Top 25 attractions of Ulyanovsk, Russia

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Until 1924, Ulyanovsk was called Simbirsk. The city arose in the 17th century as a frontier fortification on the banks of the Volga. The founder of the settlement is the boyar-voivode Bogdan Khitrovo, who arrived in these places by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Before the Revolution, Simbirsk was an important cultural center - a provincial theater and libraries worked here. From the end of the 18th century, the city developed at a high pace, construction was going on everywhere. Unfortunately, during the fire of 1864, most of the buildings burned down.

But the city gained true fame due to the fact that V. I. Lenin was born here. In 1924, Simbirsk was renamed Ulyanovsk in his honor. All the most significant sights, one way or another, refer to this famous revolutionary. The names of other historical figures are also associated with the city: the writer I. A. Goncharov and the historian N. M. Karamzin.

What to see and where to go in Ulyanovsk?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Lenin memorial

The Lenin Memorial is a whole museum complex dedicated to V. I. Lenin (Ulyanov) and his family. To perpetuate the name of the leader of the world proletariat began immediately after the Revolution with the installation of commemorative plaques. After his death, of course, they began to create a full-fledged memorial, but real work began only in the 1960s. Today, the ensemble includes the Memorial Center with a museum, a concert hall, a house of political education, the square named after the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin and the Friendship of Peoples Park, which was abandoned in the 1990s.

Lenin memorial

Boulevard New Crown

Pedestrian alley, resting on Lenin Square and located on the highest point of the city. The street offers an excellent view of the Volga and the Imperial Bridge, as well as some areas of Ulyanovsk. Until the end of the 18th century, the Kremlin was located on this site. The boulevard was finally built up by the 1960s, the construction of many buildings was associated with preparations for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Lenin.

Boulevard New Crown

Square and monument to V. I. Lenin

Of course, the main square of the city bears the name of the main Russian revolutionary. Until 1918, it was called Cathedral, as it housed two cathedral churches, completely destroyed after the Revolution. The square is a fairly wide space in front of the Government House. In the middle is the usual monument to V.I. Lenin on a high pedestal of pink granite.

Square and monument to V. I. Lenin

Square of the 30th anniversary of the Victory

Memorial Square, built in 1975 in honor of the anniversary of the Victory. It is made in the form of a two-level platform, in the middle of which there is a 47-meter obelisk crowned with a star. The Eternal Flame burns in front of the stele, and a sculptural group depicting Soviet soldiers is placed on the side. The space is also an observation deck from where you can admire the endless water surface.

Square of the 30th anniversary of the Victory

Monument to Nikolai Karamzin

A monument of the middle of the 19th century dedicated to the great Russian historian and writer N. M. Karamzin, a native of the Simbirsk province. It was erected on the initiative of local nobles, who petitioned Nicholas I to start raising funds for construction. Contrary to expectations, the central sculpture of the composition is the figure of Clio, the muse of history, standing on a pedestal. The bust of Karamzin is located in the round niche of the pedestal.

Monument to Nikolai Karamzin

Monument to Bogdan Khitrovo

B. M. Khitrovo is the founder of Ulyanovsk. A monument in his honor was erected in 2008 on Lenin Square. The sculptural composition consists of an equestrian statue of the governor himself and a male warrior standing next to him with a banner on which is depicted the face of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the 360th anniversary of Ulyanovsk. Surprisingly, for several centuries, the city authorities did not come up with the idea to perpetuate the image of their “father”.

Monument to Bogdan Khitrovo

Monument to the letter "ё"

The monument, which can be called an object of contemporary art, appeared in Ulyanovsk in 2005. The idea of ​​creating a composition arose in 1997 from Ulyanovsk historians, who noted the appearance of the letter “ё” in the Russian language. The project was created by one of the authors of the idea - a local artist A. Zinin. The letter is placed on a triangular granite prism weighing more than 3 tons, placed in the middle of a flower bed.

Monument to the letter ё

Spaso-Ascension Cathedral

An Orthodox church in the Baroque style, built in the 2000s to replace the demolished Ascension Cathedral (though in a different place so as not to disturb the existing architectural ensemble of the city). The new building was recreated from photographs, as the drawings were lost. Due to economic crises and poor funding, work continued for decades, and the temple was officially consecrated only in 2015.

Spaso-Ascension Cathedral

Museum of Civil Aviation History

The museum is located near the airport, it belongs to the local aviation school. In addition to the aircraft, which are in good condition and constitute an open exposition, there are special simulators used to train pilots. Among the exhibits there are quite rare copies, produced almost in the singular.

Museum of Civil Aviation History

House-monument to I. A. Goncharov

I. A. Goncharov - writer and critic was born in Simbirsk. A memorial house in his honor was built in 1918. The revolution changed the plans for the use of the building, and Simbirsk Proletarian University was placed on its territory along with the museum exposition. Today, the premises are occupied by the collections of the Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum and the Ulyanovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore named after I. A. Goncharov.

House-monument to I. A. Goncharov

Historical and Memorial Center-Museum of I. A. Goncharov

The museum opened in 2012 in the house where I. A. Goncharov once lived. The exposition occupies all three floors of the spacious building. A separate hall is devoted to the history of the mansion itself, in the other rooms there are thematic expositions related to the personality of I. A. Goncharov and his family. There are also halls that house historical collections and a collection of items of merchant life. The tower of the building houses the Museum of the History of the Simbirsk City Clock.

