Top 30 Indonesia Attractions

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Indonesia is the largest island nation in the world. The islands are washed by the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. Bali is the most popular among travelers. Its prices are several times higher than in Java and other, less well-known ones. The economy of the region is developing, so holidays in Indonesia can be organized and spent with great benefits for the budget.

The culture and nature of the republic is rich and varied. In total, there are eight sites protected by UNESCO on different islands. The national traditions of construction and architecture make it possible to see both very simple huts with thatched roofs and luxurious palaces on the islands of Indonesia. The grandiose Buddhist temples are a special occasion to visit the country.

What to see in Indonesia?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

City of Jakarta

The largest city in Indonesia, the capital. Located on the island of Java. Modern, densely populated, with high-rise buildings. Jakarta has the largest skyscraper in all of Indonesia. The city has about 20 major attractions: museums, a zoo, a planetarium. Here you can find many hotels of different levels of comfort.

City of Jakarta

Ubud city

A city with traditional Indonesian architecture, located in the heart of Bali. It is considered its cultural capital. There are many different objects of interest to tourists in and around it. It is famous, among other things, for the widest range of spa services.

Ubud city

Java island

Island of jungle and volcanoes. The most populous island in the world. It has a rich history, traditions, many monuments. On it stands the main cultural attraction of Indonesia - the temple of Borobudur.

Java island

Bali island

Tropical island with beautiful scenery and excellent service. There are hotels in Bali for every budget. Offers exceptional beach holidays and opportunities for water sports. The traditional culture and crafts of the island are actively developing and give tourists the opportunity to get acquainted with all their diversity.

Bali island

Monkey forest in Ubud

The main attraction of the city. A reserve among the jungle, where monkeys live and move freely (about 600 individuals). The park has a temple, sculptures and paths. Tourists get the opportunity to be one on one with nature and its nimble inhabitants.

Monkey forest in Ubud

Rice terraces in Bali (Jati Luvi)

In the very center of the island there are rice fields where the popular cereal is grown in the traditional way, the old fashioned way. Here you can see the fields themselves, Mount Batukara and the temple of the same name. Opportunity to get acquainted with traditional Indonesian landscapes and slang culture.

Rice terraces in Bali (Jati Luvi)


Monumental Buddhist temple complex on the island of Java. World heritage site, protected by UNESCO. An ancient monument that has lain under the ashes for many hundreds of years. Opened by restorers at the end of the 19th century. Place of mass pilgrimage. It has the greatest artistic value.



Temple complex in Java. Erected in the 10th century, restored in the 19th century. World heritage monument. The restored buildings are grandiose in height and carved stone decoration, visible from afar. Decorated in a traditional Buddhist and Hindu temple style.


Elephant Cave (Goa Gaja)

Big Cave in Bali, one of the most famous tourist sites of the island. Contains many grottoes (about 15). The walls are decorated with carvings depicting elephants and mythical creatures. Probably, earlier it was of a religious nature and was a place of pilgrimage.

Elephant Cave (Goa Gaja)

Bat Cave (Goa Lawah)

The cave is located in one of the six main temples of Bali - Goa Lawah. A whole community of bats lives in it, which every day, at sunset, fly out of the cave together. The tour should be planned for this time.

Bat Cave (Goa Lawah)

Komodo National Park

A group of islands united in a natural park. The main attraction is the mysterious monitor lizards roaming there. Huge lizards, Komodo dragons, are saved from extinction and protected. During the tour you can observe them and other representatives of the local fauna.

Komodo National Park


Java Island National Park. It preserves the nature of the island in its original form and allows tourists to admire the rare Indonesian landscapes, untouched by man. The park is home to rare and endangered animals.


Bali Barat

National park in Bali. Inhabitants of land and coastal waters are protected and represent a wide variety of species. Almost the entire territory of the park is closed to tourists. When visiting the open area, you can go snorkeling and see rare marine life in the region.

Bali Barat

Temple Pura Tanah Lot

Hindu temple, located very close to the coast of Bali. The building of traditional architecture is built on a small island and is considered a cultural symbol of Indonesia. Steps leading to the temple are carved into the rock. At low tide, the island is connected to the land by a narrow shoal. Tourists are not allowed into the temple, only believers.

Temple Pura Tanah Lot

Temple Pura Besakih

The main religious building of the island of Bali. Located in the mountains, at the highest point of the island. The surrounding nature and buildings make up a unique composition that tourists can admire only from the outside. The complex architectural composition consists of 22 temples, richly decorated with traditional style stone carvings.

