Top 25 attractions of Brest, Belarus

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The first mention of Brest as a settlement of artisans dates back to the beginning of the 11th century. Over the centuries, the settlement has repeatedly changed owners, been destroyed and rebuilt from ruins. Here you will see architectural monuments of the Early Middle Ages, Polish churches, Orthodox churches, cozy streets and embankments.

The most famous sight of the city, where all tourists certainly go, is the famous Brest Fortress. Its defenders at the beginning of the Second World War showed incredible heroism in an unequal battle with the German army. Today, the fortification houses a museum complex dedicated to the events of those years.

Just 65 km from Brest is Belovezhskaya Pushcha - a fabulous oak forest where you can meet a huge Belarusian bison. You can go there after visiting numerous city museums and take a break from tiresome excursions.

What to see and where to go in Brest?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Brest Fortress

A fortified citadel built on the site of the Brest Castle in 1833. The structure consists of a row of red brick barracks, walls two meters thick and a central citadel. In 1913, the second ring of defensive buildings was erected. By the beginning of the First World War, the fortress was considered one of the most impregnable in Europe. On June 22, 1941, she took on one of the first blows of the German troops. In 1965, she received the title of Hero Fortress.

Brest Fortress

Monument "Courage"

Monument to the defenders of the Brest Fortress, designed by the Moscow architect A.P. Kibalnikov and erected on the Square of Ceremonials in 1971. The grandiose monument reaches a height of 36 meters and a length of 54 meters. It depicts a bust of a fighter with a determined and frowning face against the background of the Soviet banner, ready to resist the onslaught of the invaders to the end. In front of the sculpture is the grave of 850 defenders of the fortress.

Monument Courage

Monument "Thirst"

Another memorial in memory of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, which makes a powerful emotional impression. On the first day of the siege, the Germans disabled the water supply, and the Soviet soldiers were forced to fight in conditions of excruciating thirst, as the remaining water was used to cool machine guns. In an attempt to get at least a few precious buckets of water in the river captured by the enemy, many soldiers died.

Monument Thirst

St. Nicholas Garrison Cathedral

An Orthodox church on the territory of the Brest Fortress, built in the Byzantine style in the middle of the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, when Brest was part of Poland, it was turned into a church. During the Second World War, the building was badly damaged. In 1972 it was mothballed, and in 1994 it was returned to believers. Restoration work continued for many years and was completed only in 2005.

St. Nicholas Garrison Cathedral

Museum "5th Fort"

At the beginning of the 20th century, the brick fort was part of the defensive structures of the Brest-Litovsk fortress. There were barracks, walls, a moat filled with water. During the years of German occupation, warehouses were placed on its territory. In 1995, the building was recognized as a cultural monument, in 1997 it was restored. In 2000, a museum dedicated to the history of the Brest Fortress was organized on the territory of the fort.

Museum 5th Fort

Museum of the Defense of the Brest Fortress

The museum is located in a restored building of the former barracks. It opened in 1956 on the basis of the military glory room. The collection consists of materials and exhibits telling about the defense of the Brest Fortress: weapons, archival documents, photographs - in total more than 8 thousand items placed in 9 halls. The surviving defenders of the citadel took part in the creation of the exhibition.

Museum of the Defense of the Brest Fortress


Archaeological exposition founded in 1982 at the excavation site. The basis of the collection is the finds discovered on the territory of the ancient settlement of the XIII century, including residential and outbuildings, raised from a depth of 4 meters and restored according to their historical appearance. In "Berestye" you can learn a lot about the traditional way of life of the Slavs, look at objects that were in use many centuries ago.


Sovetskaya street

Sovetskaya Street is often called "Brest Arbat". After reconstruction in 2009, it has become a favorite place for the citizens to walk and a must-see for tourists. Along the alley there are picturesque facades of stone estates of the early 20th century, restaurants, flower beds, rows of forged lanterns, and small urban sculptures. The length of the street is about 1.7 km.

Sovetskaya street

Alley of forged lanterns

The alley is located on Gogol Street. Wrought iron lamps appeared here in 2013. The peculiarity lies in the fact that all of them are meaningful - some reflect the plots of the writer's works, the other part - the specifics of the activities of the enterprise that sponsored the manufacture of the lantern. There are lamps in the form of a clock, a loom, a symbolic figure of a clown, an angel, a treble clef.

Alley of forged lanterns

Winter Garden

The territory of the garden belongs to the Brest State University. A. S. Pushkin and is his scientific platform, but the greenhouses are open to the public. Landings are divided into three zones: tropical, subtropical and desert. Exotic species grow under a glass dome resting on a base of metal and brick. This original building stands out against the backdrop of the urban landscape.

Winter Garden

Monument of the Millennium of Brest

The monument was built in 2009 at the expense of the townspeople. It is a model of Brest, reflected in the historical images of the princes who once ruled here and ordinary residents. Above them is the figure of a guardian angel. In 2011, a high relief was added to the monument, which depicts important milestones in the city's history, as well as a bizarre Art Nouveau fence that harmoniously complemented the architectural composition.

