower

A monument of industrial architecture of the early 20th century, built of red brick according to the design of engineer S. M. Zharov. Since the 1950s, the tower has ceased to be used for its intended purpose after the modernization of the city's water supply system. Since 1975, the building has housed the Old Vladimir Museum, dedicated to the life of a provincial town in the 19th-20th centuries. On the top floor there is an observation deck.

Water tower

Trinity Church

The former Old Believer church, built in the neo-Russian style in 1913-16. The building has not been used for its intended purpose since 1928 after closing, since 1975 it has housed the permanent exhibition “Crystal. Lacquer miniature. Embroidery”, related to the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. The exhibition includes works of art created by masters from Moscow and the Vladimir region.

Trinity Church

Church of the Holy Rosary

The Catholic Cathedral, built at the end of the 19th century according to the project of architects I.O. Karabutov and A.P. Afanasiev in pseudo-Gothic style. The building was built of red brick and decorated with lancet arches, stained-glass windows and graceful turrets. The roof is crowned with a pointed spire. In 1934, the temple was closed, for some time an exhibition hall worked in the premises, in 1992 it was returned to the Catholic community.

Church of the Holy Rosary

Nikitskaya church

Temple of the 18th century, built at the expense of the merchant Semyon Lazarev. For Vladimir, it is considered a rather atypical religious building, as it was made in accordance with the canons of the "provincial" baroque and its forms are more like a noble mansion. It is believed that before the appearance of a stone building, a wooden church of Cosmas and Demian stood on this site, and even earlier - a monastery.

Nikitskaya church

Nikolo-Kremlin Church

Temple in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker, located in the central part of Vladimir. Several centuries ago, in its place were the buildings of the city Kremlin, hence the modern name of the church. It is believed that the first building was erected in 1626, but a century later it was destroyed by fire. The temple of the sample of 1769, completed in 1850, has survived to this day. The building is made in the Baroque style. Since 1962, the city planetarium has been located on its territory, where lectures are held and "star performances" are shown.

Nikolo-Kremlin Church

Dormition Knyaginin Monastery

Women's monastery of the 13th century, formed under Vsevolod the Big Nest at the behest of his wife, Princess Maria. For such a long history, the monastery has suffered many hardships: it burned several times, was devastated, and was liquidated in the 20th century. The revival of monastic life took place in 1993. At the moment, several dozen sisters live in the monastery.

Dormition Knyaginin Monastery

Mother of God-Nativity Monastery

Prior to the foundation of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Mother of God-Nativity monastery was the center of the monastic and spiritual life of North-Eastern Rus'. The first mention of it dates back to the 12th century and is associated with Vsevolod the Big Nest - it is believed that it was he who laid the foundation for the monastery. Before moving to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the remains of Prince Alexander Nevsky were buried here.

Mother of God-Nativity Monastery

Bogolyubsky Monastery (Bogolyubovo)

Convent in Bogolyubovo, occupying the territory of the castle of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky - a unique monument of civil engineering, preserved from the time of ancient Rus'. Presumably, the monastery was organized here in the XIII century, before that the princely court was located in the complex. The architectural ensemble includes several cathedrals built at different times, and the remains of civil structures.

Bogolyubsky Monastery (Bogolyubovo)

Historical Museum

The museum exposition is housed in a pseudo-Russian style building, which was erected at the beginning of the 20th century. At the moment it is classified as a cultural heritage site. The collection, which occupies two floors, does not contain many exhibits, but it is quite interesting, as it represents the history of the Vladimir region from the Stone Age to 1917. Many interesting original items from different eras are exhibited here.

Historical Museum

"Gingerbread Museum"

There are gingerbread museums in many Russian cities. So Vladimir decided not to stand out and presented the guests with his own exposition dedicated to this old Russian delicacy. The sweet collection consists of products prepared according to traditional recipes - there are printed, stucco and carved gingerbread. Master classes are held for visitors, as well as tea parties with tasting.

Gingerbread Museum

Spoon Museum

A young private museum that opened in 2015. As the name suggests, his collection is dedicated to the spoon. Luxurious cutlery made for the imperial household, church tableware, ancient "ancestors" of modern spoons and other interesting exhibits are on display here. Also, visitors will learn about the history of this product, various techniques for its manufacture and hear many entertaining stories from guides.

