Top 25 Attractions in Crete

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The hospitable and sunny island of Crete is one of the most sought-after beach destinations in the Mediterranean. Tourists are waiting for the best beaches in the picturesque bays of the island, the azure and clear sea, as well as the historical antiquities of Heraklion, Agios Nikolaos and Rethymno.

The first civilization originated in Crete several thousand years before the advent of our era. Many historical monuments have come down to us through the thickness of centuries. Today, guests of the island have the opportunity to explore the mysterious labyrinths of the Knossos Palace, admire impregnable Venetian fortresses or look at the ruins of ancient cities.

The swimming season in Crete lasts from the end of May to the end of October. The winter months are ideal for sightseeing, as even in January daytime temperatures rarely drop below 15°C.

What to see and where to go in Crete?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.


The ancient historical center of the island of Crete, named after the mythological hero Hercules. According to the "Geography" of the ancient Greek thinker, geographer and historian Strabo, the city already existed in the 1st century AD. and was the seaport of the Minoan city of Knossos. Heraklion at various times was owned by Arabs, Byzantines, Venetians and Turks. In the Middle Ages, there was the largest slave market in the entire Mediterranean. The island joined with Greece only at the beginning of the 20th century.


Address: Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 2810 246 000

Opening hours: 24/7


The city is located in the western part of Crete. It was built by the Venetians during their reign on the island. Many sights of Rethymno have perfectly survived to this day, the central place among them is occupied by the Venetian fortress of Fortezza, built at the end of the 16th century. Of the visited and popular places, one can single out the Archaeological and Historical and Ethnographic Museums, the ancient fountain of Rimondi and the Venetian port.


Address: Rethymno, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

Agios Nikolaos

A small town in the north of Crete, a famous and popular tourist destination. The predecessor of modern Agios Nikolaos arose on the site of the ancient Dorian settlement of Lato, but gradually fell into decay. New inhabitants appeared already in the Middle Ages during the Venetian rule. In 1646, as a result of the war with the Turks, the Venetians burned the settlement. Agios Nikolaos was reborn for the third time in the middle of the 19th century.

Agios Nikolaos

Address: Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

Water City Water Park

The water park is located in Heraklion, its territory covers an area of ​​more than 80 thousand m². This is the largest water amusement park in Crete. It includes 13 pools and many high-speed slides of different difficulty levels. Also in the water park there are less extreme rides, so every visitor will find something to do. For children, there are separate pools and playgrounds with a variety of water games.

Water City Water Park

Address: Water City Waterpark, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 28970 27750

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Knossos palace

An ancient monument of the Minoan civilization that flourished in Crete during the Bronze Age. According to legend, the Palace of Knossos is the same legendary labyrinth where the terrible Minotaur lived. The monster was defeated only by the hero Theseus. It was the bizarre architecture of the palace-temple with numerous passages, dead ends, rooms and passages that gave rise to the myth of the Minotaur.

Knossos palace

Address: Knossos Palace, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 2810 231940

Opening hours: 08:00 - 19:00

The ancient city of Gortyn

The ancient city is 30 km. from Heraklion, founded presumably in the 20th century BC. in the pre-antique era. The settlement witnessed many civilizations: Mycenaean, Dorian, Greek. During the reign of the Roman Empire, Gortyn was the capital of the island of Crete and the residence of the governor. The city existed until the 9th century AD, in 828, during the Arab conquest of Crete, it was turned into ruins.

The ancient city of Gortyn

Address: Ancient Gortyna, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 08:00 - 15:00

The sunken city of Olus

An ancient city that went under water around the 2nd century AD. as a result of local displacement of the plates of the earth's crust in the region of East Crete. Finds of archaeological excavations testify that Olus was an independent and developed city, they minted their own coins here and maintained friendly relations with neighboring settlements. Foreigners were allowed to settle in Olus, as evidenced by documents found during excavations.

The sunken city of Olus

Address: Olos, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

Archaeological Museum of Heraklion

One of the largest museums in Greece, which contains a rich collection of artifacts of the Minoan civilization. Also exhibited in the exhibition halls are exhibits from other periods of the island's history from the Neolithic era to the time of the rule of the Roman Empire. In total, the museum has 20 rooms, arranged in chronological order. During the excavations, new specimens are constantly found, which replenish the museum collections.

Archaeological Museum of Heraklion

Address: Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 2810 270994

Opening hours: 08:00 - 20:00

Monastery of Arkadi

A unique architectural monument, which was founded in the 5th century AD. The monastery church dates back to the 16th century. The monastery is located on the slopes of Mount Ida at a height of 500 meters. In the 17th century, Turkish invaders plundered the premises and drove the brothers out, but later the monks were allowed to return. In 1866, during the Cretan uprising, the monastery withstood the siege of a 15,000-strong Turkish army.

