Top 20 attractions of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia

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Kamchatka for the inhabitants of central Russia is no less mysterious land than many foreign countries. There is a different climate and nature, which makes the territory quite colorful. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, as the main city of the region, attracts visitors with its unique location and the attractions that follow from it.

In the city, for example, there is a rookery of eared seals. There are only two such places in the world: the second one is in Seattle. Avacha Bay is beautiful in itself. Guests are met on the approach to the shore of the rock "Three Brothers", covered with legends. Nikolskaya Sopka is also interesting for tourists. It is associated with historical battles of the middle of the 19th century, and also looks spectacular in the city panorama. Fans of history and ethnography should visit city museums and learn more about Kamchatka and its capital.

What to see and where to go in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Avacha Bay

The city stands on its northern coast. Marked on maps in 1729. It occupies 215 km² from the Pacific Ocean. Does not freeze, which is why it is convenient to use as a port. Depth allows you to take any vessels without restrictions. For tourist walks or other movements, you need to obtain permission, as there are military bases nearby.

Avacha Bay

"Home Volcanoes"

They are also called the Avacha group of volcanoes. There are 6 of them in total: the main ones are Avachinsky, Kozelsky and Koryaksky, and Vilyuchinsky, Gorely, Mutnovsky are also sometimes added to them. Of the base three, only Kozelsky is considered completely extinct. The largest is Koryaksky, whose height reaches 3456 meters. Avachinsky is the most popular of the volcanoes. They make climbs on it and arrange an annual holiday.

Home Volcanoes

city ​​embankment

A popular place for tourists and locals for walking. Folk festivals are held here on holidays. The renovation was completed in autumn 2018. New multi-colored tiles were laid, fences were installed, descents to the beach were made, as well as a platform with the Windrose. Earlier, an art composition appeared on the embankment - a monument to the spotted seal. In the water at low tide you can see starfish.

City ​​embankment

Lake Kultuchnoe

Located in the central part of the city. Separated by a strip of land from Avacha Bay. A road has been laid along it. In the past, it was called Long because of its elongated shape. The current name also came from the past: Kultuchnoye existed in the form of a bay-kultuk. There are two monuments on the lake. The first - to Peter and Paul, the second - to V.S. Zavoyko, who served as governor in the 19th century.

Lake Kultuchnoe

Observation deck on Mishennaya Sopka

Height above sea level - 382 meters. Thanks to this, from the mountain you can see the city and its surroundings in their full splendor. The “Home Volcanoes” look especially picturesque. Convenient trails are laid to the site. The area is included in several permanent tourist routes. In addition, graduates come to the hill to meet the dawn, and lovers have the opportunity to watch the sunset in solitude.

Observation deck on Mishennaya Sopka

Nikolskaya Sopka

It is located close to the historical center of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. During the Crimean War, hostilities took place here. In honor of a number of historical events associated with Nikolskaya, several monuments were erected, as well as cannons in the place where the Maksutov battery stood. It is picturesque both in winter and in summer, when it is almost completely overgrown with dense greenery. Belongs to the number of natural monuments. Popularly referred to as the "hill of love."

Nikolskaya Sopka

Kamchatka Drama and Comedy Theater

Founded in 1914. It became the first theater in the city. In addition to theatrical performances, film screenings were held here. In 1964, the troupe received a new building, which it still occupies. It has been repeatedly updated and strengthened, including taking into account seismic activity in the region. The last large-scale work was carried out in 2010, when the acoustic system was replaced and the facade was given a fresh look.

Kamchatka Drama and Comedy Theater

Kamchatka Regional United Museum

Formed in 1911. Its chronology dates back to the founding of the scientific and industrial museum. Exhibits that went beyond the initial concept were gradually added to the collection. For this reason, the collection was reorganized into a local history museum. The most interesting are ethnographic materials, as well as the natural department and things brought from Bering's expeditions. Temporary exhibitions are also held.

Kamchatka Regional United Museum

Kamchatka Regional Art Museum

Opened since 1992. The collection has approximately 3.5 thousand exhibits, including paintings, sculpture, folk art. There are not only works of domestic masters of different years, but also foreign ones. The collection is constantly updated with works by local artists. Both temporary personal and general thematic exhibitions are held. Contact has been established with various creative associations for exchange.