Historical and Memorial Center-Museum of I. A. Goncharov

House-Museum of V. I. Lenin

The exposition is located on the territory of a wooden manor - a city architectural monument that belonged to the Ulyanov family at the end of the 19th century. Lenin spent his childhood and youth here. In 1923 it was turned into a museum named after the leader, a few years later the building was carefully restored. The descendants of Vladimir Ilyich took an active part in the formation of the exposition.

House-Museum of V. I. Lenin

Safe house of the Simbirsk group of the RSDLP

The secret meeting place for members of the RSDLP was located on the territory of the house of the grocer V. I. Orlov. The wooden building was built in 1904. During the active activity of the cell, hiding places were equipped in the rooms and the mezzanine for storing documents and prohibited literature. From 1917 to the 1960s, the building was owned by a private individual. The museum exposition opened in 1974.

Safe house of the Simbirsk group of the RSDLP

Museum "Simbirsk Classical Gymnasium"

The museum exposition is devoted to the history of the development of education in the Russian Empire, in general, and in the Simbirsk province, in particular. It is located in the former gymnasium, from where V. I. Ulyanov came out at one time. Inside, the atmosphere of the 19th century is recreated: the interiors of classrooms, halls, dressing room, gym (physical office) are restored. The building, which houses the museum, was erected in 1790, in 1883 a brick outbuilding was added to it.

Museum Simbirsk Classical Gymnasium

Museum "Simbirsk merchants"

The collection tells about the history of the formation of the merchant class, as well as about its way of life and traditions. It consists of two parts: on the first floor there are rooms for temporary exhibitions, on the second floor there is a permanent one, consisting of models of merchant mansions, household items and decor typical for a merchant's house. Since 2006, the museum has been located inside a former trading shop, which is part of a large estate.

Museum Simbirsk merchants

Museum "Small Shop"

In the middle of the 19th century, a store called "Peil Shop" operated in Ulyanovsk, where they sold groceries, small dishes, soap, candles, threads, lamps and other props necessary for the household. In 2002, a museum of the same name was opened on the territory of the former shop with a collection made up of exactly the same items. While viewing the exposition, visitors are immersed in the atmosphere of a private shop of tsarist times.

Museum Small Shop

Museum "Simbirsk Photography"

The museum is located in the building of the estate, where in 1904 there was a photo studio. The building is a wooden mansion with Art Nouveau elements. Inside, the atmosphere of a photography salon of the early 20th century is recreated. The exhibits are old photographs taken by Simbirsk masters, rare devices with which the shooting was carried out, as well as background decorations and antique furniture.

Museum Simbirsk Photography

Museum "Fire protection of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk"

The exposition is located on the territory of the building, which since the 19th century was occupied by the city fire brigade. The museum opened in 1979 after the restoration of the building. The collection consists of pre-revolutionary and Soviet sections, where exhibits of the respective periods are placed. In the central part there is a diorama depicting a fire in Simbirsk that occurred in 1864.

Museum Fire protection of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk

Ulyanovsk Drama Theater

The first theater stage was opened in the city in 1879. The professionalism of the troupe was so high that the theater was considered one of the best in the provinces of the Russian Empire. The historical building has not been preserved, today the performances are held on the territory of the Soviet era building, built in the style of laconic constructivism with features characteristic of this style: the absence of decorative elements and strict rectangular shapes.

Ulyanovsk Drama Theater

Ulyanovsk Puppet Theater

The stage was founded in 1944 and began work under the guidance of artists from the Moscow Operetta Theater. Her repertoire consists of productions aimed at different age groups, although the main audience is children. The performances are based on the plots of Russian folk tales and works of classical authors. There are also modern plays created on the basis of the works of young playwrights.

Ulyanovsk Puppet Theater

Alexander Park

The park is located on the territory of the new Zasviyazhsky district. It is a classic walking area with alleys, lawns, benches, fountains and gazebos. The trees in the park are still small, as they were planted relatively recently. In the center there is an artificial reservoir: in summer you can sunbathe on its shore, and in winter you can skate on the frozen water surface.

Alexander Park

Vinnovskaya grove

A unique natural monument, which is a site of a relict grove, mainly consisting of lindens and oaks (in total, more than 280 species grow in the zone). The forest miraculously survived, somehow avoiding complete destruction during the mass building of the city. In 1961, the grove was declared a protected area and given the appropriate status.

Vinnovskaya grove

Imperial Bridge

The automobile and railway bridge across the Volga is more than 2 km long. It was built in 1916. At that time it was adapted only for railway traffic. The highway was completed in the 1950s. In the 2000s, a major reconstruction of the structure was carried out, which lasted for seven whole years. The movement of pedestrians on the bridge is prohibited.

Imperial Bridge

Presidential Bridge

The bridge across the Kuibyshev reservoir, built in 2009 as part of the state program to modernize the country's transport system. Its length is about 6 km., Together with the transition - about 12 km. It was erected to unload roads and provide maintenance for the Ulyanovsk transport hub. The construction is the longest bridge in Russia and one of the longest in Europe.

Presidential Bridge

Volga River (Kuibyshev Reservoir)

The largest artificial reservoir on the Volga, which appeared in the 1950s. The length of the reservoir is 500 km, the maximum width reaches 44 km. Its powerful water resources are used to generate electricity. Due to its gigantic size, it significantly affected the Volga itself, changing the flow regime and starting the processes of washing off the banks. Many species of fish live in the Kuibyshev reservoir, which attracts fishing enthusiasts to its shores.

Volga River (Kuibyshev Reservoir)