Top 30 USA Attractions, United States (USA)

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It is unlikely that there will be at least one other country in the world that can compare with the United States of America in terms of scale, the number of natural and man-made attractions, the variety of climatic zones and recreational opportunities.

This country is very different. It's one thing to go to the northern, rather harsh state of Maine, and quite another to sunny California, with its noisy Los Angeles and picturesque beaches. In the USA, you can arrange a shopping tour of New York shops and wander through the untouched expanses of one of the national parks.

What to see in the USA?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Statue of Liberty

This strict lady with a burning torch and a tablet is a symbol not only of New York, but of all America. Created in France, the Statue of Liberty has taken root perfectly on its island near Manhattan. Against its background, all tourists without exception are photographed, traditionally becoming a pose that has become famous all over the world with an outstretched hand.

Statue of Liberty


The historic center of New York, the heart and the most famous, expensive, prestigious, noisy area of ​​the city. There is an incredible amount of people, cars, shopping centers and office complexes. Manhattan has repeatedly become the "hero" of Hollywood films, the scene of thrillers and romantic comedies.


Mount Rushmore

Yes, yes, this is the same mountain on which the portraits of the four most famous US presidents are carved: Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt. This otherwise unremarkable mountain is located in South Dakota, near the town of Keyston. The height of this bas-relief is 18.6 meters, so that the presidents are visible from afar.

Mount Rushmore

Niagara Falls

One can talk about the beauty and power of this most famous waterfall in the world for a long time, but the spectacle itself cannot be replaced by anything. There are several ways to admire Niagara: from a helicopter, from a tunnel under powerful jets of water and, of course, from the coast, and from different sides. In any case, it is incredibly beautiful, and also very noisy.

Niagara Falls

Washington Monument

This is the central Washington Monument, erected as a symbol of state power right between the Capitol and the White House. The granite obelisk, 169 meters high and weighing about 91 tons, is lined with beautiful Maryland marble. By the way, you can take the elevator to the top of the Washington Monument, or by breaking the 896 steps.

Washington Monument

Golden Gate Bridge

At one time, this suspension bridge in San Francisco was the longest in the world, but now it is far from the champions, because it was built in 1937. However, the Golden Gate still looks very respectable and slender, being a recognized hallmark of the city, showing off on postcards and photos.

Golden Gate Bridge

Times Square

If Manhattan is the heart of New York, then Times Square is the heart of Manhattan itself! This square is an incredibly popular and lively place where crowds of people flock. This place is also called the "Great White Way" and the "crossroads of the world." Bright advertising, a lot of shops - Times Square never sleeps.

Times Square

Lincoln Memorial

This place in the center of Washington is visited every year by at least five million people. The slender building with columns can serve as an example of classical antique architecture, and Abraham Lincoln himself, the sixteenth president of the United States, greets visitors at the entrance. Several legends are associated with the monument, which guides will gladly tell you about.

Lincoln Memorial

Grand Canyon

What can I say, this is really the Grand Canyon, a real miracle of nature, which takes the breath away from even the most experienced travelers. It is located in the state of Arizona and is the most unusual geological object on our planet. Tourists are most attracted by the opportunity to stand on a glass platform above the canyon.

Grand Canyon

New York Central Park

One of the few islands of greenery, again located in Manhattan. This is one of the most famous parks in the world, a wonderful place where thousands of residents of the metropolis come to relax every day. Here they jog, sit on the grass, admire lakes and swimming ducks, and children play on well-equipped playgrounds.

New York Central Park

Fifth Avenue Street

And again Manhattan! This street is considered one of the most expensive, the most fashionable, the most pretentious and, of course, one of the most famous in the world. Just imagine how many famous personalities walked along its sidewalks, went into boutiques and cafes! It is from Fifth Avenue that the countdown of all New York streets begins.

Fifth Avenue Street

Las Vegas

The best place to drop a few thousand dollars is a Las Vegas casino. In this noisiest and most vibrant American city, they will easily sign you up with the first person you meet, drink whiskey and gladly help you get rid of extra money. Just don't get too carried away, because you can end up with absolutely nothing!

Las Vegas

Hoover Dam

The Hoover Dam or Dam is one of the most interesting and large-scale hydraulic structures in the United States. It stands in the Black Canyon, in the lower part of the Colorado River, and became the reason for the formation of the reservoir. The Hoover Dam was built in 1936 and is located in the vicinity of Las Vegas, so it will be possible to combine a casino and a visit to an interesting place.

Hoover Dam

Monument Valley

This is not a man-made attraction at all, but a natural masterpiece located in the territories of the states of Utah and Arizona. These are the lands of the Navajo tribe and the park of the same name, which attracts tourists with unusual landscapes. It's no surprise that cowboy movies and commercials have been filmed here many times!

Monument Valley

Moving rocks in Death Valley

One of the wonders of nature, which still has no explanation. These stones are also called creeping or sliding. Imagine huge boulders that slowly move along the bottom of a dried-up lake in the famous Death Valley, leaving grooves in their wake. Where they crawl, why, the stones, of course, do not tell, and scientists have not been able to establish this for sure.

