Top 25 Salzburg Attractions, Austria

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Charming Salzburg lies in the valley of the Salzach River among the picturesque Alps. From the hills located within the city, there are breathtaking views of the mountain range - covered with silvery snow in winter and emerald green in summer.

Salzburg is the birthplace of the incomparable Mozart, the birthplace of his musical genius. The city has a large number of concert halls and temples where classical music is played. In the summer, Salzburg hosts the iconic Opera Festival, which brings together the best performers from all over the world.

Medieval and baroque architecture is mixed on the streets of Salzburg, which gives the city a unique and charming look. The severe Romanesque appearance of the Hohensalzburg fortress is diluted with the symmetrical lines of classical cathedrals and Baroque mansions, and the narrow stone streets contrast with the wide green lawns of the palace landscaped parks.

What to see and where to go in Salzburg?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.


The main square of Salzburg, located in the old part of the city. The architectural ensemble of the area was formed by the 17th century. Around the square is the residence of the archbishop, the cathedral, burgher mansions of the XVI-XVII centuries. The central place is occupied by a magnificent baroque fountain. It was commissioned by Guidobald von Thun, Archbishop of Salzburg, in the 1660s. Skilled Italian craftsmen worked on the sculptures.



A wide square in the old part of Salzburg, located right under the walls of the city fortress. In the baroque buildings located nearby, there are residences of the highest clergy. The most attractive composition for tourists is the modern monument to Paul Fürst. This confectioner invented the famous Mozartkugel sweets. The construction is made in the form of a golden ball on a stand topped with a human figure.


Fortress Hohensalzburg

Romanesque castle of the 11th century, erected under Archbishop Gebhard. The severe bulk of the fortress rises above the city and is its architectural dominant. Over the past centuries, the castle was completed and strengthened many times, gradually turning it into an almost impregnable bastion. For nine centuries, Hohensalzburg has been standing against the backdrop of the picturesque Alps, during which time it has withstood several sieges, managed to serve as a barracks and a gloomy prison.

Fortress Hohensalzburg

Mirabell Palace and Gardens

The palace and park complex was erected at the beginning of the 17th century and rebuilt in the Baroque style in 1727. After the fire of 1818, it was practically rebuilt, based on the calm neoclassical style. "Mirabel" means "beautiful" in Italian. The palace was built for the secret wife of Archbishop von Reitenau, after his deposition, other Salzburg archbishops lived here until the 19th century. The complex was later handed over to the city authorities.

Mirabell Palace and Gardens

Hellbrunn Palace

Elegant Hellbrunn is 6 km away. from Salzburg. It was erected at the beginning of the 17th century for Archbishop M. Zittikus according to the project of the architect S. Solari. In front of the palace there is a park in the Mannerist style, decorated with figures of stone monsters, fountains, secret grottoes and artificial ponds. The interior decoration of Hellbrunn is quite luxurious, especially the main hall and the music room.

Hellbrunn Palace

Leopoldskron Palace

The palace is located in the southern part of Salzburg. It was erected for Archbishop Leopold Firmian in the 18th century. The architectural project was developed by a monk of the Order of St. Benedict, who was also a talented architect. Leopoldskron was intended for the residence of the archbishop and his family. The interior decoration of the palace is dominated by a slightly pretentious rococo style with rich wall paintings.

Leopoldskron Palace

Klessheim Palace

The former archbishop's residence, which was actively used by Hitler in the 20th century to organize official receptions. Many politicians have been here, including the closest ally of the Fuhrer B. Mussolini. Today there is a casino on the territory. The palace complex is surrounded by a picturesque classic English-style park and golf courses. On the territory of the palace there is a restaurant of gourmet European cuisine.

Klessheim Palace

Salzburg Cathedral

Salzburg Cathedral, one of the most visible and picturesque sights of the city. This temple houses the font in which the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was baptized. The majestic facade of the building is made in the early baroque architectural style. The building of the cathedral is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The very first church in its place appeared in the 8th century, until the 17th century the cathedral survived several fires and destruction, after which it was demolished and completely rebuilt.

Salzburg Cathedral


The main chapel at the University of Salzburg, located in the heart of the city. The temple was erected in the period 1694-1707. designed by I. von Erlach. This master also worked on the architectural plans for the Karlskriche Church and Schönbrunn Palace, located in Vienna. The Collegienkirche is made in the style of the "Habsburg baroque", the main facade is decorated with figured stucco in the style of the later rococo.


franciscan church

One of the most ancient temples of Salzburg, erected in the distant VIII century. The church has been rebuilt many times, which is why its appearance has absorbed several architectural styles. Thanks to this fact, the Franciscan church looks unusual and quite interesting. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the interior of the building acquired dominant baroque features, and the facade was also seriously restored.

Franciscan church

nonnberg abbey

The history of Salzburg began with Nonnberg Abbey. The monastery was founded by St. Rupert in the 8th century, and since that time it has functioned as a convent for noble representatives of aristocratic families (only since the 19th century, ordinary girls began to be accepted here). Thanks to the generous donations of wealthy sisters, the abbey amassed an impressive fortune and began to enjoy serious influence in the surrounding lands.