Monastery of Arkadi

Address: Arkadi Monastery, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 28310 83377

Opening hours: 08:00 - 19:00

Monastery of the Holy Trinity

Greek Orthodox monastery of the 17th century. The founders of the monastery are brothers Lavrentiy and Jeremiah, who come from a respected Venetian family. Construction work continued until the second half of the 19th century, as the monastery was repeatedly attacked by the Turks. As a result of such raids, most of the property was looted and burned. Only after the Cretan Revolution the monastery was restored.

Monastery of the Holy Trinity

Address: Holy Trinity Monastery, Chania, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 28210 57091

Opening hours: 09:00 - 14:00

Monastery of Preveli

A picturesque monastery of the 16th century, built on the slope of a mountain. The monastery is under the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church of Constantinople. In the 17th century, the building was destroyed by the Turkish authorities. In the 20th century, Preveli was once again plundered and destroyed by fascist troops. The monastery was closed in 1970, followed by many years of reconstruction. In 2013 the monastery was opened to the public.

Monastery of Preveli

Address: Preveli Monastery, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 28310 71225

Opening hours: 08:00 - 17:00

Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa

Convent of the XIII century (or X century according to alternative sources). The first written mention of it dates back to the 14th century. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of the Heart (Kardiotissa), or rather its copy, is kept within the walls of the monastery. The original was stolen in the 15th century and is currently in Rome. It is believed that a copy of the icon also has miraculous properties and is able to cure diseases.

Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa

Address: Kera Karidiotissa Monastery, Chania, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 28210 59124

Opening hours: 08:00 - 14:00

Fortress Fortezza

The Venetian Fort in the city of Rethymnon is one of the most significant city attractions. It was erected in the 16th century. Fortezza rises above Rethymnon, it can be seen from any part of the city. The fortress was constantly changing its appearance, during numerous wars with the Turks, the outer walls and buildings suffered. The last restoration lasted almost 20 years, as a result, Fortezza acquired the appearance that it had under the Venetians.

Fortress Fortezza

Address: Fortezza Fortress, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 28310 22248

Opening hours: 08:00 - 19:00

Fortress Kules

Sea fortress in Heraklion, built by the Venetians in the XIV century. Bas-reliefs depicting a lion, the symbol of the Venetian Republic, are embedded in the main walls of the fort. The name "Kules" was given by the Turks, while the creators of the fort themselves used the name "Rocca al Mar". Which, loosely translated from modern Italian, means "fortress on the sea." The Turks built a small mosque on the territory of the fortification, and also completed the embrasure and space for artillery.

Fortress Kules

Address: Kules Fortress, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 2810 246250

Opening hours: 08:00 - 15:00

Fortress Frangokastello

Military Venetian building of the XIV century in the territory of the Cretan community of Sfakion, which was built to protect against pirate raids. In those days, the fortress was called "Castle of St. Nikita", but the name "Frangokastello" was assigned to it, which means "Castle of the Franks". The fort withstood many sieges and assaults, but its walls have survived to this day in relatively good condition.

Fortress Frangokastello

Address: Frangokastello Fortress, Chania, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 28250 23228

Opening hours: 08:00 - 17:00

Island fortress of Spinalonga

Spinalonga is a small island in the eastern part of Crete, located opposite the peninsula of the same name. In the 16th century, the Venetians turned this place into an impregnable fortress, which was supposed to protect the settlements from pirates. On the ruins of the ancient acropolis, a fort so powerful was erected that even the troops of the Ottoman Empire, after the capture of Crete, could not take Spinalonga for another 46 years.

Island fortress of Spinalonga

Address: Spinalonga Island Fortress, Crete, Greece

Phone: +30 28410 73021

Opening hours: 09:00 - 15:00

Lake Voulismeni

A freshwater lake, around which the Greek "Saint-Tropez" is located - the city of Agios Nikolaos. In depth, the reservoir reaches 64 meters. According to ancient legend, the beautiful Aphrodite and the huntress Artemis took baths in the waters of Voulismeni. Until the middle of the 19th century, local residents believed that evil spirits lived in the lake. Voulismeni is connected to the sea by a canal.

Lake Voulismeni

Address: Lake Voulismeni, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

Lake Kourna

Another freshwater lake in Crete, located in a picturesque green valley. The beaches of Kournas are a great alternative to the seaside resorts of Heraklion and Rethymnon. A variety of birds, turtles and fish live on the banks and in the water depths. The silence and tranquility of the lake are conducive to long boat trips. Once there was a temple of Athena of Coresia, but the building has not survived to this day.

Lake Kourna

Address: Kournas Lake, Chania, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

Dicteian cave

Cave system located within the Dikteysky mountain range. According to ancient Greek mythology, here the goddess Rhea hid the newborn Zeus from her husband, the god Kronos. The child was destined to overthrow the power of his father and become the supreme god of the entire Greek pantheon. The cave bore the name of Zeus for a long time and was sacred to the worshipers of the god of thunder.