Moving rocks in Death Valley

Mount McKinley

Of course, not every tourist will be able to visit this attraction, except to admire the view from afar. We are talking about the highest peak in North America, located in Alaska. It is noteworthy that Russian polar explorers were the first to reach the vicinity of Mount McKinley, and disputes about who exactly was the first to conquer this peak do not stop to this day.

Mount McKinley

Burning Man Festival

Burning Man or Burning Man, that is, "burning man", is an annual event that takes place in the Black Rock Desert (Nevada). For eight days, the desert turns into a contemporary art exhibition, at the end of which a statue of a wooden man is burned. It is customary to come here in decorated cars and in bright costumes.

Burning Man Festival

Highway 66

This highway is rightly called the "mother of all American roads." Highway 66 has a length of four thousand kilometers and connects such large cities as Los Angeles and Chicago, located in different parts of the United States. Thus, the highway became a symbol of the unity of America, had a significant impact on the life of the country and its economic development.

Highway 66

Museum Mile (New York)

This is part of Fifth Avenue, which we have already talked about earlier. This section of the street with a length of 1.6 kilometers received this name thanks to a dozen museums located on it. Here are the famous Metropolitan, the Museum of the National Academy, the National Museum of Design, the Museum of African Art and a number of other museums.

Museum Mile (New York)


Yellowstone National Park is a UNESCO-listed site that occupies parts of the states of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Yellowstone is known for its geysers, picturesque landscapes, untouched nature, richness of flora and fauna. Here you can see unique caves, clear lakes, canyons and rivers. The park provides ample opportunities for outdoor activities.


New York Central Station

Grand Central or Grand Central Station of New York is not only a historical monument, but also one of the oldest buildings in the city of the Big Apple. The total area of ​​the station reaches 19 hectares, among the intricacies of platforms and paths it is easy to get lost. Grand Central Station is located in Manhattan and is famous for its luxurious waiting room with arched windows and columns.

New York Central Station

Solomon Guggenheim Museum

One of the museums located on the Fifth Avenue Museum Mile, described above. It is a collection of works by masters of modern culture and art. The Solomon Guggenheim Museum was established in 1937 and is distinguished by a unique layout of the premises - it is proposed to start viewing the collection from the top floor, gradually descending along a spiral ramp.

Solomon Guggenheim Museum

Hollywood Walk of Fame

It is in this corner of Los Angeles that about 10 million tourists come every year to see the handprints of Hollywood stars left right on the sidewalk. On the Walk of Fame today there are stars of almost 2.5 thousand celebrities, the collection has been replenished since 1960. A star on the Walk of Fame is a recognition of the outstanding achievements of an individual, her contribution to American culture.

Hollywood Walk of Fame

White House

This official residence of the American leader needs no introduction. Thanks to this snow-white building, almost every country has its own White House, becoming synonymous with power. The six-story mansion was built in the refined and austere Palladian style in 1800, so that of all US presidents, only George Washington did not have time to live in the White House.

White House


The name of this building in Greek means simply "pentagon" and fully corresponds to all the features of architecture. No one says “US Department of Defense building” anymore – just the Pentagon – and everything becomes clear. This remarkable, largest office building on the planet is located in the state of Virginia. Interestingly, the lawn in front of the entrance to the Pentagon is also pentagonal.


Alcatraz prison

One of the darkest prisons in the world, located on an island in San Francisco Bay. Alcatraz is often referred to simply as "The Rock" and is said to have been incredibly difficult to escape. Today this place, shown in films, programs and described in literature, attracts tourists with its gloomy history and the well-preserved atmosphere of a real casemate.

Alcatraz prison


The largest, coldest, most sparsely populated state in the US. People come here to see the untouched nature of the north, try themselves as a gold digger, visit museums and other attractions. Must-sees include Denali National Park, home to Mount McKinley and the Museum of the North.


Miami Beach

Who has not heard of Miami Beach, probably the most famous resort on the planet! It is located in the state of Florida, in the suburbs of Grand Miami. Biscayne Bay separates this resort from the city itself. We note right away that Miami Beach is a resort for the rich, its second name is the “island of billionaires”. The apartments here are very expensive, but the beaches are gorgeous and the water is clean.

Miami Beach

Blue Ridge Expressway

This is not just a road - it is a park highway, which is under protection. Blue Ridge is known for its wonderful views, which can be admired all the way - 755 kilometers. The road runs along the Blue Ridge (part of the Appalachian mountain range). There are parking lots and campsites along the way so travelers can stop and enjoy the scenic views.

Blue Ridge Expressway

Hollywood sign

Remember those snow-white letters HOLLYWOOD, which look especially bright against the backdrop of the green slopes of Mount Lee? Of course, remember! This is one of the most recognizable signs in the world, a symbol of the Dream Factory, the entire state of California and even the United States itself. The sign was installed in 1923 and has become a real brand.

Hollywood sign