Top 20 attractions in Yelets, Russia

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Yelets is considered one of the classical merchant cities of Russia. Its beauties are the buildings of previous eras, carefully preserved or restored. They have undergone a number of changes, but were able to convey to new generations an idea of ​​the orders and traditions of the past. The fire tower still adorns the existing fire station, and the former water tower has turned into local chimes.

There are many Orthodox churches within the city, each with its own history. The names of important people for the city are immortalized in museum houses founded and named after them. The Bunin Museum was the first in the country dedicated to the writer, and the Khrennikov Museum is currently the only one of its kind.

What to see and where to go in Yelets?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Ascension Cathedral

It was built in the second half of the 19th century in the central part of the city. The authorship of the project belongs to the famous architect Konstantin Ton. In 1934, the temple was destroyed by burning icons right in the building. Unlike most religious institutions in the country, the cathedral was returned to its status in 1947. The iconostasis is three-tiered, made of gilded carved wood. Due to its impressive size, the temple is visible from many parts of Yelets.

Ascension Cathedral

City clock tower

It is located at the intersection of Sverdlov and Sovetskaya streets. The tower was erected in 1868, it was used as a water tower. Chimes were installed on it in the 70s of the last century. The clock makes itself felt every 15 minutes. In the immediate vicinity of this attraction are: a monument to the artist Zhukov, the Grand Duke's Church, a city park and the Karakumovsky pedestrian bridge.

City clock tower

Fire Tower

It was built on the initiative of the Valuysky brothers in 1865. The merchants recruited their own fire brigade from the workers of the factory they owned. They themselves participated in extinguishing urban fires. The work of Nikolai and Dmitry was continued by their descendants. Among other things, they replaced the wooden tower with a brick one. It has an observation deck, and a modern fire station operates in the building.

Fire Tower

Mira street

It is a walking area of ​​the city. It is interesting for its development - many buildings here are original and erected in different years. In the past it was a shopping street, although now there are many shops on it. At the same time, signs do not always coincide with the contents of the shops. Visible inclusions of old paving stones. On the buildings you can see forged decorative details, such as lanterns. There are benches and green spaces.

Mira street

Grand Duke's Church

The completion of construction in 1911 was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the Romanovs' reign. The architect Wilfarth was responsible for the project. This name was chosen because the church is dedicated to the princes of Tver and Nevsky. The façade of the building is distinguished by bright colors, numerous details and decorations. The interiors are also richly furnished: carved furniture, ceramic iconostasis, colored stained-glass windows.

Grand Duke

Church of the Transfiguration

It was built in 1771, replacing the old wooden building. After 40 years, the limits were extended, and the refectory was expanded. In 1871, a bell tower appeared at the church. In its current form, the temple, which went through restoration, is single-domed. In the course of the work, some details, such as porticos, were lost, but decorative elements appeared in the design of the facade. The bell tower has been preserved, but its style has become more like baroque.

Church of the Transfiguration

Znamensky Convent

Founded in 1683. Although the monastery lost its status in 1764, the nuns did not leave it. After 5 years, the monastery burned down. The monastery turned into a hermitage, the number of sisters increased. By decree of Alexander I, it was restored. The second closure happened after the revolution. The buildings fell into disrepair, so the revival in the noughties was not easy. Among other things, the Znamensky Cathedral was rebuilt.

Znamensky Convent

Drama theater "Benefis"

Formed in 1993. Then he occupied the building of the People's House. The creator of the team was the director Nazarov. He previously worked in the Alma-Ata theater with the same name. His work was continued by associates and followers. The troupe's repertoire is diverse, some performances are highly appreciated by authoritative publications and theater awards. At the moment, "Benefit" is headed by Radion Bukaev - one of the students of Yevgeny Mironov.

Drama theater Benefis

Yelets City Museum of Local Lore

Although it was founded in 1901, its history consists of constant destruction in the early years of its existence. He suffered both from the revolutionaries and from their opponents. The collection had to be rebuilt many times. Even after World War II. In its current form, it has existed since 1971 without much upheaval. The collections contain typical local history materials about Yelets and its environs.

Yelets City Museum of Local Lore

House Museum of Yelets Lace

Iconic blue building. It is associated by all knowledgeable people with local lace. Currently, the house-museum belongs to a company that produces all kinds of products using lace techniques. Tourists are shown the process of making various things and are told about the history of the craft. Here you can also see ready-made tablecloths, dresses, napkins.

