Top 30 Kirov Attractions, Russia

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Kirov and the region provide an inquisitive traveler with great scope for research. In addition to the richest natural resources, this territory has a powerful cultural potential - in addition to the Dymkovo toy, famous throughout Russia, more than ten folk crafts have developed here over the centuries.

In the town itself, the number of museums literally rolls over - a variety of collections are available to tourists: both classic historical ones and those dedicated to traditional crafts, paleontology, fine arts, as well as chocolate and ice cream. One of the most picturesque places in Kirov is a small Spasskaya street. Connoisseurs of church architecture will find many churches built in different styles in the city.

What to see and where to go in Kirov?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Alexander Garden

The oldest park in the city and the region, founded in the first half of the 19th century after the visit of Alexander I (at that time Kirov was called Vyatka). It is still adorned with a rotunda, an entrance portico and a fence built in the 1840s. These objects are made in the classical style and are among the best examples of garden and park architecture. The park has many sculptures and art objects built in the Soviet and modern times.

Alexander Garden

Embankment Green

The embankment runs along the Vyatka River. It offers a beautiful view of the river, city blocks and Dymkovskaya Sloboda. The alleys are densely planted with trees and ornamental shrubs, which turns the coast into a real green oasis and a corner of calm in the midst of the bustle of the city, very popular with the townspeople. The embankment was named after the famous writer A. Green, a native of the Vyatka province.

Embankment Green

Memorial complex "Eternal Flame"

The complex is located on the high bank of the Vyatka. It is an architectural ensemble dedicated to the memory of soldiers who died in the Second World War, and consists of the Eternal Flame itself, a 12-meter obelisk and two semicircular symmetrical walls with bas-reliefs. The memorial was erected in 1967. In the 1940s, more than 600 thousand people left the Kirov region for the front. A third of them died, 200 fighters were awarded the title of Hero of the USSR.

Memorial complex Eternal Flame

Spasskaya street

The street has existed since the end of the 18th century. Since then, its boundaries have not changed. The pedestrian part of the alley is paved with paving stones; it runs along the picturesque historical mansions. There are forged lanterns, benches and flowerpots in the center of the street. Most of the historical buildings belong to the XIX - early XX centuries. You can walk along Spasskaya Street in just 10 minutes, since its length is small. One of the central sculptures is an old car, near which people like to take pictures.

Spasskaya street

Assumption Trifonov Monastery

The 17th century male monastery founded by St. Tryphon of Vyatka. The architectural ensemble of the monastery is rich in valuable monuments of federal significance. The oldest buildings: the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin and St. Nicholas Gate Church, built in the 1680-90s. The rest of the temples, as well as monastic buildings, towers, abbot's chambers and other buildings were built in the 18th-19th centuries.

Assumption Trifonov Monastery

Vyatka Transfiguration Monastery

Convent founded at the beginning of the 17th century with the blessing of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The main temple of the monastery is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior, built in 1696 in the style of Russian patterning. Two more churches were built in the 19th century, at the same time residential buildings appeared, in which apartments were placed in the Soviet era. Monastic life resumed in the 1990s after a long break.

Vyatka Transfiguration Monastery

Spassky Cathedral

The cathedral was built during the reign of Catherine II on the site of an old wooden church. After the Revolution, it, like many others, was closed and placed inside living quarters, after destroying the bell tower and dome. After the transfer to believers in 1992, restoration work began in the building, which is still ongoing. But, despite this, the temple operates, and services are regularly held in it.

Spassky Cathedral

Alexander's Church

Catholic temple, built in 1903 at the request of exiled Poles who lived in the Vyatka province. During the First World War, a Polish school and a library worked under him. Services continued until 1933, despite the fact that most of the parishioners left for their homeland after the Revolution. During the Soviet years, the building housed a veterinary institute. In the 1990s, the church was restored and an organ hall was placed in it.


Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign"

The stone temple was erected at the end of the 18th century. A century ago, a wooden church stood in its place, which burned to the ground. Only one icon of the Sign was saved from the burning building. Just in honor of her, they built a new temple, which has survived to our times. The appearance of the building mixed features of classicism and baroque. The three-tiered bell tower decorated with columns looks especially picturesque.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God The Sign

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

The temple was erected in 1723, using architectural techniques more typical for wooden architecture. Twice - in 1775 and 1899 the building was rebuilt, adding features of modern contemporary styles to the appearance. In Soviet times, the church housed a planetarium. After the return of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 1990s, the ensemble was restored: the walls were repainted, the facade was repaired, and the side chapels were consecrated.

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

Cathedral of Seraphim of Sarov

The church was built at the beginning of the 20th century in the Art Nouveau style, but with clearly visible notes of pseudo-Russian manner - a rather rare combination for religious buildings. Today its domes and hipped roofs are painted black. Thus, architects refer observers to wooden architecture (after a few years, the logs from which the buildings were built turned black from dampness). During the Soviet period, the temple not only survived, but also significantly expanded its area.

Cathedral of Seraphim of Sarov

Kirov Drama Theater

Theater stage founded in Kirov in 1877. It should be said that performances have been regularly held in Vyatka since 1815, gathering fans of dramatic art. Basically, then preference was given to the classical works of Russian authors. The stone building of the theater was built in the 1930s in the style of classicism in its Soviet version. In 2006, a museum was opened at the institution.

Kirov Drama Theater

Kirov Puppet Theater

The puppet theater was founded in 1935 by a group of enthusiasts. At first, the productions were not popular, and more than once the question arose of its closure. The stage received a separate building only in 1957 - the 2nd floor of one of the oldest mansions in Kirov was allocated for performances. In 2009, the theater moved to a new house with two auditoriums and modernly equipped puppet workshops.

Kirov Puppet Theater

Sculptural composition "Family"

The composition "Family" is a monument to the Dymkovo toy. It is made in the traditional manner, characteristic of this technique. The sculptural group consists of figures of a man playing the button accordion, a child, a woman with a baby, as well as a cat and a dog. The monument was built at the expense of Megafon. There is a sign that if you sit on a bench next to the characters, you can find family happiness.

Sculptural composition Family

Vyatka Paleontological Museum

The museum was established in 1994. Its main exhibits were the skeletons of pareiasaurs, discovered in the 1990s near the town of Kotelnich, which are of great scientific value, since they are not found anywhere else in the world. Since 2013, the institution has been actively developing the Museum of the Future program, aimed at introducing interactive technologies that can diversify the traditional exposition.

Vyatka Paleontological Museum

Vyatka Vasnetsov Art Museum

The institution started operating in 1910 on the basis of the Vyatka art circle. After the Revolution, it switched to state support. Initially, all the collections were located on the territory of the mansion of the local merchant I. Repin, in 1992 a new building was erected nearby, where part of the exposition was moved. The funds contain more than 20 thousand exhibits: painting, sculpture, graphics, arts and crafts. In the gallery you can see the masterpieces of famous artists: I. E. Repin, K. P. Bryullov, I. K. Aivazovsky.

Vyatka Vasnetsov Art Museum

"Progress Gallery"

Museum of Modern Art, which exhibits contemporary works of the XX-XXI centuries. Here are collected collections of paintings, graphics, music, video. Part of the Gallery of Progress is the Rock and Roll Museum, where you can learn about the history of the genre and famous artists. In addition to exhibitions, the institution hosts lectures, concerts, themed evenings, discussion clubs, and a design studio for young artists.

Progress Gallery

Kirov Regional Museum of Local Lore

The museum was founded in the 1860s. The occasion was the exhibition of 1837, which was visited by the heir to the throne, Alexander II. After the success of the exposition, the city authorities thought about creating a permanent collection. In 1864, the emperor donated minerals from the funds of the Mining Institute to the future museum. The main building is located on Spasskaya Street, on the territory of the former shopping arcade, built in the 19th century according to the project of F. M. Roslyakov.

Kirov Regional Museum of Local Lore

Museum and Exhibition Center "Diorama"

The opening of the Diorama was timed to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution. The center is located in a building whose main facade is made in the form of a waving flag with bas-reliefs of a sailor, worker and peasant in military uniform - the main driving forces of the Bolshevik coup. The central exhibit of the museum is a panoramic painting depicting the events of 1917.

Museum and Exhibition Center Diorama

Museum "Dymkovo toy: history and modernity"

The exposition of the museum is dedicated to the traditional craft of the Vyatka province - the Dymkovo toy. It consists of more than 700 items (about 250 exhibited at the same time). In the halls you can see both classic, familiar products of Dymkovo masters, as well as new ones, which are distinguished by their original performance. In addition, the museum often hosts exhibitions dedicated to other areas of arts and crafts.

Museum Dymkovo toy: history and modernity

Museum "Vyatka folk art crafts"

The exposition is located on the territory of a historical building - the first stone civil building in Vyatka, erected in the 18th century. The museum opened after the restoration of the building in the 1970s. Its collection consists of works of folk art and applied art. Here you can see clay and wooden toys, lace, textiles, burls and much more. For those who wish, master classes on modeling from various materials are held.

Museum Vyatka folk art crafts

A. S. Green Museum

The name museum of the famous writer was founded in 1980 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the author. As you might guess, the exposition is dedicated to the life and work of A.S. Green. The halls recreate the atmosphere of his childhood home, many exhibits are dedicated to his hobbies, the search for a creative path, difficult years and the formation of his personality. The main place in the collection is given to the work "Scarlet Sails".

A. S. Green Museum

Museum of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Aviation and Cosmonautics

Museum with a unique collection, established in 1988 in the building where the family of K. E. Tsiolkovsky lived for several years. The institution is interesting not only for its exposition - visitors of all ages come here to listen to entertaining lectures about the Cosmos, the conquest of space, the life and work of the great scientist, and scientific discoveries that made space flights possible.

Museum of K. E. Tsiolkovsky, Aviation and Cosmonautics

House-Museum of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

The writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin spent several years in exile in Vyatka. All this time he lived in a modest wooden house. It was here that in 1968, after restoration, the first museum in the USSR named after him was opened. In 1997, the exposition was updated, adding authentic objects of the 19th century to it. Today, in three exhibition halls, you can observe the atmosphere of those times. The museum's collection consists of paintings, books, documents, interior items and furniture.

House-Museum of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Museum of Chocolate History "Criollo"

Private museum opened in 2014. Today it is the only one in the Kirov region covering the chocolate theme. The establishment was named after the Criollo cocoa bean variety. The exposition consists of various chocolate figurines. The museum also operates a confectionery mini-factory, where you can see the process of making delicacies and taste the final result.

Museum of Chocolate History Criollo

Museum of the History of Ice Cream "Artico"

The museum collection is dedicated to the history of one of the most popular delicacies. Many exhibits are unique and can only be seen here. A standard tour consists of a visit to the exposition located in two halls and a visit to the laboratory, where you can observe the production or participate in a master class. The museum has a cafe offering visitors more than 100 types of ice cream.

Museum of the History of Ice Cream Artico

The mansion of the merchant T.F. Bulychev

The building of the beginning of the 20th century, reminiscent of a Moorish palace, was erected by the architect I. A. Charushin by order of T. F. Bulychev, a merchant and owner of the Vyatka-Kama Shipping Company. The architecture of the building is unique, especially for this region: in the appearance of the facade you can see the features of the Arabic style, Art Nouveau, Manueline, Gothic style - in a word, real eclecticism at its best.

The mansion of the merchant T.F. Bulychev

Botanical Garden

The park is located in the city center. It was founded in 1912 as a private garden. They worked hard on landscape design, planting a lot of ornamental and exotic plants, building greenhouses and artificial ponds. After the Revolution, the territory was transferred to the university. To date, more than 500 species of trees, shrubs, flowers and herbs, brought from Asia, the Caucasus, North America, Siberia and the Far East, grow in the garden.

Botanical Garden

Park named after S. M. Kirov

The park appeared in Soviet times. The workers of the Kirov factories and students worked on its improvement, and later became its main visitors. Today it is an ennobled green area with paths and elements of landscape design: sculptures, figured fences, alleys, flower beds. The place is intended for rest and walks.

Park named after S. M. Kirov

Vyatka River

Vyatka originates in Udmurtia and flows through the territory of the Kirov region and Tatarstan, flowing into the Kama. From it comes the historical name of the region - Vyatka province. Before Kirov, the water artery is navigable (700-1000 km from the mouth). Many species of commercial fish are found here: bream, catfish, pike, perch, pike perch, roach. You can go kayaking and rafting along Vyatka, which is what water tourists use.

Vyatka River