Top 20 — attractions of Novorossiysk, Russia

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Novorossiysk is the largest commercial port in the south of our country, as well as a good resort where you can combine a traditional beach holiday with interesting and educational excursions. Compared to other parts of the Black Sea coast (Greater Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik), the city is somewhat deprived of the attention of travelers, but despite this, it has a powerful potential.

In Novorossiysk, there are many memorial monuments dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War, since it was here that the main hostilities in the Western Caucasus took place. Therefore, sightseeing tourism is well developed in the city. There are a lot of natural attractions in the vicinity - what are the famous Abrau Lake and the Sudzhuk Spit.

What to see and where to go in Novorossiysk?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Embankment of Admiral Serebryakov

A well-maintained promenade stretching for 2 km along the Tsemess Bay. At the entrance to its territory there is a monument in honor of the founders of the city (one of them is Admiral L. M. Serebryakov). There is also a sea station, a cinema, a water park and the Maritime Cultural Center. The embankment offers a picturesque panorama of the bay, which you can admire during a leisurely walk.

Embankment of Admiral Serebryakov

Cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov"

Decommissioned Navy warship built in the 1950s. All of its installations are fully functional. Nowadays, a museum exposition is housed on board, and organized excursions are regularly held for tourists. Next to the cruiser on the embankment is a monument to the wife of a sailor with a child in her arms, dedicated to all women who are waiting for their husbands from voyages.

Cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov

Novorossiysk sea port

The main port of the Krasnodar Territory and one of the largest on the Black Sea. Its pier is 8.3 km long. The history of the trading harbor began in 1838 with the founding of Novorossiysk. Its territory is divided into several areas: military, passenger, oil and three cargo. Every year, thousands of ships come here - dry cargo ships, tankers, container ships, bulk carriers, ro-ro ships. Over time, their number only grows.

Novorossiysk sea port

Ensemble-memorial "Malaya Zemlya"

The memorial is dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War. It is installed at the place where Soviet troops held the defense of Novorossiysk in 1943. The structure is made in the form of the bow of a warship 22 meters high, at the top there are figures of soldiers of the amphibious assault company. Inside there is a museum with 30 bas-reliefs - portraits of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, who selflessly fought for the city. The monument is crowned with the sculpture "Heart".

Ensemble-memorial Malaya Zemlya

Memorial "Line-line of defense"

The memorial complex consists of an iron structure - a rusted frame of a German freight car, a granite support, from which four arms with machine guns protrude, and a separate pedestal with memorial plaques. The composition is dedicated to the heroes of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. It was established in 1978. The monument is erected on the eastern shore of the Tsemess Bay.

Memorial Line-line of defense

Memorial complex "Death Valley"

Another memorial complex dedicated to the defense of Novorossiysk in 1943. It was created in 1974 by local architects. The composition consists of several parts, among them - "Cutting Edge", "Explosion", "Stone Calendar", "Well of Life", "Demonstration Map-Scheme". "Command post of the 8th rifle brigade", "Command post of the 107th rifle battalion".

Memorial complex Death Valley

Holy Dormition Cathedral

The temple was built at the beginning of the 20th century; today it is considered the main cathedral of Novorossiysk. During the Second World War, the building was badly damaged due to bombing, but in the post-war years it was restored. The structure stands on a hill, therefore, it is clearly visible from afar against the background of other buildings. The attention of the observer is attracted by the bright white and blue colors of the facade and the golden domes shining in the sun.

Holy Dormition Cathedral

Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve

The museum appeared in 1916 thanks to the initiative of the vice-governor L. A. Senko-Popovsky. At first, its maintenance was carried out at the expense of voluntary donations of interested people. With the advent of Soviet power, he received the status of local history. During the Second World War, almost the entire exposition was lost and looted, a small part of the collection was brought to Tbilisi. But already in 1944 the museum reopened to visitors.

Novorossiysk Historical Museum-Reserve

Planetarium them. Yu. A. Gagarina

The planetarium in Novorossiysk opened in 1961 a couple of months after Yu. A. Gagarin's flight into space. Thus, the city wanted to join this great event. And although the space theater is quite old and can accommodate only a few dozen people, it is a popular attraction. The planetarium has a museum, which will be of interest to all lovers of astronomy.

