Top 15 attractions of Serpukhov, Russia

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During the period of feudal fragmentation of Rus', Serpukhov was the southern outpost of the Moscow principality, defending the borders from the aggressive raids of the Tatar-Mongol. The first mention of the city is found in the spiritual letter of Ivan Kalita. Under Peter I, industry began to actively develop here.

The main attractions worth coming to Serpukhov are cathedrals and monasteries that still remember the reign of the valiant Prince Vladimir the Brave. Buildings of industrial architecture also deserve attention: factories and manufactories, shopping malls and Gostiny Dvor. The local art gallery is a coveted object for art lovers, and nature lovers will appreciate the picturesque landscapes of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve.

What to see and where to go in Serpukhov?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Trinity Cathedral on Cathedral Hill

The temple is located in the city center on the territory of the former Serpukhov Kremlin. Some sources claim that the cathedral was founded in the 14th century, but the stone building was built only in the 16th century. Some time later, the facades were rebuilt in the Empire style. Also in the appearance of the building, the features of Moscow baroque and classicism are clearly traced. Against the backdrop of a rather strict architecture of the temple, an elegant hipped bell tower stands out.

Trinity Cathedral on Cathedral Hill

Walls of the Serpukhov Kremlin

A complex of defensive structures of the 16th century, from which only fragments of the walls and the foundation have been preserved. The first fortress on the high bank was erected in the 14th century, two centuries later the wooden buildings were replaced by stone ones. At the end of the 16th century, when the city lost its military significance, the Serpukhov Kremlin began to collapse and over time it was dismantled. The remains of the building were used for the construction of the Moscow Metro in 1934.

Walls of the Serpukhov Kremlin

The Ensemble of Posad Temples

The ensemble includes three churches: the Holy Trinity, Elijah the Prophet and the Assumption. The Trinity Church is one of the oldest in the city; it was built in accordance with local architectural traditions. Ilyinskaya Church was built by Moscow craftsmen at the expense of Serpukhov merchants, previously a wooden building stood in its place. The Assumption Church is the youngest of the entire ensemble; the building appeared in the middle of the 19th century thanks to the donations of the industrialist N. Koshin. All the temples are close to each other and literally adjoin with fences. According to the established tradition, they are perceived as a single architectural complex.

The Ensemble of Posad Temples

Cathedral of Nikola Bely

Temple of the XIX century, built in the Moscow Empire style of brick and white stone. In architectural terms, it is a quadrangle with an apse and classical porticos. In the middle there is a semicircular tower crowned with a dome, on the side there is a multi-tiered bell tower with the largest bell in Serpukhov. In 2005, the temple was re-consecrated after restoration (in Soviet times, there was a pasta factory inside).

Cathedral of Nikola Bely

Vysotsky Monastery

The construction of the monastery was blessed by Sergius of Radonezh, leaving his disciple Athanasius as the first rector. The main architectural attraction is the Zachatievsky Cathedral, built during the time of Boris Godunov. Also noteworthy are the churches of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God of the 17th century and the later Church of All Saints, built at the end of the 19th century.

Vysotsky Monastery

Vladychny monastery

The nunnery, founded in the 14th century by Metropolitan Alexy, to whom, according to legend, the Mother of God appeared and ordered to build a monastery. Initially, male monks lived in the community, only at the beginning of the 19th century it was transformed into a female one. Architectural monuments of the complex: Vvedensky Cathedral, churches of St. George the Victorious, St. Alexis and Martyr Theodotus of Ancyra.

Vladychny monastery

Historical and Art Museum

An art gallery founded in 1920 and considered the largest in the Moscow region. The collection is located on the territory of a merchant's mansion of the 19th century, built according to the project of R. I. Klein. The basis of the exposition was the frequent collection of the aristocrat Yu. V. Merlin, who bought works of art at the antique market, where the property of bankrupt noble families was sold. The collection contains about 400 paintings and drawings by Russian and Western European artists of the 16th-19th centuries, as well as objects of arts and crafts.

Historical and Art Museum

"Peacock Museum"

The image of a peacock is present on the coat of arms of Serpukhov. In heraldry, it symbolizes pride, dignity and glory. An exposition dedicated to this bird appeared in the Museum of Local Lore, eventually becoming an independent exhibition. It consists of figurines of peacocks made in different techniques from different materials. Guides will tell visitors about heraldry, the meanings of symbols and the history of the appearance of coats of arms.

Peacock Museum

Monument to the Liberator

The figure of a warrior-liberator with a sword and a little girl in her arms is a copy of the monument of the same name, located in Berlin's Treptow Park. It was made as a model before the creation of the monument that today adorns the capital of Germany. The sculpture reaches 2.5 meters in height, it stands on a rectangular pedestal. In 2009, the monument was moved to Cathedral Hill.

Monument to the Liberator

Monument to Vladimir the Brave

The monument was erected in 2009 in honor of Prince Vladimir Serpukhovsky, who ruled the estate in the 14th century. He received the nickname "Brave" due to the valor shown in numerous battles. By the way, he played one of the main roles in the Battle of Kulikovo and contributed to the expulsion of the Tatar-Mongols from Russian territories. The prince is depicted in full military attire. Funds for the construction of the sculpture were collected by the residents of the city.

Monument to Vladimir the Brave

Railway station building

The railway station was built in 1866, when Serpukhov was actively developing as an industrial city. The building was erected in the eclectic style according to the project of F.K. Knorre. The architectural appearance of the building has been preserved in almost its original form, the reconstruction has affected only the station square. A distinctive feature of the design is the rows of wide arched entrances and window openings located on the central facade.

Railway station building

Dam on Nara

A hydraulic structure built in the first half of the 20th century to supply water to industrial enterprises and maintain the water level in Nara. It is an unremarkable concrete structure, which, however, looks quite picturesque from the shores due to the streams of water flowing down with noise along the surface. About half there is a walking area and viewing platforms.

Dam on Nara

Manor Pushchino-on-Nara

The ruins of a late 18th-century mansion built in the style of Russian classicism, designed by an unknown author. The final destruction of the monument occurred in the 1970s, when local residents began to take away the structures for building materials. A decade later, they wanted to restore the estate, but considered the project unprofitable. At the moment, the house continues to collapse and is in danger of disappearing completely.

Manor Pushchino-on-Nara

Ostrich farm "Russian ostrich"

The farm was founded in 1999 and became the first such facility in Russia. She specializes in breeding ostriches and supplying their meat to restaurants in the capital. Somehow, the owners even tried to raise camels, but the animals did not take root in the cold climate near Moscow. The place is also open to tourists. After the tour, you can buy exotic meat or take part in a shell painting workshop.

Ostrich farm Russian ostrich

Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve

A protected natural area, which received the status of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1979. Rare species of birds and mammals live on its territory, including bison: the American steppe bison and European bison, which are kept in a special nursery. The reserve was founded in 1945, it covers an area of ​​50 km². About 60 thousand people visit the attraction every year.

Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve