Top 25 Attractions in Cuba

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Hot tropical Cuba is one of the best places for a beach holiday. The Caribbean coast delights tourists with the turquoise color of clear water, white sand and sincere hospitality of the locals. The resorts of Havana, Varadero and Villa Clara open the doors of comfortable hotels and always offer quality service.

People go to colorful Cuba for the passionate rhythms of salsa and rumba, for the constant atmosphere of the holiday that reigns in the streets painted in bright colors. The spirit of freedom, the almost unconditional adoration of the national hero Che Guevara, the vintage cars on the streets and the constant siesta make this country unique and unlike any other. Well, in Cuba, a tourist is waiting for the triumph of life, dancing, spicy cuisine and an even Caribbean tan.

What to see in Cuba?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.


Former parliament building built in 1929. The deputies sat in it for 30 years until the victory of the Cuban Revolution, after the Capitol was turned into a conference hall and offices for some ministries. The building is built in a pompous and solemn style and at the same time resembles St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican and the American Capitol in Washington. The project was designed by the architect Eugenio Piedra.


Address: Capitol, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

Museum of the Revolution

The main museum of Cuba, located in the former presidential palace. After the fall of the Batista regime, many elements of the luxurious interior decoration (for example, the lamps of the Tiffany jewelry company) were removed, but the original furniture and decoration remained. The museum has 30 rooms and 9,000 exhibits that tell about the history of Cuba since the 15th century. The main emphasis, of course, is placed on the period of the Cuban revolution.

Museum of the Revolution

Address: Museum of the Revolution, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Grand Theater of Havana

The theater building is a wonderful example of the colonial baroque style. The construction was carried out by the Belgian architect Paul Belau in 1915, or rather, he reconstructed the old theater building of 1838. The stage was named after the Bolshoi Theater of Moscow in 1985 at the suggestion of ballet prima Alicia Alonso. You can get inside not only for a concert, but also with a special tour.

Grand Theater of Havana

Address: Grand Theater of Havana, Cuba, Cuba

Phone: +53 7 833 0800

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

National Museum of Fine Arts

The largest art museum in Cuba, one of the most visited cultural sites in Havana. The exposition has existed since 1913, but only in 1954 a separate building was built for it. The museum's rich collection includes works by Latin American and European artists of the 18th-21st centuries, as well as exhibits from earlier periods. It also exhibits many works related to contemporary art.

National Museum of Fine Arts

Address: National Museum of Fine Arts, Cuba, Cuba

Phone: +53 7 862 2490

Opening hours: Tuesday to Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00; Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00; Monday: Closed.

Cathedral of Havana

The main Catholic cathedral of the country, built in a rather original style. The architects moved away from the traditional European canons and added a bit of local flavor. The cathedral has asymmetrical towers, coral was added to ordinary stone when laying the walls, and the lines of the facade were smoothed out. The remains of Christopher Columbus were kept in the temple for almost 100 years, but then they were sent to Spain.

Cathedral of Havana

Address: Cathedral of Havana, Cuba, Cuba

Phone: +53 7 862 5950

Opening hours: Mon-Sun: 9:00-17:00

Ernest Hemingway House Museum

The world-famous writer spent the last years of his life in Cuba. At the insistence of his last wife, he bought a manor not far from his favorite bars. The house was turned into a museum in 1962. Everything remained exactly the same as it was during the life of the writer. Almost the entire free space is occupied by books in dozens of languages ​​of the world, bookshelves reach the ceiling. Together with the Hemingway couple, their numerous pets lived.

Ernest Hemingway House Museum

Address: Ernest Hemingway House Museum, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Rum Museum "Havana Club"

A bar-museum where the visitor will be introduced to the history of the appearance of the famous drink, the technology of its production and will be offered to taste several varieties. The Havana Club is the most visited Cuban museum, the number of tourists a year reaches a million people. On weekends, the institution organizes dances to the accompaniment of an orchestra, and the atmosphere of an endless holiday reigns around.

Rum Museum Havana Club

Address: Rum Museum Havana Club, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: Monday-Sunday: 10:00-19:00

Boulevard Prado

One of the central streets of Havana, stretching from Central Park to the seafront. The boulevard appeared at the end of the 18th century, was completely reconstructed and renovated in 1929. Colonial-style mansions are lined along the edges of the street; the influence of Spain is clearly felt in the architecture of the houses. Walking along the Prado, with some assumptions, you can imagine that you are somewhere in Madrid or Seville.

Boulevard Prado

Address: Boulevard Prado, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 08:00 - 22:00

Embankment Malecon

Havana's main promenade, beloved by locals and tourists. Extends from the fortress of San Salvador de la Punta to new residential areas. Here you can learn a lot about the original culture of Cubans, drink aromatic coffee or strong rum, dance salsa right on the pavement. Elderly Cubans love to fish on the waterfront, and young people enjoy sunsets and make dates.

Embankment Malecon

Address: Embankment Malecon, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 24 hours

Plaza de Armas

The main square of Havana, where cultural and government institutions are concentrated. During the design, it was assumed that in the event of an uprising or an armed conflict, weapons could be quickly distributed on the square (hence the name - "armas" in Spanish means "weapons"). The place is the heart of Old Havana, in the center there is a monument in honor of the revolutionary Carlos Manuel Cespedes.

Plaza de Armas

Address: Plaza de Armas, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 24 hours

Revolution square

A large square in the capital of Cuba, where Fidel Castro often spoke for many hours and where thousands of rallies took place. In the middle there is a high tower with an observation deck, along the edges of the buildings there are graphic portraits of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Behind the observation tower is the imposing Palace of the Revolution. Due to its size, the area around the square looks a bit deserted.

Revolution square

Address: Revolution square, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 24/7

Memorial to José Marti

Installed on Revolution Square in 1996. Jose Marti is a poet, a revolutionary and a highly revered figure in society. Inside the monument there is a repository of documents, engravings and other relics that tell about the life and work of a public figure. The statue is located in front of the observation tower in the middle of the square. The Havana Jose Marti Memorial is one of the many monuments to the poet in the country.

Memorial to José Marti

Address: Memorial to José Marti, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 08:00 - 18:00

Mausoleum of Che Guevara

The tomb of the great and still beloved by all Cubans revolutionary Che Guevara. The place for the mausoleum was not chosen by chance - the decisive battle of the Cuban Revolution took place in the city of Santa Clara, where the Comandante won. The building was built by Cuban volunteers in 1988. The ashes of Che Guevara and his associates, transported from Bolivia, were buried here only in 1997.

Mausoleum of Che Guevara

Address: Mausoleum of Che Guevara, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 9:00 - 17:00

Fortress of La Cabaña and El Morro

Both fortifications rise above the peninsula on the western coast of Havana and guard the passage to the bay. The forts are part of the Morro Cabaña Historical Park. El Morro was built by the Spaniards in the 16th-17th centuries to protect their newly acquired possessions, La Cabaña appeared in the 18th century. The structure served as a garrison, warehouse and prison in different periods. In the evenings, the walls are illuminated.

Fortress of La Cabaña and El Morro

Address: Fortress of La Cabaña and El Morro, Cuba, Cuba

Phone: +53 7 206 5445

Opening hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Fortress of La Real Fuerza

The fort is one of the oldest in Latin America, originally it served as a defense against pirate attacks. The fortress was erected in the middle of the 16th century, over the next two centuries it was repeatedly rebuilt and strengthened. When defensive functions lost their importance in the 19th century, an archive was organized in the building, then a library and a museum of ceramics were located here. In the 2000s a maritime museum was established in the fortress.

Fortress of La Real Fuerza

Address: Fortress of La Real Fuerza, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Fortress of San Pedro de la Roca

17th century defensive structure erected to protect the city of Santiago de Cuba. Construction work continued for more than 40 years. The fortress was needed to protect the city from English pirates who constantly attacked Cuban harbors. In the first half of the 20th century, the building was in disrepair, but then it was restored and was included in the UNESCO lists. Now the castle houses a museum of the history of piracy.

Fortress of San Pedro de la Roca

Address: Fortress of San Pedro de la Roca, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

Alexander Humboldt National Park

Territory in Northeast Cuba with a unique tropical ecosystem. In 2001, UNESCO included the park in its protected lists. The area is named after a German explorer who visited the island in the early 19th century. Tourism on the territory of the reserve began to develop relatively recently, after the lands were declared a nature protection zone. Now the park can be visited as part of a tour.

Alexander Humboldt National Park

Address: Alexander Humboldt National Park, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 24 hours

Baconao National Park

Protected natural area near the city of Santiago de Cuba. The park is famous for its valley, where there are 200 life-size sculptures of dinosaurs and mammoths. The reserve has an aquarium with a tunnel, from where it is interesting to observe the inhabitants of the Caribbean Sea. Also, tourists will be interested in the museum of old cars. There are hotels and beaches in the coastal area of ​​Baconao, but they are not considered the best in Cuba.

Baconao National Park

Address: Baconao National Park, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 08:00 - 18:00

Belyamar Cave

The cave is located a few dozen kilometers from the resort of Varadero. Her visit is included in many excursions called "jeep safari". The cave was discovered in the middle of the 19th century by local shepherds who were looking for lost cattle. Its age, according to various estimates, is approximately 40 thousand years. Tourists can only go 300 meters deep, the rest of the levels are closed to the public.

Belyamar Cave

Address: Belyamar Cave, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

Viñales Valley

National park in the valley of the Sierra de los Organos mountain range. The reserve is taken under the protection of UNESCO. The territory consists of flat karst formations, flat hills (the locals called them "elephant backs"), underground rivers, caves and waterfalls. In ancient times, Indian tribes lived in this territory. The Viñales Valley has a botanical garden and a former slave camp, Palenque de los Cimarrones.

