Top 15 attractions in Engels, Russia

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At the time of its foundation, Engels was a small settlement and a transit point on the salt road. Since then, the salt bull has been the main symbol of the city. He is placed on the coat of arms, and was also awarded a monument. Engels is located on the banks of the Volga. The automobile bridge connects the city with Saratov. Between them is a small artificial island called Pokrovsky Sands. Its beaches are a favorite vacation option for locals and tourists during the warm season.

Yu. Gagarin landed not far from Engels after his first flight into space. This territory eventually took shape in a full-fledged memorial complex. The theme of astronautics is developed in several more city sights. So on the embankment there is a monument in honor of Gagarin and Korolev.

What to see and where to go in Engels?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Monument "Bull-salt carrier"

The symbol of the city, whose history goes far into the past. A path was laid here from the salt lake. This event is associated with the formation of the settlement, which later became Engels. It developed as a transit point, and the road began to be called the "Great Salt Road" following the example of the Silk Road. The monument itself was erected in 2003. Sculptor A. Sadovsky depicted a bull with a salt bowl on its back.

Monument Bull-salt carrier

City Park "Pokrovsky"

In 2017, a large project was launched to reconstruct the city park. The hut of Santa Claus has been moved to a new location. New footpaths were laid, the consecration was changed, the summer stage and the main entrance were repaired. Many sculptures and art objects have been installed. The colorful cornucopia, fairy-tale characters and fish of impressive size stand out. In the same year, the park received its current name.

City Park Pokrovsky

Engels embankment

The main pedestrian street of the city. The construction of the embankment began in the 40s of the last century. The paths were covered with asphalt, small cafes were built, benches were installed, consecration and berths were equipped. A figured low fence along the embankment is hung with locks. This is a tradition of newlyweds, a sign of eternal love. Saratov is located on the opposite bank of the Volga, and it is clearly visible from Engels.

Engels embankment

Holy Trinity Cathedral

It was erected from 1816 to 1825. Gradually, the temple was expanded to three thrones and two schools were opened under it. Since 1929, the exposition of the Republican Museum has been located in the cathedral building. A few years later, the bell tower and domes were destroyed. By the time the temple was handed over to believers in the 90s, the premises were in a deplorable state. The restoration was delayed, and the new iconostasis was consecrated only in 1997. Services have been going on since then.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Place where Gagarin landed

In 1961, Yuri Gagarin landed near the village of Smelovka after his first space flight. The obelisk in the form of a rocket taking off appeared here in 1965. Its height is 27 meters. In front of the obelisk in 1981, a monument to Gagarin was erected. On the territory around the memorial "Cosmonautics Gallery" gradually took shape. New objects made it possible to note the contribution to the conquest of space by Tsiolkovsky, Korolev and a number of cosmonauts.

Place where Gagarin landed

Long-Range Aviation Museum

Founded in 2000 at the air base. Some exhibits are stored in the building, the rest are in the open air. If a large area is allocated for aircraft, then the exposition room is rather modest in size. Photo materials, dashboard, other parts of the cockpit, maps and uniforms are exhibited there. The museum's collection contains not only more than a dozen aircraft models, but also cruise missiles, as well as aerial bombs.

Long-Range Aviation Museum

Engels Museum of Local Lore

Founded in 1925. Initially, the meeting was dedicated to the Volga Germans. Just five years later, the first director was arrested and the collection was rebuilt according to the new ideology. In 1941, the museum was closed, and the exhibits were distributed to other cultural institutions. After the war, a period of revival began in the local history status. Now the exposition is located in a modern building next to the park.

Engels Museum of Local Lore

House-Museum of L. A. Kassil

Works since 1995. Dedicated to the children's writer Lev Kassil, who was born in Engels. The exposition was given to the building that belonged to the Kassil family. They lived here from the 10s to the 50s of the last century. The basis of the collection is the personal archive of the writer, his things, evidence of the era. The tour is designed in such a way as to interest children, to help them discover their creative potential.

House-Museum of L. A. Kassil

Saratov Regional Operetta Theater

It is difficult to name the exact time of formation of the musical theater in the city. Operetta-style performances were given in Engels as early as the 19th century. But the official status of the theater was given only in 1968. The first years of formation were not easy. Premieres were accompanied by short-term closures. Now the work of the team has been established, the troupe goes on tour, and the auditorium is often filled to capacity.

Saratov Regional Operetta Theater

Memorial to the Heroes of the Front and Rear

Installed in the city park. Dedicated to the feat of local residents who showed the best features during the Great Patriotic War. The official opening took place in 2000. The central part of the memorial is a tall obelisk. It is crowned with a five-pointed star. The Eternal Flame burns next to the monument. In 2010, the composition was supplemented with memorial plates. The names of heroes of the USSR associated with Engels are carved on them.

Memorial to the Heroes of the Front and Rear

Monument to Gagarin and the Queen

Inaugurated in 2017. The embankment was chosen as the installation site. The official name of the monument is "Before the flight ...". Gagarin and Korolev are depicted sitting on a bench. Below them is a low pedestal with the names of the astronaut and the designer. Nearby are lanterns decorated with art objects. The author of the project is M. Galina. The monument is her graduation work under the guidance of the eminent sculptor A. Sadovsky.

Monument to Gagarin and the Queen

Monument to Lev Kassil "Dreamer"

Opened in 2006 for the 101st birthday of the children's writer. Lev Kassil is a native of Engels. He made a name for himself, both in the city and beyond. In addition to literary activities, Kassil was the editor of Murzilka and conducted seminars at the literary institute. The sculptors decided to portray the writer as young and carefree. His light character is conveyed even in small things, for example, a burdock leaf lies on his head.

Monument to Lev Kassil Dreamer

Saratov bridge

Connects Engels with Saratov. The opening took place in 1965. It was thrown across the Volga, during its construction an artificial island of Pokrovskiye Sands was created. The bridge is automobile and has a length of 2825 meters. Gagarin was here. According to the plan, the bridge will last another 20 years, and then it will become pedestrian or be demolished. It is useless to do major repairs, it is cheaper and more practical to build a new bridge.

Saratov bridge

Beach on the island of Pokrovskiye Sands

The island is located in such a way that it is both a landmark of Engels and Saratov. From both cities it is quick and convenient to get here. Its length is 2300 meters. and the width is 200 meters. It was created artificially during the construction of the bridge. In the warm season it is traditionally crowded here. Almost the entire island is covered with sand and is one big beach. Although conditionally divided into sectors, there is a beach for nudists.

Beach on the island of Pokrovskiye Sands

Volga river

One of the main water arteries of the country is also vital for Engels. The city stands on its shore. Through the bridge it is connected with Saratov, which is about half an hour by car. Along the coast of the Volga there is an embankment, a favorite place for walking the townspeople. It is also the main pedestrian street of the city. The Volga provides additional transport, tourism and trade opportunities for Engels.

Volga river