Monument of the Millennium of Brest

Railway station building

Brest railway station is considered the largest transport hub in Western Belarus. It serves long-distance trains. The city is connected by direct railway lines with Berlin, Paris, Warsaw, Kiev. The station building was built in 1886. In shape, it resembles a palace, so it is one of the popular attractions. During the First World War, the building was blown up, in 1953 it was reconstructed.

Railway station building

Railway Museum

The exposition, located on the territory of 29 thousand m² right on the rails, is dedicated to everything related to railway construction, tracks and equipment. The museum opened in 2000. At the moment, his collection consists of several dozen samples: wagons, locomotives, steam valves, repair installations. There is even a tower clock and an alarm bell. All equipment is in good condition.

Railway Museum

Museum "Saved Artistic Values"

The museum exposition is quite unique, as it consists of valuables confiscated at the local customs, which the attackers tried to illegally transport across the border. Here you can see paintings, jewelry, icons of the 16th-17th centuries, objects of arts and crafts and other exhibits. The collection is constantly updated thanks to the good work of the customs authorities.

Museum Saved Artistic Values

Brest Academic Drama Theater

The dramatic scene was created in the 1940s at a time when fighting was still going on on the Western fronts. Creative life was born in difficult conditions, but the theater quickly became popular. Not only dramatic performances are given here, but also a symphony orchestra performs, and musical performances are held. Every year the stage hosts the Belaya Vezha international festival.

Brest Academic Drama Theater

Brest Regional Museum of Local Lore

Since 1948, the museum's exposition has been located in the building of the former Church of the Exaltation of St. Cross. Over time, the institution moved and acquired several branches, which included expositions located within the Brest Fortress. The museum funds contain more than 200 thousand items related to the history, archeology and ethnography of the region. Many exhibits are unique - they are several hundred years old.

Brest Regional Museum of Local Lore

Museum of the history of the city of Brest

The collection is housed in a mansion from the early 20th century. It is entirely devoted to the history of the city from ancient times to the post-war years. The exhibits occupy 4 halls with an area of ​​200 m². Among them are city coats of arms from different periods, works by contemporary artists, collections of coins, old books, documents, statues, models, maps, household items and other interesting materials.

Museum of the history of the city of Brest

St. Nicholas brotherly church

One of the most picturesque churches in the city, located on Sovetskaya Street. It was erected in 1904 at the expense of the Synod and donations from sailors and officers who participated in the Russo-Japanese War. In architectural terms, the building is a cross-domed church in the Russian-Byzantine style with clearly expressed elements of Moscow architecture of the middle of the 17th century.

St. Nicholas brotherly church

Holy Resurrection Cathedral

Orthodox church built in 1995-98, built in honor of the anniversary of the Victory. In terms of size, it is the largest in Brest and one of the largest in all of Belarus. Up to 5 thousand parishioners can be inside at the same time. The cathedral was built in the neo-Russian style, typical for church construction of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. In 2001, a bell weighing 400 kilograms was hoisted onto the bell tower of the temple.

Holy Resurrection Cathedral

St. Simeon Cathedral

Temple of the 19th century, an architectural monument of the Russian-Byzantine church style. The building is a five-domed church. The side towers and the central drum are mounted on a square, one of the sides of which has a semicircular shape. The domes are covered with gold leaf, and a clock is placed on the central tower. The facade of the cathedral is painted in light green color, it is decorated with wall paintings.

St. Simeon Cathedral

Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

The current Catholic church, built in the middle of the XIX century. The building was built in a classical style. After the end of the Second World War, a local history museum was placed within its walls, at the same time it lost some of the decorative elements of the facade. Since 2002, divine services have resumed in the church. As a result of a long reconstruction, the historical appearance of the building was restored.

Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Trinity Church in Chernavchitsy

Catholic church of the XV century, located about 18 km from Brest in the agricultural town of Chernavchitsy. It was built in the Gothic and Renaissance styles. From the side, the building is somewhat reminiscent of an impregnable fortress with thick walls. For a long time the church belonged to the Orthodox diocese, in 1918 it was returned to the Catholics. In Soviet times, there was a hospital and a school.

Trinity Church in Chernavchitsy

Manor Nemtsevichi

The architectural complex of the XVIII century, built in the Baroque style. It was erected for the Nemtsevich family, from where Julian Ursyn, a public figure and one of the creators of the constitution of the Commonwealth, came from. The estate is surrounded by a park created around the same time. Once it had all the elements of landscape design - ponds, gazebos, alleys, but nothing has come down to our time. There is a museum on the estate itself.

Manor Nemtsevichi

Brest Park of Culture and Leisure

The Brest park was laid out at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, several hundred trees and more than 4 thousand bushes were planted. For the entertainment of the public, a stage and a restaurant with a veranda were built. Today, this place successfully continues to serve as a recreational area, at any time of the year, receiving visitors. There are attractions, playgrounds and cafes. Every month, the park hosts events for children.

Brest Park of Culture and Leisure

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Biosphere reserve and national park located on the border of Poland and Belarus. It is the remains of a relic forest, which in prehistoric times covered the territory of all of Europe. About 1000 species of trees, shrubs and herbs, up to 600 species of mushrooms, more than 200 species of mosses grow within its boundaries. The largest population of bison lives in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha