Top 20 - Ivanovo attractions, Russia

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Several well-known facts are connected with Ivanovo - it is a city of brides, textile industry and the first Council. Since the 17th century, local calico products were widely known throughout Russia and abroad, since the 18th century, the construction of large manufactories began and the city received a powerful impetus for development. It was in Ivanovo at the beginning of the 20th century that the labor movement began, ending in the end with the October Revolution.

As you can see, the city has something to offer tourists - a rich and eventful history has left many traces. The center is a series of elegant stone mansions and majestic churches, original avant-garde buildings of the era of constructivism are scattered around the districts, the facades of textile manufactories, not yet destroyed by time, are reminiscent of the scale of industrial construction of the 18th-19th centuries.

What to see and where to go in Ivanovo?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Monuments of constructivism

The concept of constructivism in architecture developed from the communist idea of ​​universal equality and fraternity. In the 1920s and 30s, Ivanovo was of great importance as a revolutionary cradle where the labor movement was born. Given this highly symbolic role, it was here that innovative ideas were implemented that became a big breakthrough in civil engineering after 1917. Several dozen monuments of constructivist architecture have been preserved in the city: a horseshoe house, a bird house, a ship house, a 72-apartment city council building, a collective house and other buildings. They are united by the simplicity of forms, the maximum functionality of the internal space and a monolithic appearance.

Monuments of constructivism

Shudrovskaya tent

Civil building of the 17th century, the only building of this type on the territory of the Ivanovo region and neighboring regions that has survived to this day. Three hundred years ago, the building housed a command hut. The building was given the status of an architectural monument back in 1926, but the planned restoration began only 40 years later. Nowadays, the Shchudrovskaya tent is a branch of the local museum of local lore.

Shudrovskaya tent

Revolution square

The central square of Ivanovo, which until 1917 and in Soviet times was the administrative center of the city, and in Tsarist Russia it was also the center of trade. In 1915, by order of the imperial authorities, an anti-war demonstration was shot here, killing more than 100 people. In 1975, in memory of the fighters of the First Russian Revolution of 1905, a monument was erected here, behind which they laid out a square for walking.

Revolution square

Square of victory

The area is located in the Frunzensky district. Around it are buildings in the style of constructivism, erected in the 1920s and 30s. The main architectural objects are the monument to George the Victorious and the temple in his honor, built in the 2000s. Until 2012, there was a monument-stele on the square in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Victory, however, due to the reconstruction and the beginning of the improvement of the territory, it was moved.

Square of victory

Memorial to the heroes of the front and rear

The memorial is made in the form of a sculptural group: a figure of a soldier on a high pedestal and statues of two weavers, tirelessly working for the needs of the front. Along the edges of the monument are two cannons of the 1942 model. The memorial is dedicated to the people of Ivanovo who took part in the Second World War and worked in the rear - to everyone who made an invaluable contribution to the Victory. The monument was erected in 1987.

Memorial to the heroes of the front and rear

art square

A small square on one of the busiest city intersections, where impromptu concerts are often held and creative youth gather. There are no trees here, only colorful flower beds, alleys and benches. The place is famous for the monument to A. D. Severny, a performer of songs in the style of urban folklore, and the copper figure of a dachshund, as if hastily running past the lawns, hurrying about his business.

Art square

Museum of Industry and Art

The museum was opened in 1914 on the initiative of the industrialist and philanthropist D. G. Burylin. The collections were housed in a neoclassical building. For several decades, the manufacturer has collected many exhibits belonging to different eras: paintings, weapons, porcelain, coins, books, which he decided to donate to the city. At the moment, the museum has several permanent exhibitions and a concert hall.

Museum of Industry and Art

Museum of Ivanovo chintz

It is logical that in the textile region there is a whole museum dedicated to this industry. The exposition opened in 1987, it was based on the private collection of D. G. Burylin. The collection is dedicated to the history and modern achievements of the textile industry, it presents Ivanovo chintz as part of arts and crafts, and not just a folk craft. Part of the exhibition tells about the life and career of fashion designer Slava Zaitsev, a native of Ivanovo.

Museum of Ivanovo chintz

Ivanovo Regional Art Museum

The museum was founded in the 1950s. The collection was housed in a 19th-century building designed by V. F. Sikorsky. The basis of the collection was exhibits from private collections of manufacturers D. G. Burylin and N. P. Ruzsky, as well as items transferred from the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum. At the moment, the gallery stores and exhibits more than 40 thousand items. Time period - from Ancient Egypt to Soviet art.

