Top 20 attractions of Tobolsk, Russia

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Once Tobolsk was the center of all Siberia - vast new lands that were actively developed by the young Russian Empire. That is why a large number of architectural monuments of the 17th-18th centuries have been preserved here - they built a lot, thoroughly and for a great future. After the loss of economic and political significance, life in the city froze a little, but today Tobolsk is being revived as one of the tourist centers of the region.

Historical sights are located in the Upper Town - the place where the first wooden prison was built. In summer, in the vicinity of Tobolsk, you can swim in the Irtysh or visit mineral springs, and in winter, go skiing at the Alemasova resort, which is distinguished by low prices and long runs.

What to see and where to go in Tobolsk?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Tobolsk Kremlin

The only surviving stone Kremlin in Siberia, a unique example of 17th-century architecture of great cultural value. Three hundred years ago, Tobolsk was the capital of the region, so Moscow strongly supported the construction of stone fortifications. The main buildings of the Kremlin were erected by the beginning of the 18th century, S. U. Remezov, a cartographer, historian and part-time architect, followed the work. The fortress walls, seven towers and a number of internal structures have survived to this day.

Tobolsk Kremlin

Sophia-Assumption Cathedral

Orthodox church, which is part of the Tobolsk Kremlin complex. It was built in the 17th century on the model of the Moscow Ascension Cathedral. In 1920, the religious institution was closed and began to be used for household needs. In 1961, the building was taken over by the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve, and in 1989 it was returned to believers. Restoration continued until 1994, after which the cathedral was consecrated by Alexy II.

Sophia-Assumption Cathedral

Intercession Cathedral

The temple was erected in the middle of the 18th century, in the 19th century it was expanded twice. The main frame of the building is made in the form of a cross, in the center of which there is a drum ending with a dome. The predominant style is baroque, although the walls and window openings look a little rough, which is not at all typical of this style of construction. Inside, the ceilings are covered with paintings from the middle of the 19th century.

Intercession Cathedral

Tobolsk prison castle

A former prison for exiles and convicts, built in the 19th century, and today it is a museum. F. M. Dostoevsky, N. G. Chernyshevsky, V. G. Korolenko, as well as several crime bosses of the 1990s, visited here as prisoners. The institution operated until 1989. The museum is located on the territory of the Tobolsk Kremlin. Its expositions give an idea of ​​the life, way of life and customs of the prisoners; an appropriate atmosphere reigns inside.

Tobolsk prison castle

Gostiny Dvor

The complex was built in 1708 according to the project of S. U. Remezov. It is a unique monument of Siberian stone architecture. The building consists of two floors, it is built in the form of a rectangle with a courtyard. Along the edges and above the entrance arch are towers crowned with wooden roofs. Today, Gostiny Dvor houses a museum, craft workshops, a tourist center and a hotel.

Gostiny Dvor

Governor's Palace

The building is part of the complex of buildings of the Kremlin and is an example of civil architecture. It was built in a classic style with a minimum of decor. In 1700, the Order Chamber was located inside. After the fire, the building stood abandoned until 1831, when it was restored to accommodate the Provincial offices. Since 2009, the Governor's Palace has become part of the Tobolsk Museum-Reserve.



Civil building of the 18th century, where the provincial treasury was located in tsarist times. Captured Swedes were involved in the construction work, so the building was often called the "Swedish Chamber". At the end of the 19th and 20th centuries, the renteria was used as an archive. Due to its unusual architecture, the building is perceived as part of a medieval castle - this is indicated by powerful walls, narrow windows and through arched passages.


Direct transport

Another monument of Siberian architecture of the 18th century, decorating the historical center of Tobolsk. In the past, it performed quite practical functions, connecting the upper part of the city with the lower one. The first wooden staircase was built in the 17th century, a century later it was replaced with a new one, reinforced with stone supports and walls - in this form it has survived to this day. The length of the structure is about 600 meters, it consists of 198 steps.

Direct transport

Drama Theater named after P. P. Ershov

Oddly enough, but the dramatic stage was established with the participation and assistance of Metropolitan Philotheus in 1705. Of course, the first performances were based solely on church subjects. From 1744 they began to stage plays of secular content. The theater worked at the seminary, since 1794 it moved to a specially built building. At the end of the 19th century, a second building was erected, which burned down in 1991. Today, the dramatic stage is housed in a modern building.

Drama Theater named after P. P. Ershov

Art Museum

The collection was founded in 1870 at the provincial office. The initial exposition consisted of several hundred items and told about the history and life of the indigenous Siberian peoples. A separate building was built at the expense of the townspeople in 1889. It has a very unusual appearance and is somewhat reminiscent of a palace due to the large number of decorative finishes and the pink color of the facade.

