Top 25 Attractions in Krasnodar

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Many tourists consider Krasnodar as a transit point on the way to the sea, undeservedly ignoring the city's sights. And it’s completely in vain - the capital of the Kuban boasts a considerable number of rather curious places. There are picturesque streets and squares that are pleasant to walk along, several parks with many attractions, theaters, majestic cathedrals and interesting monuments.

To diversify their leisure time, travelers go to the Avrora cinema - not an ordinary cinema hall, but a full-fledged architectural monument, a modern oceanarium, where a whole underwater kingdom lives, or a football stadium - so well equipped that it is worthy of hosting world-class games.

What to see and where to go in Krasnodar?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Red Street

The central street of the city, where cinemas, restaurants, museums and shops are located, are the main sights of Krasnodar. On weekends, during holidays and public events, part of the alley is blocked, and it becomes a pedestrian one. Musicians and artists perform on Red Street, souvenirs and gifts are sold here. Acquaintance with Krasnodar begins from here.

Red Street

Address: Red Street, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 22:00

Park "Sunny Island"

The park is located far from noisy city routes, which makes it an island of calm and serenity, which is probably why it got such a sonorous name. There are attractions for every taste, there are sports grounds and recreation areas, there is even a zoo. "Sunny Island" is one of the venues for public holidays, during which performances and concerts are held on the territory.

Park Sunny Island

Address: Park Sunny Island, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Safari Park

Private zoo within the "Sunny Island", opened in 2006. His first guest was an exotic macaw parrot, later other birds, amphibians and small predators joined him. Gradually, the small collection grew until it accumulated more than 250 species of animals: hyenas, monkeys, kangaroos, lemurs, camels, hippos and other fauna from all over the world.

Safari Park

Address: Safari Park, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 19:00

city ​​garden

The City Garden is a man-made landscape park with slender hazel and linden alleys interspersed with picturesque flower beds, walking paths and fountains. Several species listed in the Red Book grow on its territory. The real pride of the square is four 600-year-old oaks, miraculously preserved to this day. The place is perfect for relaxation and entertainment (many attractions will definitely not let visitors get bored).

City ​​garden

Address: City ​​garden, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Chistyakovskaya grove

The oldest park in the capital of the Kuban, founded in 1900. In 2008, he experienced a rebirth after years of neglect since the days of the Soviet Union. Attention visitors are offered attractions "Bungee" and "Rope Town", as well as more standard children's carousel horses and swings. In the park there is a well-known book market throughout the city, where, in addition to books, they sell old records, stamps and coins.

Chistyakovskaya grove

Address: Chistyakovskaya grove, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Botanical Garden named after I. S. Kosenko

The botanical garden is located on the territory of the local agricultural university. The first plantings appeared in the middle of the 20th century thanks to the initiative and activity of Professor I.S. Kosenko. The reasons for organizing the arboretum were quite practical: teaching students, creating new types of plants for use in the economy and for decorative purposes. For the botanical garden, samples were imported from all over the Caucasus, the Union and other countries.

Botanical Garden named after I. S. Kosenko

Address: Botanical Garden named after I. S. Kosenko, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Monument to Shurik and Lidochka

Shurik and Lida are famous characters in the legendary comedy by L. I. Gaidai in 1965. The figures of young people were installed at the Kuban Technical University in 2012. The idea to create such a monument was put forward by the governor of the region. The monument resembles a frozen scene from a movie when students walk down the street, carried away by preparing for an exam. What happened next - everyone remembers very well from the film.

Monument to Shurik and Lidochka

Address: Monument to Shurik and Lidochka, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Monument "Dog's Capital"

The creation of the sculptor V. P. Pchelin, which is a pair of dogs in love who met on their first date. The figures of animals are executed in a comic manner - holding hands, they slowly walk around Krasnodar, admiring the beauty of the city. Residents and guests of the Kuban capital believe that if you rub their paws, then any trip will be successful, and if you hold your noses, your cherished desire will come true.

Monument Dog

Address: Monument Dog, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

"The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan"

A sculptural group created based on the painting of the same name by I. E. Repin, depicting a group of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who compose an insulting response to the Turkish Sultan's offer of surrender. The monument was erected in honor of the 120th anniversary of the artist's visit to Krasnodar. This event took place in 1888 - I. E. Repin arrived in Yekaterinodar specifically to search for types for his future canvas.

The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan

Address: The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 19:00

Monument to Catherine II

The first monument in honor of the Empress, who once presented this blessed land to the Cossacks, was erected in 1907. But for obvious reasons, it was destroyed by the Bolsheviks, like all the other statues of royal people. The monument was restored in its historical appearance in 2006 and installed in Ekaterininsky Square - a small picturesque park located right in the heart of the city on Krasnaya Street.