Nonnberg abbey

Abbey of Saint Peter

The current monastery, founded by the patron Saint of Salzburg, St. Rupert in the 7th century. Unlike Nonnberg Abbey, some parts of the monastery are open to the public. Over the centuries, the complex has been rebuilt many times, now its architecture is dominated by an elegant baroque style. The relics of St. Rupert are buried in the monastery church of St. Peter, and there is also the crypt of Sister V.A. Mozart - Anna Maria Mozart.

Abbey of Saint Peter

Cemetery of Saint Peter

The cemetery is located next to St. Peter's Abbey in the historic center of Salzburg. This place has long become a unique and priceless historical heritage of the city and has been included in the list of the most popular attractions. The remains of many famous citizens are buried here. The first graves, according to research, appeared in the first centuries of our era. Now in the cemetery you can find the preserved burial places of the XII century.

Cemetery of Saint Peter

Residence of the Archbishop

On the main city square there are two residences of the Archbishop - Old and New. The old building was erected at the beginning of the 12th century and was rebuilt many times. In the 15th century, the residence was restored under Dietrich von Reitenau. Now there is an art gallery. The building of the New Residence was erected at the beginning of the 17th century, today it is given over to the city museum of Sattler.

Residence of the Archbishop

Mozart's birth house

House located at: Getreidegasse, No. 9. Here in the period 1747 - 1773. the family of the great musician lived. In this house, the future genius was born. The museum was established in 1880 with the support of the International Mozart Foundation. The museum exposition consists of various items belonging to the family and personally to Wolfgang Amadeus. Among the exhibits are the musician's children's violin and harpsichord, letters, portraits, and scores.


Mozart House

House on Marktplatz, where Mozart and his family lived in one of the apartments until 1780. Within the walls of this apartment, many immortal works of the brilliant musician were created. In 1944, the building was destroyed by a bomb, so nothing remained of the old interior. The house was restored in the 90s. XX century at the expense of the International Mozart Foundation. A small collection consists of maestro's personal belongings, musical instruments and interior items.

Mozart House

house of nature

A popular entertainment center and museum especially loved by children. The exhibition is located in two buildings on eight floors, includes more than 30 halls and a full-fledged scientific center. In the House of Nature, you can learn a lot about the fauna and flora of Austria and other countries of the world, learn a lot of useful historical information, take a trip through the human body and look at prehistoric dinosaurs.

House of nature

Landestheater of Salzburg

The history of the theater began in the second half of the 18th century with the production of "The Grace of the Princes" by the author K. Schmidt. Schiller's early plays were often staged on the stage. Throughout its existence, the theater has changed its name more than once. The old building was demolished in 1892. The current building appeared in the 1940s. XX century. Currently, the Landestheater is the main theater stage of the Federal State of Salzburg.

Landestheater of Salzburg


Conservatory and concert hall named after V.A. Mozart. The Mocerteum was founded in 1870 as an international foundation that helped young talented musicians. Ten years later, a music school was opened on its basis. In 1924, the Mozerteum received the status of a conservatory. Here students learn how to play various instruments, the profession of conductor, music theory and the creation of musical works.


puppet theater

The Salzburg Marionette Theater has existed since 1913 and is considered the oldest in Europe. For more than 100 years of work, he has gained worldwide popularity. The performances of the theater are enjoyed by both children and adults. The central place in the repertoire is occupied by works staged accompanied by music by V.A. Mozart. With the participation of puppets there are operas, ballets, dramatic plays, operettas.

Puppet theater

Getreidegasse street

A picturesque street in the old town, which has long been considered the center of Salzburg's trade. To this day, the best (and most expensive) shops of the city with bizarre signs and almost museum-like interiors are located here. Getreidegasse houses boutiques of world brands and local shops, which are already a couple of hundred years old. The street starts at the Residenzplatz and crosses the entire old part of Salzburg.

Getreidegasse street

Hangar-7 Red Bull

A modern and rather unusual museum, created on the basis of the collection of aircraft of the founder of the Red Bull energy drink. The museum is located on the territory of Salzburg Airport. There are many rare items in Angara-7: sports models of aircraft, light pleasure aircraft and much more. The museum has a restaurant with excellent author's cuisine.

Hangar-7 Red Bull


An impressive shopping center with more than 100 stores. Here you can find both expensive designer items and products at more affordable and affordable prices. There are cafes on the territory of the shopping center, various entertainment events for adults and children are organized, and concerts are held. The Europark shopping center is a major leisure center for families in Salzburg.



In past centuries, the Kapuzinberg hill was part of the Salzburg fortification system, but in 1594 a monastery was built on its top by the will of Archbishop W. Dietrich von Reitenau. Now the mountain is used as a place for walking and relaxing in the bosom of nature. Convenient hiking trails are laid along the gentle slopes. From the top of Kapuzinberg, you can enjoy a picturesque view of Salzburg, the surrounding valleys and the spurs of the Alps.


Salzburg Zoo

Like any good European zoo, the Salzburg Zoo supports the concept of the natural habitat of animals. They try to keep animals in conditions close to natural. The territory of the zoo is divided into zones: "savannah", "steppe", "mountains", "forest" and others. Each animal is kept in the corresponding "natural zone", which creates the most comfortable conditions for the health and life of the zoo's inhabitants.

Salzburg Zoo