Spoon Museum

House-Museum of the Stoletov brothers

The museum is located on the territory of a wooden house of the XIX century, located in the center of Vladimir. The exposition is dedicated to the Stoletov family of merchants, where two famous brothers came from: Alexander Grigorievich, a physicist who won world fame, and Nikolai Grigorievich, a general and military leader, a national hero of Bulgaria, who took an active part in the liberation war against Ottoman rule.

House-Museum of the Stoletov brothers

Forge of the Borodins

A family forge-museum where craftsmen work in accordance with ancient technologies. For tourists, excursions and master classes are arranged here. Visitors are always satisfied and delighted at the sight of traditional anvils, red-hot flames, which, like hundreds of years ago, are kindled by hand, and from the bewitching, concentrated work of blacksmiths who make real masterpieces.

Forge of the Borodins

Vladimir Regional Drama Theater

The city acquired its own theater stage in 1848 thanks to the provincial artist I. Lavrov, who suggested that the city authorities organize a "booth" and invite an acting troupe to perform. The modern building was erected in the 1970s, and the stage is located here to this day. The Vladimir Theater is famous, first of all, for the fact that since 2012 the festival "At the Golden Gate" has been held here.

Vladimir Regional Drama Theater

Office building

The complex of buildings is an architectural monument of the 18th century. The ensemble was built according to the project of K. I. Blank in the classical style. In the 1830s, bureaucratic offices were located here, on the second floor there were judicial bodies and the treasury. In Soviet times, they did not change traditions and placed administrative institutions on the territory. Back in the 19th century, the nickname "Chambers" firmly stuck to the building.

Office building

Vladimir Central

A prison founded by decree of Catherine II in the 18th century. It began to be called "Central" in 1906. In imperial Russia, the dungeon regularly performed its functions of keeping especially dangerous criminals. Under Soviet rule, practically nothing has changed, and the institution continued its work. The prison is known to almost every Russian thanks to the popular song by M. Krug "Vladimirsky Central". Since 1996, a museum has been operating on the territory.

Vladimir Central

Complex "Trading Rows"

A shopping center located in the Gostiny Dvor building. A hundred years ago, there were merchant shops with a variety of goods, and there was a brisk trade. Today, practically nothing has changed: in numerous stores, sellers still offer goods to customers. The Gostiny Dvor complex was built at the end of the 18th century in several stages; in the 20th century it was reconstructed, while seriously damaging its historical appearance.

Complex Trading Rows

City Council building

The structure was built at the beginning of the 20th century according to the project of Ya.G. Revyakin. In addition to administrative bodies, it also housed shopping arcades occupied by tenant merchants. After the Revolution of 1917, the city council was located in the building, in the period 1948-85 - the House of Pioneers. After the reconstruction in 2008, a restaurant, a concert hall, a hotel and premises for receiving delegations appeared here.

City Council building

old pharmacy

Pharmacy of 1805, located not far from St. George's Church in the pedestrian zone of the historical center of Vladimir. Surprisingly, this institution worked properly until 2010 without changing its profile. The building itself is a small rectangular building with an entrance in the shape of a semicircle. The first floor, where the trading floor was located, is made of stone, the second floor with living quarters is made of wood.

Old pharmacy

Ferris wheel "Sky 33"

A modern attraction, which is one of the 10 largest wheels in Russia. Sky 33 is 50 meters high and takes 15 minutes to make a full turn. During this time, visitors will be able to fully enjoy the panorama of Vladimir. From the highest point you can see up to 70% of the city area. The wheel is equipped with 32 closed cabins designed for six people. The attraction is open to visitors all year round.

Ferris wheel Sky 33

Observation decks on Georgievskaya

Georgievskaya Street is a pedestrian alley in the center of Vladimir, along which many city attractions are located. Locals call it "Vladimir's Arbat". For the first time in documents this place is mentioned in the 17th century. Especially for tourists, two viewing platforms are equipped on the street, from where you can see the banks of the Klyazma and the magnificent Assumption Cathedral.

Observation decks on Georgievskaya