Monument to Catherine II

Address: Monument to Catherine II, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 24/7

Monument to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

The monument is dedicated to the patron saint of the city - the great martyr Catherine, who was especially revered in the Kuban and believed that she gives blessings for good deeds. An eight-meter bronze sculpture was installed in 2009 on a pedestal in the form of a bell. Behind the statue is the Alexander Triumphal Arch, created in 2008 in pseudo-Russian style - a copy of the gate destroyed in 1928, which was erected for the visit to the city of Alexander III.

Monument to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine

Address: Monument to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00

Catherine's Cathedral

The Cathedral Church of Krasnodar, erected at the beginning of the 20th century. The decision to build it was made in 1889 after the miraculous rescue of Alexander III and the royal family during a train crash. The architect of the project was I.K. Malgerb, who also convinced the authorities not to destroy the building in the 1930s, when churches were being destroyed everywhere. The cathedral was built in elegant Byzantine style.


Address: Catherine, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 08:00 - 18:00

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was less fortunate than the Catherine Cathedral, since in 1932 it was destroyed (blew up) by order of the authorities. The historical building was erected in the second half of the 19th century in a mixed Russian-Byzantine style. Recovery took place only in 2006. Patriarch Alexy II attended the consecration of the temple. The modern building is not a complete copy of the first cathedral, it is made in more concise forms.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Address: Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 08:00 - 20:00

Museum of military equipment "Weapons of Victory"

An open-air exposition on Krasina Street, which is a collection of military vehicles and vehicles of the Great Patriotic War period: the T-34 tank, the ISU-152 artillery mount, the M-261 submarine, as well as more modern BTR-40, BRDM-2 and others samples. Anyone can view the exhibition - admission is free. The technique can be photographed, examined from all sides and even examined from the inside.

Museum of military equipment Weapons of Victory

Address: Museum of military equipment Weapons of Victory, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

F. A. Kovalenko Art Museum

Exhibition gallery of the beginning of the 20th century, the oldest museum of its kind in the North Caucasus. More than 13 thousand exhibits are stored here, including paintings, objects of decorative and applied art, graphics, and sculpture. The iconography of different schools is also widely represented. The gallery is named after F. A. Kovalenko, a collector and founder, thanks to whom this interesting museum appeared in the city.

F. A. Kovalenko Art Museum

Address: F. A. Kovalenko Art Museum, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Museum-Reserve named after E. D. Felitsyn

The museum collection is located on the territory of the picturesque mansion of the Bogarsukov brothers, built in an eclectic style. Unfortunately, the name of the creator of this architectural masterpiece remains unknown. The museum was founded in 1879 by E. D. Felitsyn, a scientist who studied the archeology and ethnography of the Kuban and the entire North Caucasus. To date, the funds store about 500 thousand exhibits.

Museum-Reserve named after E. D. Felitsyn

Address: Museum-Reserve named after E. D. Felitsyn, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00-18:00

Krasnodar Academic Drama Theater

Officially, the stage was founded in 1920, but the theatrical life has been in full swing in the city since the 19th century. Many prominent cultural figures of that time had a hand in its creation. The theater is located in a 1970s building in the style of Soviet constructivism, updated to meet modern requirements. The chamber hall is designed for 150 people, the large one can accommodate about 1000 spectators.

Krasnodar Academic Drama Theater

Address: Krasnodar Academic Drama Theater, Krasnodar, Russia

Phone: +7 (861) 219-26-28

Opening hours: 10:00 - 19:00

Fountain "Theatrical"

Theater Square is considered one of the most beautiful in Krasnodar due to the magnificent complex of fountains that adorned the space in 2011. It consists of a flat bowl with an area of ​​more than 1300 m², from which several hundred jets escape to a height of about 30 meters. This design has no analogues not only in Russia, but even throughout Europe. The fountain has color-musical accompaniment - the computer system creates many fascinating images to melodic music.

Fountain Theatrical

Address: Fountain Theatrical, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00

Philharmonic named after Grigory Ponomarenko

City concert hall, opened in 1939 and named after the composer G. F. Ponomarenko. The stage is located in a historic building of the early 20th century, an architectural monument built in the neoclassical style. Initially, there was the Winter Theater, designed for 1500 seats. Today the Philharmonic is one of the most important cultural centers of the Kuban capital.

Philharmonic named after Grigory Ponomarenko

Address: Philharmonic named after Grigory Ponomarenko, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 20:00

Musical theater "Premiera"

Classical operas, ballet performances, more modern operettas, musicals and comedies are staged on the Krasnodar music scene. The theater was founded in 1933, in the 1960s it received a new building, where it is still located. After several renovations, the building was completely transformed: the auditorium was enlarged, the foyer was expanded, the facade was updated and the surrounding area was landscaped.