Viñales Valley

Address: Viñales Valley, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 08:00 - 18:00

Cemetery Colon

Cemetery them. Christopher Columbus in Havana, where cultural and public figures of Cuba, who played an important role in the life of the country, are buried. There are thousands of graves on the vast territory, many of which are decorated with beautiful marble monuments. Chapels, statues, mausoleums are scattered everywhere, the graves are fenced with figured fences. The cemetery can be considered as an independent cultural monument.

Cemetery Colon

Address: Cemetery Colon, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 08:00 - 17:00

Bakunayagua Bridge

An engineering structure built in the middle of the 20th century to shorten the route from Havana to Matanzas. Construction lasted only two years. The bridge supports 41 columns over 100 meters high, with a total length of over 300 meters. Nearby there is an observation deck with a view of the Yumuri river valley. Here you can also have lunch and listen to national Cuban music.

Bakunayagua Bridge

Address: Bakunayagua Bridge, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: Open 24 hours.

Villa Dupont

A mansion formerly owned by an American millionaire. Located on the Hicacos Peninsula. Before the victory of the Cuban Revolution, rich foreigners settled in this area and built luxurious villas for themselves. After 1959, the land, along with the houses, were nationalized. From that moment on, the Las Americas restaurant has been operating at Dupont's villa; you can go to the mansion itself for money along with an excursion.

Villa Dupont

Address: Villa Dupont, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Cabaret Tropicana

The main dance show in Cuba since 1939, as well as the main center of entertainment, where every tourist aspires to go. Located on the territory of Villa Mina. Colorful concerts, costumed performances and performances are held here. The Tropicana team consists of more than 200 dancers, singers, and musicians. During the performance, guests are offered national cuisine, Cuban rum and a variety of cocktails.

Cabaret Tropicana

Address: Cabaret Tropicana, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 20:00 - 02:00


A popular resort with many excellent hotels, trendy clubs and quality restaurants. Tourism infrastructure has been developing since the 1930s. XX century. The beaches of Varadero are a realm of white sand and azure sea, a triumph of exotic nature. The coastline of the resort has been repeatedly recognized as the best in the world. Varadero is a popular holiday destination for American and European travelers.


Address: Varadero, Cuba, Cuba

Opening hours: 08:00 - 22:00

FAQ – Answers to popular questions

When to go to Cuba?

Cuba offers a tropical climate, making it an attractive destination year-round. However, the best time to visit is generally between:

  • November to April: This is the dry season with lower humidity and pleasant temperatures.
  • December to February: Ideal for escaping colder climates, as it features the most comfortable weather.
  • May to October: Be aware of the hurricane season; it's hotter and more humid during these months.

What are the things to do in Cuba when it rains?

When it rains in Cuba, there are still plenty of enjoyable activities to consider. Here are some ideas:

  • Visit museums, such as the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.
  • Explore the historic architecture of Old Havana.
  • Take a salsa dancing class or enjoy live music indoors.
  • Sample local cuisine at a nearby restaurant.
  • Shop for souvenirs in covered markets.

What are the things to do in Cuba with family?

Cuba is a vibrant destination with a variety of family-friendly activities. Here are some things to do in Cuba with your family:

  • Explore the historic streets of Old Havana (La Habana Vieja)
  • Relax on the beautiful beaches of Varadero
  • Visit the Zoológico Nacional for a fun day with animals
  • Take a guided tour of Viñales Valley for stunning landscapes
  • Learn about Cuban culture at the National Museum of Fine Arts
  • Enjoy a family-friendly show at the Tropicana cabaret
  • Experience the rich history at the Castillo del Morro

What are the things to do in Cuba in the evening?

Cuba offers a vibrant array of activities in the evening, showcasing its rich culture and lively atmosphere. Here are some popular options:

1. Live Music and Dance: Cuba is renowned for its music. Enjoy live performances in venues like the Buena Vista Social Club or explore local bars that feature salsa, son, and jazz music. Participating in salsa dance classes or dancing at clubs is also a fun way to experience Cuban nightlife.

2. Dinner at a Paladar: Visit a paladar (privately owned restaurant) for an authentic dining experience. Many serve traditional Cuban dishes, and the ambiance often reflects the charm of local culture.

3. Havana’s Malecón: Take a leisurely stroll along the Malecón, Havana's famous seawall. It's a popular spot for locals and tourists alike, especially at sunset, when you can enjoy beautiful views of the ocean and city.

4. Cultural Shows and Cabaret: Attend a cabaret show, such as the Tropicana, which features colorful performances with music, dance, and traditional Cuban entertainment.

5. Visit Historical Sites: Some historical sites, such as the Plaza de la Revolución and old town squares, may offer guided night tours that highlight the city's rich history