Top 20 attractions in Alanya, Turkey

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Alanya is a well-known and popular resort on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, where hundreds and thousands of tourists flock to during the season. The resort boasts Blue Flag beaches, gorgeous clear seas, interesting sights and a variety of activities suitable for all ages.

Many people prefer not to leave the territory of the hotels, where there is absolutely everything for a comfortable stay, but to visit Alanya and not explore the city with its surroundings means depriving yourself of new impressions and positive emotions. Fans of antiquities and history will definitely have a place to turn around - fortresses, ruins and museums are always welcome visitors.

What to see and where to go in Alanya?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Alanya fortress

A defensive structure of the 13th century, located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The fortification was erected under Sultan Ala ad-Din Kay-Kubad on the foundation of Roman and Byzantine buildings. To this day, the ring of outer walls and watchtowers have been almost completely preserved. From the viewing platforms located inside, a magnificent view of Alanya and the seashore opens up.

Alanya fortress

red tower

Kyzyl Kule (the Turkish name for the tower) is one of the main attractions of Alanya, its image is even on the flag of the city. The facility is located in the port area. It was erected in the 13th century according to the design of an invited Arab architect. It reaches a height of 33 meters, the diameter of the walls is 29 meters. On the first floor there is an ethnographic museum, on the last floor there is an observation deck, where you can climb a stone staircase.

Red tower

Sea port

The port of Alanya accepts passenger ships, mainly cruise ships plying the so-called "Turkish Riviera". There is also a promenade along which you can make walking promenades or ride a bike. Restaurants and cafes located on the pier offer seafood, and you can buy some memorabilia in souvenir shops.

Sea port

Lighthouse of Alanya

The lighthouse is located on a rocky embankment at the edge of the harbor. The structure was built and assembled in France in 1880, and then transported to Alanya. The structure reaches a height of 20 meters, the lighting equipment allows you to spread the signal as much as 200 miles, which is approximately 370 km. The lighthouse has been working properly for more than 100 years and is a reliable reference point for ships entering the port.

Lighthouse of Alanya

Shipyard Tersane

The shipyard has existed since 1228; it was used for its intended purpose until 1361, providing everything necessary for the Sultan's flotilla, which dominated this section of the sea. The architecture of Tersane is an example of the building of the Seljuk period. The shipyard is located in the port of Alanya right behind the Red Tower - along the embankment you can walk to it or take a boat.

Shipyard Tersane

Archaeological Museum

The museum collection was created in 1967, but, to this day, it is replenished, as archaeological excavations are constantly being carried out in the vicinity of Alanya. The exposition consists of artifacts from several historical periods: Phrygian, Lydian, Greek, Byzantine. The halls exhibit collections of ceramics, bronze and glassware, preserved elements of the exterior decoration of buildings, and much more.

Archaeological Museum

House Museum of Kemal Ataturk

It is perhaps difficult to find a city in Turkey where there would not be a museum dedicated to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a reformer, innovator and statesman, who is revered in the country as the “father of the nation”. In the house in Alanya, on the territory of which the exposition is located today, he lived with his sister and mother after returning from the Syrian front. Here Atatürk held meetings and met with his associates.

House Museum of Kemal Ataturk

Monument to Ataturk

The monument in honor of the first president of the Republic of Turkey was erected in Alanya on one of the central squares in 1933. In the center of the composition is the decisive figure of the leader with a hand raised in greeting (he seems to be making a speech to the people and calling on supporters to fight). On the right side of him stands a girl with an olive branch, on the left - a young man with a Turkish flag. The sculptures are on a low pedestal against the background of a white stele.

Monument to Ataturk

Monument to Ala ad-Din Kay-Kubad I

Sultan Ala ad-Din from the Seljuk dynasty ruled Alanya in the 13th century. According to historical evidence, he was a talented military leader and a far-sighted sovereign. Today, a monument in his honor adorns the city landscape. The Sultan is depicted riding a mighty horse, his facial features are severe and resolute, in his right hand he holds a scepter with the heraldic symbol of the Seljuks.

Monument to Ala ad-Din Kay-Kubad I

Suleymaniye Mosque

The mosque was built under Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century. The building is a classic example of Ottoman architecture: strict rectangular shapes, pointed arches, a spherical dome of the prayer hall and a minaret towering over the entire structure. The Muslim temple is active, so it is problematic for representatives of other religions to get inside.

Suleymaniye Mosque

Water Planet Water Park

The water park is located about 30 km from Alanya on the territory of the Water Planet Deluxe Hotel

Water Planet Water Park

Alanya Aquapark

There is also a water park in Alanya itself, so there is no need to go several tens of kilometers away. You can have a great time without leaving far from the hotel, which many tourists will appreciate. And although it is more modest in terms of size and composition of attractions than Water Planet, it has everything you need: water slides, pools, recreation areas and standard infrastructure.

Alanya Aquapark

Dolphinarium Sealanya

Dolphinarium is located near the city in a few minutes drive. It is worth going to this place to watch spectacular shows with the participation of dolphins, sea lions and seals, which show funny tricks, which indescribably delights the audience. If you wish, you can order a session of dolphin therapy or just swim surrounded by animals to get a boost of positive energy.

Dolphinarium Sealanya

Gardens of Alanya

City park near the coast, where you can take a walk, take a break from the sweltering sun and admire the slender rows of palm trees. Wide walking alleys are laid along the square, flower beds interspersed with green lawns are laid out throughout the territory. The picturesque landscape is complemented by fountains, stairs and wooden bridges across an artificial pond.

Gardens of Alanya

Dim Cave

The cave is located 12 km from Alanya on the territory of the Western Taurus mountain range in the gorge of the Dim Chay River. It is the second largest in Turkey. Speleologists discovered the grotto in 1986, since 1998 it has been open to visitors. The length of the tourist route is just over 400 meters, it consists of two sections. The most interesting is the first one, which ends with a large underground hall with a lake.

Dim Cave

Damlatas cave

Damlatash is located within the city limits, literally 100 meters from the seashore, it was discovered in 1946 during the construction of the port. Previously, there was a quarry on this site. The entrance to the cave is located very conveniently, next to it there is a beach and a small market. Damlatash is not large - there is only one hall, but here you can look at stalactites and stalagmites of incredible beauty.

Damlatas cave

The ancient city of Siedra

The ruins of the ancient city are located 20 km from Alanya at the junction of Cilicia and Pamphylia - the historical regions of Asia Minor. It is believed that the ancient settlement was founded in the 1st century. In ancient times, Siedra flourished - they even printed their own coin here. Reservoirs for reservoirs, a stone-lined street, part of the acropolis and a whole building with the remains of a mosaic inside have survived to this day.

The ancient city of Siedra

Sapadere Canyon

The gorge is located about 40-50 km from Alanya near the village of the same name. This place is incredibly popular among tourists who want to diversify their vacation and take a hiking route, enjoying the views of the mountainous area, fresh air and the pleasant coolness of the waterfalls (some even swim in rather cold lakes). A 750-meter long path is specially equipped for visitors.

Sapadere Canyon

Dim Chai River

Dim Chay Valley, located 6 km from Alanya, is a popular holiday destination among locals - people often come here for family picnics and friendly companies. Moreover, the place is well equipped: there are cafes of national cuisine, restaurants, water activities, attractions, fishing areas, viewing platforms, gazebos and terraces. The total length of the Dim Chay River is 60 km.

Dim Chai River

Cleopatra Beach

The beach is considered one of the best in Alanya and the surrounding area. This is a long, well-kept area covered with clean sand, along which numerous hotel complexes are located. The beach is perfectly suited for families with small children due to the developed infrastructure and a gentle entrance to the sea. There is entertainment for every taste: water skiing, banana, catamarans, paragliding, a volleyball court.

Cleopatra Beach