Art Museum

Cabinet Museum of Emperor Nicholas II

Nicholas II and his family were exiled to Tobolsk after the Emperor's abdication from the throne in 1917. They settled in the Governor's House and spent eight months there before leaving for Yekaterinburg. Today, in one of the rooms of the building there is a memorial office, recreated from old photographs. It is furnished with rather modest furniture, photos of the royal family and portraits hang on the walls, but there are practically no authentic things here.

Cabinet Museum of Emperor Nicholas II

Church of the Holy Trinity

Neo-Gothic Catholic Church, built in 1909. In Soviet times, a dining room and office offices were located inside, because of which the original architectural appearance was significantly damaged. In 1993, the temple was handed over to the Catholic parish and restored, in 2000 it was re-consecrated. Today, the church hosts organ music concerts. Performers play an instrument bought with funds donated by Germany.

Church of the Holy Trinity

Church of the Archangel Michael

Orthodox church of the middle of the 18th century, built in the Siberian baroque style. In the 19th century it was visited by exiled Decembrists. After 1917, it was closed and a cinema was placed inside, in the 1930s the bell tower was dismantled. In this form, the building stood until the 1980s, until restoration began, as a result of which the church returned to its historical appearance. Re-restoration was carried out in the 2000s.

Church of the Archangel Michael

John the Vvedensky Monastery

The convent of the middle of the 17th century, founded, according to legend, in the place where the Mother of God herself indicated. Initially, the monastery was a male monastery, but by the 19th century it had fallen into disrepair and was almost empty. Then, by order of the local archbishop, the remaining brothers were transferred to another place, and the St. John the Vvedensky monastery was transformed into a women's one. During the Soviet period, the activity of the institution was terminated, monastic life was revived in 1998.

John the Vvedensky Monastery

Abalaksky Znamensky Monastery

The monastery complex is located 20 km from Tobolsk in the village of Abalak. Before the conquest of Siberia, the fortress of Khan Kuchum stood on the site of the monastery. The architectural ensemble of the monastery was formed in the 18th century. Its main buildings were erected in the Baroque style. Luxurious iconostases were placed inside, the walls were decorated with oil painting. The main shrine is the Abalak Icon of the Mother of God, found in 1636.

Abalaksky Znamensky Monastery

Tourist complex "Abalak"

A wooden fortress on the banks of the Irtysh, located not far from the Abalak monastery. It is a reconstruction of a prison from the time of the conquest of Siberia. The complex consists of a fortress wall - a wooden palisade, watchtowers, entrance gates, voivodship chambers, where the hotel is located. From a restaurant stylized as a Russian tavern, huts, baths, estates and pavilions. The territory is decorated with wooden sculptures depicting folk characters.

Tourist complex Abalak

Square named after Ershov

The square is located near the Tobolsk Kremlin. It is a small area that houses monuments to the writer P. P. Ershov, a native of Tobolsk, and the heroes of his famous work “The Little Humpbacked Horse”: Ivan the Fool, the Firebird, the Tsar, the fish-whale and the horse itself. The original sculptural ensemble was installed for the celebration of the 420th anniversary of Tobolsk. It was made according to the project of M.V. Pereyaslavets.

Square named after Ershov

Yermak's garden

City park founded in the 1850s at Cape Chukman. It was laid out around the monument to Yermak, erected in 1839. At that time, there was a greenhouse and greenhouses where it was possible to grow pineapples. The development of the park continued in Soviet times as well – it remained one of the favorite places for recreation of the townspeople. The garden offers a wonderful view of the Kremlin and the streets of Tobolsk.


Monument to the wives of the Decembrists

As is known from history, many wives of the Decembrists - aristocrats and noblewomen went into exile along with their husbands, despite the hardships and hardships that awaited them. In honor of these brave associates in 2008, a sculptural group was installed in Tobolsk, consisting of a figure of a woman and a rotunda surrounding her. The image of the Decembrist's wife symbolizes selflessness, courage and love.

Monument to the wives of the Decembrists

Zavalnoe cemetery

The oldest necropolis of Tobolsk, which has been operating since 1772. Many famous personalities are buried on it, including the Decembrists exiled to Siberia: V.K. Kukhelbeker, A.M. Muravyov, F.M. Bashmakov, A.P. Baryatinsky and others. Also here are the graves of A. A. Dunin-Gorkavich - the explorer of Siberia, the historian of Siberia P. A. Slovtsov, the poet D. P. Davydov. Many graves are classified as monuments of federal and regional significance.

Zavalnoe cemetery