Musical theater Premiera

Address: Musical theater Premiera, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00

Cinema Aurora"

The building of the cinema built in the 1960s is today recognized as an architectural monument. It was erected according to the project of E. A. Serdyukov, since then it has been reconstructed several times in order to adapt it to modern realities. In front of the main facade there is a monument of the same name in the style of Soviet constructivism - a figure of a powerful woman in an overcoat with a star in her raised hand.

Cinema Aurora

Address: Cinema Aurora, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 23:00

Krasnodar Oceanarium

One of the largest oceanariums in the south of Russia, opened in 2011. Aquariums are located on an area of ​​3 thousand m², they are home to about 200 representatives of marine fauna: stingrays, piranhas, sharks, turtles, lobsters, exotic fish, mammals - only a few thousand individuals. The price of the entrance ticket includes the services of guides and animators, there are also children's attractions in the aquarium.

Krasnodar Oceanarium

Address: Krasnodar Oceanarium, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 10:00 - 20:00

Shukhov tower

Water tower of the 1930s, designed by engineer V. G. Shukhov as part of the city's water supply system. The design is an openwork cylinder, “woven” from inclined metal rods fastened with rivets. The building reaches a height of 25 meters. The tower has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time and is recognized as an object of cultural heritage.

Shukhov tower

Address: Shukhov tower, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

kissing bridge

A small cable-stayed bridge leading across one of the bays of the Kuban to the park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory. It was erected in order to attract visitors to a little-visited part of a remote part of the park, from where it is more than 600 meters to the main entrance. Over time, the bridge became popular with newlyweds and couples in love, which is why it got its name. Near the attraction is the pier, from where pleasure boats leave.

Kissing bridge

Address: Kissing bridge, Krasnodar, Russia

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

FC Krasnodar Stadium

The arena is home to the soccer team of the same name. It was built in 2013 and rebuilt in 2016. The stadium is designed for 34 thousand spectators. The games of the stages of the Russian Football Championship were held here. According to the UEFA classification, the building is classified as the highest category, that is, theoretically, the stadium has the right to host competitions in the world and European football championships.

FC Krasnodar Stadium

Address: FC Krasnodar Stadium, Krasnodar, Russia

Phone: +7 (861) 203-70-80

Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00

FAQ – Answers to popular questions

When to go to Krasnodar, Russia?

Krasnodar, Russia, is best visited during the following times:

  • Spring (April to June) - Mild weather and blooming nature.
  • Fall (September to October) - Pleasant temperatures and fewer tourists.
  • Summer (July to August) - Warm weather, ideal for outdoor activities, though it can be quite hot.

What are the things to do in Krasnodar, Russia when it rains?

When visiting Krasnodar, Russia on a rainy day, there are plenty of indoor activities to enjoy. Here are some suggestions:

  • Visit the Krasnodar Regional Art Museum to explore local and international art.
  • Take a tour of the Krasnodar Museum of Local History to learn about the region's history.
  • Enjoy some time at shopping malls like Galereya or Oz Mall for shopping and dining.
  • Explore the Krasnodar State Circus for a fun and entertaining performance.
  • Relax in a cozy café and savor local cuisine or warm beverages.

What are the things to do in Krasnodar, Russia with family?

Krasnodar, a vibrant city in Russia, offers a variety of family-friendly activities. Here are some suggestions:

  • Visit the Krasnodar Region Art Museum to explore local art and culture.
  • Enjoy a day at Catherine Park, perfect for picnics and outdoor activities.
  • Take the kids to Safari Park for a fun experience with wildlife.
  • Explore the Krasnodar Botanical Garden for a relaxing stroll through diverse flora.
  • Check out the Sunset Boulevard for shopping and family dining options.

What are the things to do in Krasnodar, Russia in the evening?

Krasnodar, a vibrant city in southern Russia, offers a variety of activities and attractions for visitors in the evening. Here are some popular options:

1. Dining: Explore the local culinary scene by dining at one of the many restaurants and cafes. Krasnodar offers a range of cuisine, from traditional Russian dishes to international flavors.

2. City Parks: Enjoy an evening stroll in one of the city's beautiful parks, such as the Krasnodar City Park or Chistyakovskaya Grove. These parks often have walking paths, fountains, and areas for relaxation.

3. Cultural Events: Check out local theaters or concert halls for performances, including plays, ballet, and live music. The Krasnodar State Academic Drama Theater often hosts various events.

4. Shopping and Entertainment Centers: Visit shopping malls like Gallery Krasnodar, where you can shop, dine, and enjoy entertainment options such as cinemas and arcades.

5. Nightlife: Experience the nightlife by visiting local bars and clubs. Krasnodar has a growing nightlife scene with various places to dance, socialize, and enjoy music.

6. Riverfront Walk: The Kuban River embankment is a lovely area to walk, with promen