Top 25 Attractions in Almaty

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During its existence, Alma-Ata managed to visit a military fortification, was called Verny and even had the status of the capital of Kazakhstan. Although formally the main city of the country is now Astana, Alma-Ata has retained the right to be called the cultural and economic center of the state.

Due to its location in the foothills of the Zailiysky Alatau, the city has the opportunity to acquire the largest alpine sports complex in the world - Medeo. It appeared back in Soviet times, and was later modernized. On the streets of Alma-Ata, you can also easily find evidence of different eras nearby. Fountains play a special role in the urban structure. They are not only objects of decor, but also parts of a complex irrigation system. In especially dry periods, 125 fountains do not allow green spaces to die.

What to see and where to go in Almaty?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.


The world's largest alpine sports complex. It was built in 1972, and in 2010 a major reconstruction took place. The local skating rink is called the "record factory". Natural features have a positive effect on the results of skaters, so more than 200 world records have been set in Medeo for all the time. In 2011, a cable car was laid from here to the Chimbulak resort.


Address: Medeo, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 09:00 - 22:00

Mount Kok-Tobe

In the past it was called Verigina Gora. From a height of 1130 meters, a picturesque view of the city opens. You can get to the top by car or by cable car. For some time, starting in 2004, the mountain was closed to the public. There was a threat of a landslide and a descent of soil on residential areas. Extensive work was carried out to prevent a disaster, after the restriction was removed. A monument to "The Beatles" was erected on Kok-Tube.

Mount Kok-Tobe

Address: Mount Kok-Tobe, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00

TV tower "Koktobe"

Built on the slope of the mountain of the same name. The construction work dragged on for almost 10 years and was completed by 1984, when the tower was in full operation. According to its seismic stability, it is one of the most reliable in the world. Height - 371.5 meters. Observation platforms are organized at marks of 146 and 252 meters. There are 3 underground floors, which, among other things, can serve as a bomb shelter.

TV tower Koktobe

Address: TV tower Koktobe, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: +7 (727) 292-25-77

Opening hours: 10:00 - 23:00

Monument of Independence of Kazakhstan

The project, on behalf of Nazarbayev, was handled by a group of authors led by Sh. Valikhanov. The monument was opened in 1996 on Republic Square. The stele itself is 28 meters high. At its top is a six-meter "Golden Man", under which is a winged leopard. All this symbolizes the Kazakh statehood and its resilience. There are 4 more figures around the base of the stele: children on stallions, as well as the incarnations of Earth and Heaven.

Monument of Independence of Kazakhstan

Address: Monument of Independence of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Ascension Cathedral

Consecrated in 1907, and construction took less than 4 years. The building is spacious and bright. Workshops in Moscow and Kyiv worked on the details of the interior design. The iconostasis was made by N. Khludov. Probably, all this taken together saved the cathedral from destruction under the Soviet regime: the premises were transferred to the museum. Returned to the Russian Orthodox Church after repairs in 1995. It is an example of an earthquake-resistant structure.

Ascension Cathedral

Address: Ascension Cathedral, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Central Mosque of Alma-Ata

One of the largest mosques in Kazakhstan. Laid down in 1993, built by 1999. A 36-meter dome with a diameter of 20 meters was erected on a snow-white building. It is decorated with verses from the Koran, applied by Turkish masters. During the renovation work, a modern sound-amplifying system was added, which is used on holidays. Up to 7,000 people can pray in the mosque at the same time.

Central Mosque of Alma-Ata

Address: Central Mosque of Alma-Ata, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 08:00 - 21:00

St. Nicholas Cathedral

Founded in 1909, when Alma-Ata was still called Verny. The temple was placed on a high foundation and awarded seven small chapters. In Soviet times, the building housed a museum of atheism. After the war, parishioners returned to the cathedral without crosses and icons. This temple became the only one operating in the city. A complete renovation was carried out in the 90s. In 2012, a monument to St. Nicholas was erected nearby.

St. Nicholas Cathedral

Address: St. Nicholas Cathedral, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: +7 727 250 67 76

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

Central State Museum of Kazakhstan

It is one of the oldest in the country and in the region as a whole. Founded in the 30s of the XIX century. Initially, funds began to be collected in Orenburg and went a long way before ending up in Alma-Ata. The wanderings of the collection in different rooms ended in 1985, when the museum's own building was built. Seven exhibition halls housed exhibitions on the history of Kazakhstan and cultural values.

Central State Museum of Kazakhstan

Address: Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: +7 727 266 16 10

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Opera and Ballet Theatre. abaya

Initially, it was a music studio, but a year after its foundation in 1934, it received its current status. In 1941, the troupe moved to a new building. It was rebuilt many times in the future, but the classicism style was preserved. The building is an architectural monument and even got on a banknote of 2 thousand tenge.