Planetarium them. Yu. A. Gagarina

Museum of the Cement Industry

The only exposition in Russia dedicated to the emergence and development of the cement industry in the country. Here you can learn the history of the industry from the very first factories of the 19th century to modern enterprises of our time. The collection is housed in seven thematic halls, plus the museum has a branch - the memorial apartment of the writer F.V. Gladkov, whose life was connected with Novoroscement.

Museum of the Cement Industry

Ruins of the Palace of Culture of cement workers

The construction was built before the Great Patriotic War, but he was never destined to start working (the opening was planned just for June 22, 1941), as the fighting began. During the fighting, the building was completely destroyed. It was decided not to restore it, but to leave it as a memorial as a reminder to posterity. A T-34 tank stands on a pedestal near the palace, next to it is a mass grave.

Ruins of the Palace of Culture of cement workers

Monument to the founders of Novorossiysk

Admiral L. M. Serebryakov, Vice Admiral M. P. Lazarev and Lieutenant General N. N. Raevsky are considered the founders of the city. A monument in their honor adorns the central city embankment. The monument consists of three bronze figures standing on a 4-meter granite pedestal. The plates contain inscriptions with key dates from the history of Novorossiysk. From a distance, the sculpture looks quite large.

Monument to the founders of Novorossiysk

Monument-fountain "Giving Water"

The sculpture is located on the embankment. It is made in the form of a figure of a woman. The first monument on this site was created in Soviet times, but in the 1990s it was dismantled, and the fountain was covered up. A new monument was erected in 2006. It is dedicated to the events of the 1970s, when they began to build a water pipeline in Novorossiysk, delivering drinking water from the Kuban. Prior to this, the city did not have its own sources.

Monument-fountain Giving Water

Sculpture "Dolphin and Mermaid"

"Dolphin and Mermaid" - the unofficial name of the statue, in fact, it bears the name "Girl on a Dolphin". An elegant monument adorned the city embankment in 2007. Immediately after installation, a belief appeared that if you rub the back of an animal, then the whole next year will be successful and happy. The composition is made of metal and mounted on an uneven stone pedestal.

Sculpture Dolphin and Mermaid

Monument "Exodus"

The monument is dedicated to those who died in the Civil War. It was invented by the sculptor A. Suvorov, the author of the monument to the founders of Novorossiysk. The composition represents a figure of an officer of the White Army pulling his warhorse by the reins. It was erected in memory of the exodus of the Cossack troops and parts of the White movement under the onslaught of the Red Army. The sculpture reminds people of the tragic events that followed the October Revolution of 1917.

Monument Exodus

Tsemesskaya grove

A natural attraction located in the northeast of the city. Green plantings of ash, maple and poplar cover an area of ​​150 hectares. The grove is considered the "lungs of the city" and is a popular place for walking. Rare insects listed in the Red Book live here - polyxena butterfly, stag beetle, staphylin odorous, giant Caucasian ground beetle and other species.

Tsemesskaya grove

Sudzhuk Spit and Lagoon

The spit is located at the beginning of the Tsemess Bay. It consists of two narrow strips of land, between which there is a lagoon, and is separated from the Black Sea by a small embankment of silt, pebbles and sand. In winter, the spit is a refuge for waterfowl, including swans. Due to the constant increase in the level of salt in the water, the unique ecosystem of the area is under threat of extinction.

Sudzhuk Spit and Lagoon

Alexino beach

Although Novorossiysk is not considered a resort city in the full sense, residents and tourists enjoy relaxing on local beaches. One of them - Aleksino, is considered the best, as it is quite far from the center and has all the necessary infrastructure: recreation areas, parking, cafes, changing rooms, toilets. It has all the traditional entertainment, from a trampoline to water rides.

Alexino beach

Lake Abrau

Large freshwater lake about 14 km. from Novorossiysk. On its banks there are settlements that form the Abrau-Dyurso recreation area. This is a picturesque corner with magnificent nature, beautiful embankments, well-groomed beaches and cozy hotels. One of the most visited places by tourists is the factory and tasting room of champagnes and sparkling wines.

Lake Abrau

Observation deck "Seven winds"

The site is located on the Andreevsky Pass. From here you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the city, the sea, the mountains and the picturesque surrounding landscapes. Previously, there was a restaurant with the same name, which is associated with scary stories about the ghost of a girl allegedly killed by a rejected boyfriend right at her own wedding. Some residents say they "saw" her ghost at the pass.

Observation deck Seven winds