House Museum of Yelets Lace

Museum of Folk Crafts and Trades

Has existed since 2007. The purpose of its creation is to revive interest in local folk crafts. Among the exhibits are samples of beading, blacksmithing, woodcarving, weaving. Clothing, furniture, toys and many practical things are all made using the most amazing techniques. The halls of the museum are spacious, guides give historical information about any of the directions.

Museum of Folk Crafts and Trades

House-Museum of T. N. Khrennikov

The composer himself attended the opening in 2000. This is the only museum in his honor in Russia. Some halls recreate the interiors of a house, others show personal items, and others show both. Music written by Tikhon Nikolaevich constantly sounds in the house. A monument to Khrennikov was erected in the courtyard: a bust on a pedestal, and in the background a piano lid with the years of the musician's life.

House-Museum of T. N. Khrennikov

Literary and Memorial Museum of I. A. Bunin

It has been hosting visitors since 1988. It is the first museum dedicated to Bunin. He lived in this house during his studies at the gymnasium. The building is one-storey, the exposition is divided into seven rooms. Inside, furniture of that era is collected in order to authentically recreate the atmosphere that surrounded the writer. There are personal items, books, memorabilia. During the tour, the guides tell many stories about Yelets and Bunin.

Literary and Memorial Museum of I. A. Bunin

Monument to I. A. Bunin

It is located at the Victory Fountain. Installed in honor of the 125th anniversary of the birth of the writer. Bunin is depicted sitting relaxed on an armchair and looking at the city. The name of the writer is carved on the pedestal. Materials - bronze and granite. The authors of the project are the artist Grishko and the architect Achkasova. This is not the only monument to Bunin in Yelets, but the most beloved, both by locals and tourists.

Monument to I. A. Bunin

House-Museum of N. N. Zhukov

He began to receive visitors in 1992. Moving from room to room, you can learn about the biography and creative path of the artist. During his lifetime, he himself said that he would like to see his museum in Yelets, where he spent his childhood and youth. The collection was replenished with personal belongings of Zhukov, donated by his relatives, as well as original works. The exposition is constantly changing to make it interesting for visitors to come back here.

House-Museum of N. N. Zhukov

Monument to the artist Zhukov

Opened in 2008. The composition includes the artist sitting on the bench, the girl he is painting, and the boy looking with interest at the master's canvas. The monument looks especially beautiful in late spring and summer: there is a lot of greenery around, flower beds are blooming. Although in other seasons the composition is lively and curious. A popular place for photo shoots among locals and visitors.

Monument to the artist Zhukov

Memorial sign in honor of the 850th anniversary of Yelets

Installed on Red Square in 1996. Dedicated to the 850th anniversary of the founding of the city. Architect Shashin was responsible for the creation of the project. The place was not chosen by chance: a ruined cathedral stood here in the past. The composition combines representatives of different eras, one way or another connected with the city. In 2010, the monument was slightly updated, and a dome with a cross was added.

Memorial sign in honor of the 850th anniversary of Yelets

Karakum bridge

Thrown across a river called Swift Pine. Traffic on it has been allowed since 1933. The length is 198 meters. It was destroyed and rebuilt more than once. At the turn of the 70s and 80s, it lost its former status due to the construction of a “competitor”. Then it became pedestrian, but in the 90s it was completely closed due to an emergency condition. A large reconstruction was completed in 2005, but the bridge was left pedestrian.

Karakum bridge

Vorgol rocks

They can be easily found near the village of Nizhny Vorgol. The places are picturesque, easy to get to. A river flows nearby, on the coast in the warm season there are many vacationers with tents. There are several areas with rocks. They are quite high and suitable for rock climbing. There are elevations with bizarre "growths", as if hanging over the lowlands. They are part of the natural reserve "Vorgolsky rocks".

Vorgol rocks

Estate of Taldykin

The homestead stands on the bank of the river near the water. With her, there was a water mill, which was burned during the retreat during the Second World War. At the same time, the brick frame itself has survived to this day. This is due to the special strength of the walls, the thickness of which is about a meter. Under Soviet rule, the estate was a recreation center, now it is private property. Nearby is the natural reserve "Vorgolsky rocks".

Estate of Taldykin