Top 15 attractions of Budva, Montenegro

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Budva is considered one of the most popular resorts in Montenegro. Especially the city and its environs fell in love with Russian tourists, who have long felt at home here. A beach holiday on the Budva Riviera can be perfectly combined with walks through pine groves and visits to local attractions.

People go to Budva for the unique nature and climate of the Adriatic coast, the gentle sea and breathtaking landscapes. From the walls of the city's stone citadel, you can endlessly watch the play of sun glare on the azure water, on the streets of the Old City you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of antiquity, and freshly prepared seafood dishes in local restaurants can satisfy the taste of even the most demanding gourmet.

What to see and where to go in Budva?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Old city

The old town of Budva consists of literally several winding streets with museums, souvenir shops and churches. You can get here through five gates located in the fortress wall. From the walls of the stone citadel standing on the shore, magnificent views of the entire Budva Riviera open up. Walking through the Old Town is an immersion in the medieval atmosphere and enjoying the beautiful architecture of the Adriatic coast.

Old city


An ancient fortress, which was previously considered the most impregnable on the Adriatic Sea. It was built in the 15th century to protect against attacks from the water. The citadel looks very impressive: the sea cliffs and walls seem to have grown together forever - their power always impresses tourists. The most important entertainment for visitors is to climb the fortress wall and contemplate the surroundings.


Sculpture "Dancer from Budva"

On the rocky shore of the Budva Riviera stands an elegant statue of a dancing girl. According to legend, she was the bride of a sailor, and every time she met him from the voyages. One day, her fiancé never returned, but her faithful friend continued to go ashore every morning. She waited for her betrothed all her life, never marrying another. The sculpture "Dancer from Budva" was created on the basis of this legend, it represents fidelity.

Sculpture Dancer from Budva

Mogren beach

The beach is considered one of the best on the Budva Riviera. It is famous for its clean and transparent water. The coastal strip is located among centuries-old pines and rocks in a picturesque bay. The path to the beach lies through fragrant coniferous groves along which a narrow path winds. Mogren is divided into two parts, separated by stones crashing into the sea. By the way, going through them will not be difficult.

Mogren beach

Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist

The church is the oldest temple in Budva. Its spire is visible from almost every part of the city. The first religious buildings appeared on this site in the 7th century. The cathedral was constantly restored and rebuilt, as it was constantly subjected to destruction. The building acquired its modern Gothic appearance only in the 17th century. Until the 18th century, the episcopal residence was located here.

Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist

Church of the Holy Trinity

An Orthodox church of the early 19th century, at the entrance to which there is a mosaic copy of a painting by the Russian icon painter Andrei Rublev. It was built in the classical Byzantine style. Inside there is a luxurious baroque iconostasis, created by the Greek N. Zetiri in 1883. The building is located in the Old Town on a small square, so it is almost impossible to pass by while walking.

Church of the Holy Trinity

Monastery Podmaine

Orthodox monastery, approximately founded in the XI-XII centuries. It is believed that St. Sava of Serbia went on a pilgrimage to Palestine from here. The monastery complex was built in the Romanesque style. Several times it suffered from fires and earthquakes, but later it was quickly restored. The last restoration was carried out in the 1990s. Since 1995, the monastery has again become active.

Monastery Podmaine

City Museum of Budva

The museum houses a collection that tells about the rich history of Budva. Artifacts from the Hellenistic period are exhibited here, as well as exhibits related to the Roman, Byzantine and later historical eras. The time frame that the collection covers is from the 5th century BC to the 20th century. In total, the museum funds contain more than 3 thousand copies: ceramics, cutlery, glassware, jewelry and much more.

City Museum of Budva

Library of Budva

The Budva Library was founded over 150 years ago. Today, its funds contain several tens of thousands of books. This is not just a book collection, but a full-fledged cultural complex that directly combines a library, a gallery and an archaeological museum. Seminars, round tables and literary evenings are constantly held here. The ensemble is located on the territory of an old building.

Library of Budva

Fortress Mogren

The fortress is located in the vicinity of Budva near the beach of the same name. It was erected in the second half of the 19th century to protect the city by order of the Austro-Hungarian administration. During the Second World War, the local arsenal was located here. To date, the citadel lies in ruins, as it was not restored after the destruction. Its walls offer panoramic views of the coast and the surrounding mountains.

Fortress Mogren

Fortress Kosmach

Another Austrian building of the 19th century, built for defense purposes. The fortress is currently in ruins. This is probably why there are no organized tours here. Tourists wishing to see the citadel need to get to the place on their own. The fortress is located near the village of Braichi, which is located on the road from Budva to Cetinje. From afar, it looks like an old castle.

Fortress Kosmach

Aquapark Budva

The water park was opened in 2016 on Mount Tolpis, which is located almost 3 km from the historical center of Budva. Up to 6 thousand visitors can be here at the same time. Attractions are designed for different age groups - for adults there are extreme slides, children are offered more relaxed entertainment. The infrastructure of the water park includes a restaurant, a children's cafe, bars and a shop.

Aquapark Budva

Top Hill Club

A night club located on a mountain with a breathtaking view of Budva at night. The venue has become famous for the fact that famous DJs constantly perform on it. A well-known development company from Russia took part in the construction of the building. Initially, they planned to build a water park here, but later they decided to stay at the club, as the idea seemed more profitable.

Top Hill Club

Saint Nicholas Island

A small uninhabited island located about 1 km from the Budva coast. Previously, people lived here, as evidenced by the church of the XVI century. Around the temple there is a cemetery, where the remains of the crusaders who died from the plague are probably buried. For tourists on the island there is a fish restaurant and several small cafes. You can get here by water taxi.

Saint Nicholas Island

Sveti Stefan

A resort located on the island and the adjacent coast about 5 km from Budva. Sveti Stefan is one of the most visited attractions in Montenegro. Here, in a small area, there are villas, restaurants, shopping centers and even an art gallery. From the outside, all the buildings of the island seem like real medieval houses, but inside they are equipped according to the standards of a five-star hotel.

Sveti Stefan