Opera and Ballet Theatre. abaya

Address: Opera and Ballet Theatre. abaya, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 10:00 - 19:00

Russian Drama Theatre. Lermontov

It was created on the basis of the Russian Drama Theater in 1933. The name Lermontov was given to him in 1964. The event was timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the birth of the writer. The theater building has been undergoing major repairs for almost three years. The artists again entered the familiar stage in 2008. Performances are designed for both adults and children. Performances are traditionally staged in Russian.

Russian Drama Theatre. Lermontov

Address: Russian Drama Theatre. Lermontov, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 10:00 - 20:00

Museum of Musical Instruments Ykylas

Musical instruments of different nations are collected under one roof. The museum has been operating since 1980, and its collection is constantly updated. At the moment, the funds contain about a thousand copies of musical instruments. The bias is made in the Kazakh culture, but the Russian Uighurs and Dungans are also not deprived of attention. Among other things, dombras that previously belonged to famous artists and poets are stored here.

Museum of Musical Instruments Ykylas

Address: Museum of Musical Instruments Ykylas, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Museum of Art. A. Kasteeva

The foundation was laid at the exhibition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakhstan SSR. In 1970, it opened as a museum of applied arts, and 6 years later acquired its current status. The building where the collection is located is a monument of culture and history. Since 1983, the museum has been named after Abylkhan Kasteev, an artist who stood at the origins of the national fine arts.

Museum of Art. A. Kasteeva

Address: Museum of Art. A. Kasteeva, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Kazakh State Circus

Formed in 1970, the troupe consisted for the most part of novice artists who had passed through the Moscow Circus Variety School, as well as through local studios. After the collapse of the USSR, many changes took place in the team, it was created almost anew. The circus has its own building since 1972. Inside, there is everything necessary for artists, including recreation rooms and yards for walking animals.

Kazakh State Circus

Address: Kazakh State Circus, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: +7 727 292 55 55

Opening hours: 10:00 - 20:00

Alma-Ata metro

The only one in Kazakhstan and the second in Central Asia. Opened in 2011. The length of the network is more than 11 km, and the number of stations has now been increased to nine. The metro in Alma-Ata is a type of transport that is unprofitable for the state. It was built in difficult geological conditions. There are still some risks, so the rules of operation are strictly observed.

Alma-Ata metro

Address: Alma-Ata metro, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 06:00 - 00:00

Green Bazaar

Trading stalls in the Medeu region have existed since the middle of the 19th century. By the 40s of the last century, sheds over retail outlets took shape. And in the 70s, wooden structures were demolished and a large single building was built. The total number of places for trade began to equal one thousand during the summer period. The next stage of expansion came in 2017, when a new complex with an area of ​​20,000 m² was opened nearby.

Green Bazaar

Address: Green Bazaar, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Fountains of Alma-Ata

They are not just a decoration of the city: in combination with a ditch network, they irrigate Alma-Ata and do not allow street plants to die in especially hot and dry periods. The first fountain was opened in 1948. Now there are 125 of them, some of them are not single, but are presented in the form of fountain groups. All fountains start on May 25 and run until October 25. The water supply schedule is the same for everyone and has not changed for decades.

Fountains of Alma-Ata

Address: Fountains of Alma-Ata, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Monument to The Beatles

The opening took place in 2007 on Mount Kok-Tobe. Before undertaking the project, sculptor Eduard Kazarian applied for permission to Paul McCartney. The singer did not come to the ceremony, but sent a friend. The sculptural composition is not like the monuments that were erected in honor of the Liverpool Four before. Bronze John sits on a bench with a guitar, while his colleagues are depicted standing.

Monument to The Beatles

Address: Monument to The Beatles, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 10:00 - 22:00

Park named after the first president

The arboretum was laid out in 2001 on an area of ​​73 hectares. All the elements characteristic of green urban areas meet here: alleys, flower beds, places for recreation, boulevards. One of the oaks was planted by President Nazarbayev himself. The multi-stage fountain, decorated with numerous details, including the signs of the zodiac, is the main attraction of the park. The area was chosen not only by tourists, but also by the townspeople.

Park named after the first president

Address: Park named after the first president, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 09:00 - 21:00

Park of Culture and Leisure. Gorky

One of the most popular holiday destinations in the city. Founded in 1856 in the floodplain of Malaya Almatinka. The territory was planted with seeds of plants characteristic of Central Russia, since the soil characteristics allowed them to germinate. Since 1934, recreation centers began to be built on the coast, attractions appeared. At present, there is a need for reconstruction, although the dilapidation has practically no effect on attendance.

Park of Culture and Leisure. Gorky

Address: Park of Culture and Leisure. Gorky, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 08:00 - 23:00

Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen

Broken on the site of a cemetery in the 70s of the last century. The current name was given in honor of the feat of the defenders of Moscow. Panfilov and his associates were awarded a sculptural composition. On an area of ​​18 hectares, you can not only take a walk, but also find interesting architectural monuments and iconic city places, such as the House of Officers. In the central part of the park stands the Holy Ascension Cathedral.

Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen

Address: Park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 07:00 - 22:00

Almaty Botanical Garden

Spread over an area of ​​more than 103 hectares. Exists since 1932. His status has changed many times. Now on the basis of the garden there are several research laboratories that study different types of plants planted here. In the zero years there was a threat of liquidation of the botanical garden. It is located in a prestigious area, so there is a demand for land developers. There are several restoration projects, but the process has not started yet.

Almaty Botanical Garden

Address: Almaty Botanical Garden, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00

Almaty Zoo

Since 1937, one of the oldest zoological parks in the country has been located on an area of ​​32 hectares. Most of the territory is reserved for ponds with waterfowl. The inhabitants of the zoo are divided into sectors for the convenience of tourists. The total number of species is about 500. Of these, 77 are listed in the Red Book. Excursions to the "Sea Aquarium" are popular. There are especially remarkable animals in the zoo, for example, a pair of white lions.

Almaty Zoo

Address: Almaty Zoo, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Phone: +7 (727) 262 87 07

Opening hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Big Almaty Lake

It has a tectonic origin and is located at an altitude of 2511 meters above sea level. The coastline is about 3 km. The size of the alpine lake varies depending on the season. The water level drops up to 20 meters. The water surface changes its color in the palette from greenish to turquoise. Although Big Almaty is part of the national park, now it belongs to the city.

Big Almaty Lake

Address: Big Almaty Lake, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 08:00 - 20:00


The tract is located 120 km from Alma-Ata. Its feature is numerous rock petroglyphs. There are Buddhist and runic writings and drawings from different periods. The territory along the coast of the Ili River is under state protection, but part of it was transferred to a long-term lease to a private company in 2016. Tamgaly-Tas is also an open-air Buddhist temple.


Address: Tamgaly-Tas, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 09:00 - 20:00

Charyn Canyon

It is located 200 km east of the city. It is part of the national park of the same name. Numerous tourist groups from Alma-Ata go here. The length of the canyon is 150 km, the height is up to 300 meters. Researchers believe that it is over 12 million years old. Among the natural features, one can single out a relic ash grove and a large number of birds nesting here - about 100 species.

Charyn Canyon

Address: Charyn Canyon, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:00

FAQ – Answers to popular questions

When to go to Almaty, Kazakhstan?

Almaty, Kazakhstan is best visited during certain times of the year for optimal weather and activities. Consider the following seasons:

  • Spring (April to June): Pleasant temperatures and blooming nature.
  • Summer (July to August): Warm weather ideal for outdoor activities; great for hiking.
  • Autumn (September to October): Mild temperatures and beautiful fall foliage.
  • Winter (November to March): Cold weather, perfect for skiing in nearby resorts.

What are the things to do in Almaty, Kazakhstan when it rains?

When it rains in Almaty, Kazakhstan, there are still plenty of activities to enjoy indoors. Here are some suggestions:

  • Visit the Central State Museum to learn about Kazakhstan's history and culture.
  • Explore the Almaty Museum for a deeper insight into the city's past.
  • Spend time at the Arbat Street for shopping and local art.
  • Discover the Green Bazaar for a taste of local flavors and fresh produce.
  • Relax at a cozy cafe or restaurant and enjoy traditional Kazakh cuisine.
  • Experience the Panfilov Park and visit the stunning Zenkov Cathedral.

What are the things to do in Almaty, Kazakhstan with family?

Almaty, Kazakhstan offers a variety of family-friendly activities. Here are some must-try experiences:

  • Visit the Almaty Zoo to see diverse animal species.
  • Explore the Central State Museum for a glimpse into Kazakhstan's history and culture.
  • Take a scenic cable car ride up to Medeu, the world's highest ice skating rink.
  • Enjoy a family picnic at Panfilov Park and visit the stunning Zenkov Cathedral.
  • Experience nature at Big Almaty Lake for a day out in the great outdoors.

What are the things to do in Almaty, Kazakhstan in the evening?

Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan, offers a variety of activities to enjoy in the evening. Here are some popular options:

1. Dining Out: Almaty has a vibrant food scene with a mix of traditional Kazakh cuisine and international options. Try local dishes like Beshbarmak or Plov at restaurants such as Rumi or Kazakh Restaurant.

2. Nightlife: The city has a lively nightlife with bars, nightclubs, and lounges. Places like Gatsby or The Roof offer great music and a vibrant atmosphere.

3. Almaty 1 Mall: A popular shopping and entertainment center, great for an evening stroll, shopping, or catching a movie in its cinema.

4. Panorama from Kok-Tobe Hill: Take a cable car to Kok-Tobe for stunning views of the city and surrounding mountains, especially beautiful at sunset. There are also a few cafes where you can enjoy a drink or snack.

5. Dine at Boulevard: This is a popular area near the city center with many cafes and restaurants. It's perfect for a leisurely walk and enjoying the atmosphere.

6. Visit the Arbat: The pedestrian street is lined with stalls, cafes, and artists. It’s