Top 10 attractions in Kamyshin, Russia

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The third largest city in the Volgograd region is considered one of the best in terms of comfortable living. The location on the Volga, and even at the mouth of the Kamyshinka, creates additional opportunities for tourism and leisure of the townspeople. When planning a trip to Kamyshin, if possible, you should take into account the holding of the Watermelon Festival in August. The event is full of events and gathers about 30 thousand guests.

There are not many attractions in Kamyshin. The emphasis is on natural areas that give travelers a lot of impressions. Particularly interesting are the Kamyshinskie Ushi mountain range and the Shcherbakovsky Natural Park. Here you can see several landscapes in a very small area, as well as watch rare species of animals.

What to see and where to go in Kamyshin?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Kamyshinsky Museum of Local History

Founded in 1961. It occupies the building of the former Zemstvo Council, built in 1901. This architectural monument won the competition "Pearl of the Volgograd Region". The museum collection occupies 14 rooms. The funds comprise about 50 thousand units of storage. Among them: old books, archaeological finds, exhibits from the times of the Great Patriotic War. The museum hosts temporary exhibitions, including art ones.

Kamyshinsky Museum of Local History

city ​​embankment

Stretched along the banks of the Volga. Not so long ago, the embankment was restored, and now it is not inferior to the resort areas near the sea in appearance. Breakwaters have been installed along almost the entire length, since in windy weather the river can seriously rage. Since the embankment is curved, it offers interesting views of the city. A wide paved area ends with a steep bank where fishermen gather.

City ​​embankment

Drama Theater

The first troupe was formed in the city in 1910. During its existence, the theater was reorganized several times. Since the building where the team was located burned down in 1977, they were given the ownership of the House of Culture "Kranostroitel". In 1995, the puppet theater "Kaleidoscope" was opened at the Drama Theater. In the zero troupe was updated. Young artists are permanent winners of creative reviews.

Drama Theater

Park named after Komsomol Volunteers

The oldest park in the city. It was created over several years, the work was completed in 1907. The reason for the construction was the lack of green areas in Kamyshin. The decoration of the area is several hundred-year-old trees. There are plans to recreate the lilac, oak, chestnut alleys, along with the well-preserved linden. There are attractions in the park. Many community events take place here.

Park named after Komsomol Volunteers

Victory Park

A real open-air museum. It has existed in its current form since 2007. Aircraft for various purposes are exhibited here, including the SU-24 front-line bomber and the L-39 trainer. In 2010, the Alley of Heroes was officially opened in the park. The ceremony was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory. In 2014, the museum acquired the status of a combined arms museum after the appearance of the “Border Pillar” on its territory.

Victory Park

Nikolsky Cathedral

Built at the end of the 18th century. By that time, there was already a cemetery nearby, where the dead were buried during the plague epidemic. In the 20s of the last century, the temple was rebuilt, making it larger. After the revolution, the premises were given over to a warehouse. In the 1940s, the cathedral became the second functioning church in the region. Now a center for arts and crafts, a parish school and an Orthodox library operate under it.

Nikolsky Cathedral

Monument to Alexei Maresyev

Installed in 2006. Alexey Maresyev is a legendary pilot. His story became the basis for the work of Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man." The figure of the pilot stands on an unusual pedestal. He seems to be climbing the stairs and is depicted in motion. So the authors of the project, headed by sculptor Sergei Shcherbakov, wanted to show Maresyev's ability to overcome difficulties.

Monument to Alexei Maresyev

Borodinsky bridge

Connects the southern and northern parts of the city. It was built in the late 50s of the last century. To protect it, dams were erected on both sides of Kamyshinka. The bridge is 250 meters long and 10 meters wide. It is both vehicular and pedestrian. During its existence, it has been renovated several times. The reason is the increasing load. There are plans for a large reconstruction with an expansion, but the timing is still unknown.

Borodinsky bridge

Kamyshin ears

They are located about 7 km from the city. The mountains are located in the valley of the Kamyshkinka River. The mountain range is long, but Solitary Hill and Karpuninskiye Ushi stand out especially in it. Their height reaches 40 meters. Elevations are made of slabs of a mineral called sandstone. Massive boulders lie at the base. Tourists are attracted not only by the breathtaking views, but also by the drawings on the stones - the imprints of ancient plants.

Kamyshin ears

Natural Park "Scherbakovsky"

Created in 2003. The smallest of the seven similar parks in the region. Despite its modest size, the territory includes several types of terrain and different natural areas. Steppes and semi-deserts here are abruptly replaced by oak forests. The landscapes are reminiscent of both the Moscow region and the more exotic Caucasus and Crimea. One of the rare species that lives in Shcherbakovsky is the imperial eagle.

Natural Park Scherbakovsky