Temple Pura Besakih

Temple Luhur Uluwatu

One of the six most important and famous temples in Bali. It is located in a unique place - beautiful and hard to reach. At the very top of the cliff there is an architectural ensemble. You can walk to it in an hour. Monkeys frolic in front of the temple. Views of the Indian Ocean open from the walls and the road.

Temple Luhur Uluwatu

Bogorsky Botanical Garden

Botanical garden in Bogor in Java. It is considered the largest and oldest botanical garden in the world. Founded at the beginning of the 19th century. The garden collection represents the whole variety of tropical plants from different places on Earth. A special decoration of the garden are ponds with lotuses and a greenhouse with orchids.

Bogorsky Botanical Garden

Mount Gunung Bintan

Landmark of Bintan Island. The mountain is covered with jungle, rivers run along it and waterfalls flow. Tourists climb to the very top, to the observation deck. On the way, you can explore the local tropical flora and fauna, swim in the waterfalls.

Mount Gunung Bintan

Taman Burung Bird and Reptile Park

A natural park combined with a "new type" zoo - the inhabitants are in free open enclosures. Exotic birds roam freely in the park and give visitors the opportunity to watch them in an environment that is as close to natural as possible. The landscape arrangement of the park is rich and varied. Birds and tourists walk among the gardens, flowers and waterfalls.

Taman Burung Bird and Reptile Park

Tirtagangga Water Palace

Architectural and park ensemble in Bali style. The palace was built in the mid-1950s and is a relatively young landmark of the island. Palace buildings and many reservoirs are built on the site of the "holy river". Both locals and tourists willingly spend time in organized baths. In numerous ponds, carps live and lotuses bloom. The entire area is richly decorated with sculpture.

Tirtagangga Water Palace

Taman Sari Water Castle

Taman Sari is located on the territory of the palace complex of Yogyakarta, not far from the city of the same name. It is a complex of fifty buildings, some of which have been restored. The castle was built by the Sultan for himself and his family. Particular attention was paid by the architects to water: the castle had a complex system of sewerage, fountains, and a bath complex. The monument is protected by UNESCO, has world significance and value.

Taman Sari Water Castle

national monument

The 132-meter tower, installed in Jakarta, is a symbol of Indonesia's independence from the colonial invaders of the past. Museums and an observation deck are arranged in the tower, from where a panorama of the capital opens.

National monument

Istiqlal Mosque

The largest mosque in Southeast Asia. The name translates as "independence". The mosque was built after the end of the Dutch colonial rule in Indonesia, where the majority of the population is Muslim.

Istiqlal Mosque

Volcano Bromo

An active volcano on the island of Java. The height is about 2.5 thousand meters. Available to tourists and is very popular with them. The crater of the volcano constantly smokes, eruptions occur from time to time.

Volcano Bromo

Volcano Merapi

The most active volcano in Indonesia. Large eruptions of this volcano follow regularly, with a period of 7 years. Small ones happen more often, but there is always a little activity. The volcano is a majestic black mountain with smoke coming from the crater - a sight so majestic that it has become one of the favorites of tourists.

Volcano Merapi

Volcano Krakatoa

Active volcano in the Sunda Strait. According to one version, it was his eruption that caused the separation of Java and Sumatra. The last eruption practically destroyed the island on which the volcano was located.

Volcano Krakatoa

Lake Tobo (Toba)

A large lake of volcanic origin (formed on the site of an ancient volcano) on the island of Sumatra. The lake is inhabited by the local small Batak people, who have their own original culture and traditions. Tourists can combine traditional forms of recreation in the bosom of nature and learn about the features of the unique Batak culture.

Lake Tobo (Toba)

Lake Bro

Beautiful mountain lake in Bali. It is located among mountains and jungle, in a former volcano crater. On the lake is the temple of Pura Ulun Danu, built in honor of the goddess of the reservoir. The lake and the temple are a unique natural and architectural ensemble. The place enjoys considerable attention from tourists. On the southern shore of the lake there is a water amusement park.

Lake Bro

Waterfall Sipiso Piso

High sheer waterfall near Lake Toba. Its source is an underground river that finds its way out at the top of a cliff. There are three viewing platforms near the waterfall, allowing you to enjoy a general view of a powerful water cascade and be directly next to it.

Waterfall Sipiso Piso

Waterfall Munduk

In the north of Bali is the village of Munduk and next to it is the waterfall of the same name. Not the highest (25 meters), but very loud - the noise is heard from afar. A waterfall is a steep, dense stream of water falling vertically downwards with great pressure. It is located in the forest and is surrounded on all sides by greenery, the water flows beautifully among the greenery. There is a convenient observation deck.

Waterfall Munduk