Dicteian cave

Address: Dikteon Cave, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 08:00 - 15:00

Lassithi Plateau

A fertile plateau in the eastern part of the island, raised above sea level by 820 meters. The plateau is known as the "Valley of a Thousand Mills" (with their help, water was extracted for irrigation of agricultural land for a long time). On the territory of the valley there are orchards and large plantations of vegetables. The generous lands of the Lassithi plateau have been cultivated since the time of the Minoan civilization.

Lassithi Plateau

Address: Lasithi Plateau, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

Samaria Gorge

Natural attraction of Crete, one of the largest gorges on the Greek islands. The length of the tourist route along the gorge is about 16 km. In ancient times, the temples of Artemis and Apollo stood here, as evidenced by the preserved ruins. In the VI century BC. in the Samaria Gorge there was a city of Tarra. Since 1962, the territory has been declared a National Park.

Samaria Gorge

Address: Samaria Gorge, Chania, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 06:00 - 15:00

Elafonisi beach

A sandy spit of rare beauty, a few dozen kilometers from the resort of Chania, covered with pink sand. Many tourists consider Elafonisi the most picturesque beach in the entire Mediterranean. The delicate pink color comes from the remnants of coral and small shells that cover large areas of the spit. The water in the lagoon is always clean, warm and clear. The beach is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay.

Elafonisi beach

Address: Elafonissi Beach, Chania, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

Matala beach

A beach located in the bay of Messara in the small town of Matala. It is surrounded by rocks in which numerous caves have been carved. It is believed that ancient people originally lived in them. In the early Christian era, followers of Jesus hid from persecution in the caves of Matala. This fact is evidenced by the remains of catacomb temples and burials of believers.

Matala beach

Address: Matala Beach, Rethymno, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

Bay of Balos

The bay is located in the western part of Crete. Here is one of the most popular and picturesque beaches, which is famous for its clean white sand with pink splashes and magnificent turquoise water. Despite the rather large number of people who want to swim in the waters of the bay, there is no tourist infrastructure on its shores. In this way, they try to preserve nature in its original form.

Bay of Balos

Address: Balos Lagoon, Chania, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

Palm Beach Vai

A beach in the Vai National Park. Here grows the largest palm forest in Europe, consisting of endemic Theophrastus palms. It is believed that the plantations appeared thanks to the Phoenician sailors. The beach is very popular with tourists, so in the high season there are always a lot of people sunbathing and swimming here. Particularly picturesque views of Vai can be seen in the rays of the dawn sun.

Palm Beach Vai

Address: Vai Palm Beach, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Opening hours: 24/7

FAQ – Answers to popular questions

When to go to Crete, Greece?

Deciding when to visit Crete, Greece depends on your preferences for weather and activities. Here are some ideal times to consider:

  • Spring (April to June): Mild temperatures, fewer tourists, and blooming landscapes.
  • Summer (July to September): Warm weather, perfect for beach activities and festivals, but can be crowded.
  • Fall (October to November): Pleasant weather, harvest time, and fewer crowds.
  • Winter (December to March): Mild temperatures, lower prices, ideal for exploring cultural sites, but some attractions may be closed.

What are the things to do in Crete, Greece when it rains?

When it rains in Crete, Greece, there are still plenty of enjoyable activities to consider. Here are some ideas:

  • Visit the Heraklion Archaeological Museum to explore ancient artifacts.
  • Take a tour of the Palace of Knossos, an archaeological site with covered areas.
  • Enjoy local wines at a wine tasting tour in a nearby vineyard.
  • Discover the CretAquarium, showcasing marine life in the Mediterranean.
  • Relax at a traditional taverna and savor authentic Cretan dishes.
  • Explore charming local shops and artisan boutiques in towns like Chania.

What are the things to do in Crete, Greece with family?

Crete, Greece offers a variety of family-friendly activities. Here are some things to do:

  • Visit the ancient Palace of Knossos.
  • Explore the beautiful beaches, such as Elafonissi and Balos.
  • Take a hike in Samaria Gorge.
  • Enjoy a day at Cretaquarium.
  • Discover the charming village of Chania.

What are the things to do in Crete, Greece in the evening?

Crete, Greece, has a vibrant evening atmosphere with plenty to offer. Here are some things you can enjoy in the evenings:

1. Dine at Local Taverns: Experience traditional Cretan cuisine at local taverns and restaurants. Enjoy dishes like moussaka, dakos, fresh seafood, and local wines.

2. Explore the Old Towns: Visit the charming old towns of Chania and Rethymno. Stroll through narrow alleys, admire Venetian architecture, and soak in the lively atmosphere.

3. Seaside Walks: Enjoy a leisurely walk along the waterfront promenades in places like Heraklion, Chania, or Agios Nikolaos, where you can take in the beautiful views of the sea and the sunset.

4. Live Music and Performances: Check out local bars or venues for live music performances. You may find traditional Cretan music, contemporary Greek songs, or even international acts.

5. Night Markets and Shopping: Some towns have evening markets where you can shop for local crafts, souvenirs, and delicacies.

6. Bar Hopping: Experience the nightlife by visiting bars and cafes, especially in areas like Chania's old harbor or the bustling streets of Herak