Top 25 attractions of Tomsk, Russia

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Lying in the middle of the boundless Siberian plains, Tomsk is one of the most interesting cities in the region. First of all, it is famous for its wooden architecture. Here are such masterpieces as "House with firebirds", "House with a tent", "House with dragons" and the mansion of architect S. V. Khomich. These buildings can be viewed endlessly and marveled at the skill of their creators.

Once upon a time, A.P. Chekhov allowed himself to drop an impartial remark about Tomsk that this town is a very dull place and, apart from melancholy, does not cause any emotions. The townspeople did not forget the insult and repaid the writer in full by erecting a caricature monument in his honor on the embankment, which, as they say, you won’t look at without tears.

In addition to the comical figure of Anton Pavlovich, there are many other funny monuments here, as well as more traditional sights - churches, monasteries, parks and avenues.

What to see and where to go in Tomsk?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

camp garden

City park in the Kirovsky district, which arose in the 19th century. Its name stems from the fact that back in the 18th century, the summer camp of the Tomsk 39th Infantry Regiment was located on this site. Today the garden is a picturesque monument of nature right in the heart of the city and a popular place for walking. In Soviet times, a sculpture of the Motherland and the Eternal Flame memorial complex were installed here.

Camp garden

New Cathedral Square

The architectural appearance of the square began to take shape in the 40s. XIX century. The very first building of the provincial government appeared here in 1842. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became a venue for rallies against the autocracy, and in Soviet times, for festive demonstrations. In 2003, the square was decorated with a fountain, in 2004 - a monument to the students of Tomsk, and in 2006 - the Victory Alley memorial complex.

New Cathedral Square

Tomsk State University

One of the key educational institutions in the region. The university was founded in 1878, and piled up in honor of Emperor Alexander III. The initiative to create it was supported by large industrialists - P. G. Demidov, A. M. Sibiryakov, Z. M. Tsibulsky. The building was erected according to the project of A. K. Bruni. A part of the historical and architectural complex is the University Grove, founded in 1885 by the scientist P. N. Krylov.

Tomsk State University

Monument to Anton Chekhov

An unusual sculpture of the writer adorns the embankment of the Tom River. It was installed in honor of the 400th anniversary of the city in 2004. The monument was created by the sculptor L. A. Usov on voluntary donations. The master embodied the image of Anton Pavlovich, noticed "by the eyes of a drunken peasant lying in a ditch" - at least, that's what the inscription on the pedestal says. Thus, the city, as it were, took revenge on the writer, who considered Tomsk a boring and unworthy place.

Monument to Anton Chekhov

Ruble monument

Wooden monument dedicated to the national currency. Its weight is 250 kg, and its height is more than 2 meters. A huge ruble was installed in 2008 on Novoslobodskaya Square, in 2014, after an attack by vandals, it was transferred to the protected area of ​​the Museum of the History of Tomsk. The monument is made of Siberian pine and covered with a solution protecting from moisture. For additional protection, they put a plastic case on it.

Ruble monument

Monument to Happiness

A cheerful monument to a well-fed wolf - the character of the famous cartoon "Once upon a time there was a dog." The sculpture depicts the animal at the moment of the highest pleasure - after a hearty dinner in the house of the owners of his friend the dog. The monument was erected on the street. Shevchenko in 2005. The author of the idea was an employee of JSC "Tomlesstroy". The management supported his unusual project and allocated funds for the manufacture of the sculpture.

Monument to Happiness

Theater of living puppets 2 ku

The author's creation of the Tomsk puppeteer and inventor Vladimir Zakharov, who himself is engaged in the manufacture of actors for performances. Self-propelled puppets, as well as puppets on the wrist, take part in the action. The place is quite popular with locals and guests. On the days when there are performances, the small auditorium located in a wooden hut is packed to capacity.

Theater of living puppets 2 ku

"Investigative prison of the NKVD"

Memorial Museum, located in the basement of the former prison of the NKVD. It is dedicated to the memory of people who suffered from repressions in the Soviet era. The complex consists of the Square of Memory and the exhibition itself. The permanent exhibition is housed in a makeshift prison hall, cells and the investigator's office. The collection consists of documentaries, photographs, prisoners' handicrafts and their personal belongings.

Investigative prison of the NKVD

Museum of the History of Tomsk

The museum collection was created by order of the city administration in 1997. It is located in the building of the former Voskresenskaya private police department built in 1856. For a couple of decades, the funds were replenished by more than 4 thousand copies. The exposition tells about the history of the appearance and formation of Tomsk. From the tour you can learn a lot of useful information.

Museum of the History of Tomsk

The first museum of Slavic mythology

The museum was created by G. Pavlov, a resident of the city, a graduate of the Faculty of History of TSU and a businessman. The reason for the appearance of the collection was his visit to the Museum of Modern Art in Moscow. Allegedly, the future creator decided that people had forgotten what real art is. The museum collection is dedicated to Slavic epics, folk tales and their heroes. The businessman bought more of the exhibits with his own money.

The first museum of Slavic mythology

Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

The largest collection of the Tomsk region, containing more than 140 thousand exhibits. Its structure includes a library, an archive, a planetarium, restoration workshops and several exhibition halls located in different branches. The collection occupies a 19th-century mansion in the Empire style, which until 1920 belonged to the Tomsk Spiritual Department. The official opening date of the museum is March 18, 1922.

Tomsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

Tomsk Regional Art Museum

The city art gallery was founded in 1979, and soon it moved to a picturesque building that had previously served as the tenement house of merchant N. I. Orlova. The mansion was erected in 1903 according to the project of K. K. Lygin. The collection is housed in six rooms. It consists of several dozen works of Russian painting, icon painting, sculptors and objects of arts and crafts.

Tomsk Regional Art Museum

Museum "Tomsk beer"

The first brewery appeared in Tomsk in 1876. It was founded by a Prussian citizen K. Kruger. Now at the factory, using the most modern equipment, several varieties of foamy drink are brewed, using raw materials from Europe. A small exposition "Tomsk beer" tells about the history of local beer, kvass, as well as production traditions. Among other things, here you can learn about the past and present of the plant itself.

Museum Tomsk beer

Museum of Wooden Architecture

On the territory of the Siberian region, this is one of the few collections of this kind. The permanent exhibition opened in 2009. It is housed in a building that is itself an architectural monument. The collection tells about the history of wood building and the development of wood decor in the region. Lectures on architecture are also held here on a regular basis.

Museum of Wooden Architecture

Square of wooden architecture

The square of wooden architecture appeared in 2013. It is an exhibition of stands - carved architraves with photographs of the main city attractions placed on them. The architraves are exact copies of those that are located on the famous buildings of Tomsk. In the middle of the square there is a coat of arms of the city made by local craftsmen, also made of wood.

Square of wooden architecture

"House with a tent"

A magnificent city mansion of the beginning of the 20th century, which belonged to the merchant G. M. Golovanov. Many experts call this building a real architectural masterpiece. The building is made of wood. From the side, it seems that its pale blue facade is covered with a thin lace tablecloth - the decor is so skillfully and masterfully executed. The structure is crowned with a tower resembling a hipped church bell tower, which is why such a name was assigned to it.

House with a tent

"House with Firebirds"

Another unique example of wooden construction that adorns the streets of Tomsk. The building was erected at the beginning of the 20th century by order of the merchant L. D. Zhelyabo. The estate consists of four parts, of which only two have survived to this day (the rest were restored in the 1980s). The house resembles a tower from a Russian folk tale, where amazing characters live. It was with this calculation that he was conceived by the creators.

House with Firebirds

"Dragon House"

The building is located on one of the central streets of the city. It consists of two floors and a gable roof, decorated with wooden dragon heads (hence the name). The building was erected in 1917 according to the project of V. F. Orzheshko, the author of many city buildings. The architect worked in the Art Nouveau style, so he gave the “House with Dragons” subtle features of this manner.

Dragon House

The mansion of the architect S.V. Khomich

As the name implies, the estate was built by the architect S. V. Khomich for himself and his family. This event took place in 1904. Some rooms of the mansion were rented out, as there was too much space in it. In Soviet times, the building was used for various purposes, in the 1990s it was restored and transferred to the Licensing Chamber of the Tomsk Region. The building is a valuable monument of wooden construction.

The mansion of the architect S.V. Khomich

Resurrection Church

An Orthodox church on the mountain of the same name, built in the Siberian baroque style, a rather rare architectural style that became widespread in Siberia at the beginning of the 18th century. Initially, the church was wooden, later it was replaced by a stone building - first the first floor was rebuilt, then the second one followed. In Soviet times, the temple did not work for only 21 days, and attempts to demolish it were also unsuccessful.

Resurrection Church

Cathedral of the Epiphany

The Cathedral of the Tomsk diocese, which is considered one of the most ancient temples in the city. The building that has survived to this day was founded in 1777, even earlier there was a wooden church here. In the second half of the 20th century, the building fell into severe desolation, as it was used for other purposes for a long time. Restoration work began in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Cathedral of the Epiphany

Bogoroditse-Alekseevsky Monastery

Men's Orthodox monastery, the first mention of which dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. In the times of the Russian Empire, apostate churchmen and violators of monastic charters were exiled here (however, as in other Siberian monasteries). After the complex was closed in 1922, a pedagogical institute was placed on its territory. Since 1992, the monastery again belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Bogoroditse-Alekseevsky Monastery

buff garden

City park founded in 1907. Since 1908, the Fars summer theater and a restaurant serving dishes of Caucasian cuisine have functioned here. After the advent of Soviet power, the square was converted into the Pioneer's Garden, arranging entertainment for children here. Later it was renamed into "Children's Park of Culture and Leisure named after A. S. Pushkin." In 2004, after a large-scale reconstruction, the park experienced a rebirth.

Buff garden

Siberian Botanical Garden

One of the largest botanical gardens in Siberia, founded at the end of the 19th century. It belongs to Tomsk State University. Green spaces cover an area of ​​more than 126 hectares, most of the land is given over to greenhouses and nurseries. More than 6 thousand species of various plants grow in the garden - from typical Siberian to tropical and subtropical ones.

Siberian Botanical Garden

Tom River

The Tom is a tributary of the Ob, the second largest after the Irtysh. Its length is 827 km, it flows through the territory of the Tomsk, Kemerovo regions and the Republic of Khakassia. Natural attractions are located on the shores: the Camp Garden in Tomsk, the Blue Rock, Anikin Stone, Tutalsky Rocks and other objects. The river basin is a fairly wetland.

Tom River