Kamchatka Regional Art Museum


Private museum, which has been operating since 2017. A visit to the exhibition halls is an immersion in the atmosphere of Kamchatka. A special place among the exhibits is given to the life and traditions of indigenous peoples. Shows different stages of development of the region. Another part of the exhibition is devoted to volcanoes and their features. Eruptions filmed in the immediate vicinity are in the background. There are lava flow models and rock samples.


Holy Trinity Cathedral

Construction began in 2001. A capsule with the relics of several holy martyrs and a mortgage letter was laid at the base of the temple. The construction was delayed, only in 2007 the domes were installed. Illumination took place three years later. The ceremony was conducted by Patriarch Kirill himself. After a fire in 2012, it was necessary to make repairs, replace wooden floors, restore icons and the iconostasis.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Memorial Complex of Nikolskaya Hill

From here you have a beautiful view of the bay. In addition, the place can be called strategic. It was from here that the defense against the attack of the Anglo-French fleet in 1854 went. In honor of those events, a stone chapel and a necropolis were erected at the beginning of the 20th century. A fence stylized as cannons is installed around. The hill is beautiful at any time of the year, the energy spent on lifting is worth the impressions received.

Memorial Complex of Nikolskaya Hill

Monument to Peter and Paul

The opening took place in 2005. Then it was consecrated by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church. The monument was erected in honor of the apostles, after whom Bering once named the city. The bronze monument stands on a high pedestal. It depicts Peter and Paul near a large cross. The embankment of the Avacha Bay, where the members of the expedition landed, was chosen as the installation site. The sculptor Isakov was responsible for the project.

Monument to Peter and Paul

Monument to Vitus Bering

First mentioned by polar explorer Beachy in 1827. The monument is full of symbolism. It looks like a vertical gun barrel, on top of which is a lotus flower framing a cannonball. Laurel wreaths are clearly visible on the sides of the plinth. All this refers to masculinity, purity of motives and striving for the goal. The monument was moved several times. He took his current place on Leninskaya Street in 1945.

Monument to Vitus Bering

Monument to V. S. Zavoyko

Opened in 2014 on National Unity Day. The ceremony is dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the battle against the combined squadron of the British and French. The monument, erected on the shore of Kutluchnoe Lake, is dedicated to the Governor-General, who held such a high position in the middle of the 19th century. Materials - marble and granite. The height is about 7 meters. Vasily Zavoyko is depicted in full growth on a three-stage pedestal next to the cannon.

Monument to V. S. Zavoyko

Monument "Here Russia Begins" (Yelizovo)

Installed in Yelizovo near the airport. The opening took place in 2011. The pedestal is made of natural stone. There are three signs on it with the inscription "Russia Begins Here". On the opposite side is the name of the city. The monument itself is a she-bear with a cub. She carries a fish in her mouth, he wanders after him. In the manufacture of animals, they kept the proportions and tried to capture real movements.

Monument Here Russia Begins (Yelizovo)

Sea lion rookery

There are several of them, all located in the city. One of the rookeries is located on the pier of the former fish factory. Sea lions are located in open areas, you can approach them quite close. The season for eared seals here usually lasts from October to April. Adults weigh up to a thousand kilograms. Listed in the Red Book. They can hunt themselves, but tourists willingly bring fish and throw them into the water.

Sea lion rookery

Khalaktyrsky beach

Stretched for several kilometers outside the city. Although it looks like a typical resort beach, the weather here is not suitable for swimming. Water warms up to a maximum of 15 ° C. On very hot days you can sunbathe. Rising waves and winds are ideal for windsurfing. The tourist infrastructure and entertainment on the coast are completely absent, the color of the sand is the main thing that attracts tourists.

Khalaktyrsky beach

Three brothers

Rocks standing at the entrance to Avacha Bay. From them to the coast about 300 meters. Three pillars rise above the water and are clearly visible from afar. They are one of the "postcard" views of the city. The first mention of the "Three Brothers" are found in the XVIII century. An ancient legend is connected with their appearance here. Allegedly, the defenders-brothers saved the bay from a huge wave, and after their feat, they turned to stone.

Three brothers

Cape Mayachny

The name is derived from the lighthouse installed here. At the beginning of the 19th century, the first signal fire appeared on the cape. The elevation was clearly visible from the water, and the fire was used for navigation. A full-fledged lighthouse was built in 1850. Now the territory belongs to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Access is closed here, but anyone can admire from afar.

Cape Mayachny