Ivanovo Regional Art Museum

Museum of the First Council

The Museum of the First Council was opened in 1967 in the building of the former bourgeois council of the beginning of the 20th century, built in the eclectic style. In 1905, meetings of the first Council of Workers' Deputies in the entire Russian Empire were held on its territory. In 1980, the main exposition moved to another room, and various exhibitions and thematic events began to be held in the historical one.

Museum of the First Council

Museum of the Soviet Automobile Industry

As the name suggests, the collection is dedicated to the automotive industry. In the museum you can see all the Soviet classics: Volga, Chaika, ZIL, GAZ. Presented are not only mass models like "penny", but also quite rare copies, released in limited quantities. All cars are restored and repaired - any one can start and go.

Museum of the Soviet Automobile Industry

Museum of the artist A.I. Morozova

The exposition is located on the territory of a wooden house of 1910, which was originally built for an aristocrat of Austrian origin L.P. Auer. The collection is dedicated to the life and work of the painter A.I. Morozov (by the way, he himself chose the premises for the museum of his name). The collection consists of several dozen paintings and graphic drawings. In addition to the standard excursion, the museum staff organizes holidays, memorial evenings and thematic lectures.

Museum of the artist A.I. Morozova

House-Museum of the Bubnov family

A. S. Bubnov is a well-known revolutionary and politician of the Soviet era, a native of Ivanovo-Voznesensk. The house that belonged to his family was built in the middle of the 19th century and at the moment it is the only surviving building in the city with a mezzanine, erected in the manner of late classicism. In 1976, the estate was recognized as an architectural monument, two years later a memorial museum was opened on its territory.

House-Museum of the Bubnov family

Ivanovo "Palace of Arts"

Theatrical complex, consisting of several venues: musical, dramatic, puppet. The building began to be erected in the 1930s on the foundation of the monastery buildings. Due to serious architectural flaws, it quickly began to collapse, which led to a decades-long reconstruction. The work was completed only in the late 1980s. As a result, the size of the complex increased by 15%.

Ivanovo Palace of Arts

Vvedensky Monastery

Convent, founded in 1991. The complex of buildings of the monastery is located in the center of Ivanovo around the Church of the Presentation of the Virgin - an architectural monument of the early 20th century. Despite its young age, the community can be proud of its relics: the relics of the New Martyrs and many ancient saints. The monastery has a publishing house and a printing house that prints church literature.

Vvedensky Monastery

Dormition Monastery

The monastery arose in 1998 around the Assumption Church, built in the first half of the 19th century. The temple was located at the cemetery, on the territory of which a garden and a summer theater were organized in Soviet times. Until 1995, the building was in a deplorable state, but after the transfer to the Russian Orthodox Church, it was restored. Gradually, people began to gather at the church, wishing to lead a monastic life. So three years later the monastery was formed.

Dormition Monastery

Transfiguration Cathedral

An architectural complex in the Russian style, built in the 19th century. The building was erected with the money of the owner of textile manufactories M. N. Garelin according to the project of the Moscow architect A. S. Kaminsky. For quite a long time, the temple was the only functioning church in Ivanovo, while others were closed and devastated. Restoration of the complex began almost immediately after the end of the Second World War. Today, the interior and exterior decorations are in excellent condition.

Transfiguration Cathedral

Sorrowful Church

Temple of the 19th century with a hipped bell tower, built in Dmitrovskaya Sloboda (today it is the territory of Ivanovo) at the expense of local merchants. The historic building was destroyed in the 1970s, and a sports complex was planned to be built in its place. The modern temple - the heir to the destroyed was erected in 1999. The church was named after its main shrine - the image of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow."

Sorrowful Church

Kazan church

The church was built in the 18th century as a room for a cotton-printing factory. At the beginning of the 19th century, the new owner of the enterprise decided to convert the building into a prayer house for the Old Believer community. Until 1860, divine services were secretly held there. At the beginning of the 20th century, the building was rebuilt again and turned into a full-fledged church. In Soviet times, it was used as a residential building. After the transfer of the building to the Russian Orthodox Church, services resumed.

Kazan church

Park of Culture and Leisure. V. Ya. Stepanova

A public park on the site of the private estates of the industrialist Garelin appeared after the Revolution. In 1925, the authorities decided to improve the area, but work began only after the end of the Second World War. Amusements, a dance floor, a library, a theater stage and a cafe were built in the park. A mooring for boats and a beach were organized on the Uvod River. After the reconstruction in 2013, the square again became one of the favorite places for citizens to relax.

Park of Culture and Leisure. V. Ya. Stepanova