Top 22 Jordan Attractions

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People settled the territory of present-day Jordan several thousand years ago, monuments of all major historical periods have survived to this day. On its expanses you can see both rock paintings and ancient cities of the Greeks, Romans, Arabs. Castles-fortresses from the times of the Crusades are perfectly preserved. The desert is a real attraction in Jordan. Many monuments are located in its spaces and allow you to view cultural artifacts, while simultaneously studying the life of the Bedouins, admiring the local landscapes. Many places in the kingdom are associated with Christian religious culture and are mentioned in biblical stories. They attract many pilgrims.

What to see in Jordan?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

City of Amman

The largest city in Jordan, the capital. It has a long history and many of its monuments, part of it is within the walls of the archaeological museum. It is located in close proximity to the Dead and Mediterranean Seas. It is of great economic importance for the country, the center of industry.

City of Amman

Ancient city of Petra

A unique ancient building - a city in the rocks. Ancient Petra was the capital of the richest kingdom, collecting tribute from caravans that carried spices. It gradually went bankrupt when trade routes became maritime. A sample of unique architecture, full of all sorts of mysteries. The unique landscape and buildings have been repeatedly filmed in films. This is the most popular tourist attraction in Jordan.

Ancient city of Petra

Temple-mausoleum of El-Khazneh

The most impressive building in Petra. Mausoleum completely carved into the rock. Perfectly preserved, although the facade has the greatest artistic value and expressiveness. Here Spielberg filmed one of the films about Indiana Jones.

Temple-mausoleum of El-Khazneh

Dead Sea

A huge salt lake, water and silt deposits create a healing effect. On the Jordanian coast of the sea there are many resorts that use sea water for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. A popular holiday destination for locals and tourists.

Dead Sea

The ancient city of Jerash

Pompeii of the East is a well-preserved remains of the ancient city. All architectural buildings belong to the times of the Roman Empire. There is an archaeological museum, almost every day there is a theatrical performance based on Roman military scenes, the whole of July the city is the site of an art festival. Landmark of Jordan, the second most important after Petra.

The ancient city of Jerash

Umm Qais (Ancient City of Gadara)

An ancient city built to repel military attacks. For about five thousand years, traces of civilization have been in this place. He became famous under the Greeks and thanks to the Greeks. Destroyed by an earthquake. The ruins are diverse: a church, amphitheaters, a forum, some of the buildings have been restored. There is a functioning archaeological museum. From the hill you have a beautiful view of the surroundings.

Umm Qais (Ancient City of Gadara)

Umm al-Jimal

Remains of buildings of the Greco-Roman city. They call it the Black Pearl of the Desert, as the buildings are made of black basalt - a rarity in ancient architecture. The buildings are well preserved for their age, among them there are two and three-storey buildings. The basalt desert begins near the city.

Umm al-Jimal

Aqaba city

The only seaport and resort in Jordan. Located on the coast of the Red Sea, the length of the coastline is almost 30 km. Sandy clean beaches and the richness of the underwater world make Aqaba a popular resort and diving center. Developed tourist infrastructure, many hotels of different price categories.

Aqaba city

Citadel in Amman

Remains of an ancient settlement, which was primarily defensive in nature. It is located on a hill above the city, on the hill of Jebel al-Qalaa. Nearby are the ruins of an ancient basilica and the Umayyad palace park.

Citadel in Amman

Roman Amphitheater in Amman

The most significant monument of Roman civilization in the world, one of the most valuable historical monuments in Jordan. A huge, perfectly preserved amphitheater carved into the rock. It still regularly hosts city cultural events (concerts, festivals). Capacity 6000 people.

Roman Amphitheater in Amman

Archaeological Museum in Amman

Located on a hill, next to the Citadel. The collection is significant, represented by monuments from all eras of civilization, starting from the Neolithic. Individual collections of sculptures and ornaments are especially good.

Archaeological Museum in Amman

Wadi Rum desert

The desert is grandiose in area and expressiveness of landscapes. The landscape is uneven: there are mountains, dips, crevices. The reddish sand and other rocks created a bizarre landscape that has been repeatedly used by cinema. The Martian was filmed here. The place is famous for the preserved rock paintings of ancient people. Now the Bedouins live in the desert.

Wadi Rum desert

Mount Nebo (Sky)

The famous biblical mountain, the place of the alleged death of the prophet Moses. In memory of this event, a memorial complex was built on the top of the mountain, restored by archaeologists. Now there are memorial signs, a Byzantine church with fragments of an ancient mosaic. Popular with pilgrims and tourists.

Mount Nebo (Sky)

Jordan River

It flows into the Dead Sea, separating Jordan and Israel. The main water artery of the country. It is mentioned many times in the Bible. It was in the waters of this river that Jesus was baptized. A place of active pilgrimage. Along the banks and in the immediate vicinity of them there are many historical monuments of different time periods.

Jordan River

Ajlun Castle

Built in 1184, on top of a mountain, to protect local mines. A powerful military structure, a real fortress. Forests stretch around the castle, from the upper observation platforms you can see Jerusalem. The castle houses an archaeological museum.

Ajlun Castle

Montreal Castle (Shobak)

Crusader castle, located near Petra. Their last stronghold in the Holy Land. After the expulsion of the knights, it fell into decay and gradually collapsed. Many buildings are in ruins, on some of the buildings you can see ancient inscriptions. A unique location that allows you to enjoy the incredible surrounding panorama.

Montreal Castle (Shobak)

Fortress of El Karak

The legendary building of a defensive nature at an altitude of about 1000 meters. Multi-storey, inside - a real labyrinth. It is of historical value; in addition, an archaeological museum has been opened on the territory. The city of the same name grew up around the fortress, which is attractive for tourists.

Fortress of El Karak

Desert Caliph Palaces

About 30 well-preserved buildings for various purposes in the middle of the desert. Caravanserais, baths, hunting lodges of the nobility - each of the palaces served its purpose and had the appropriate architecture. In the palace - a former bathhouse, there are frescoes unique to Muslim culture, partially restored.

Desert Caliph Palaces

Dana Biosphere Reserve

Located on the slopes of the mountains, it includes several geographical zones, with corresponding vegetation in each. The territory is huge, flora and fauna are extremely diverse. Great place for hiking, especially in spring. Mountain biking is possible. There are several trails in the reserve, it is better to go through them with guides. Accommodation options in the reserve are diverse (hotels, camping, guest houses).

Dana Biosphere Reserve

Reserve Mujib

Created in the Wadi Mujib gorge, near the Dead Sea. A unique landscape - mountain ranges, gorges, between which a river flows. The reserve creates its own microclimate and a lot of birds live there, there is a variety of vegetation (more than 400 species). There are routes for tourists, there are campsites.

Reserve Mujib

Hot Springs Main

Thermal mineral springs, falling like waterfalls from a 30-meter height. The healing properties of this hot water have been known since ancient Rome. Nearby there is a spa center and a clinic using spring water for their procedures.

Hot Springs Main

Diving in Aqaba

Opportunity to dive with experienced instructors in several diving centers to choose from. One of the main attractions for tourists in the city. The Red Sea is rich in inhabitants and picturesque reefs. Turtles, octopuses, exotic fish - all can be seen and observed in their natural environment.

Diving in Aqaba