Top 25 Limassol Attractions, Cyprus

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Limassol is one of the most popular resorts in Cyprus, where tourists flock to from the very beginning of the beach season. This city is mainly chosen by travelers who prefer a vacation with a lot of entertainment available. In this sense, Limassol fits one hundred percent. There are many entertainment venues, a huge water park, several zoos and theater venues, where concerts and performances are held every day in the summer.

In the vicinity of Limassol, evidence of the ancient Aegean civilization has been preserved. The ruins of ancient cities will interest lovers of history, and rich museum expositions can arouse interest even among those who have never been interested in the past of the island of Cyprus.

What to see and where to go in Limassol?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

The ancient city of Kourion

An ancient city founded in the 12th century BC. e. representatives of the Aegean civilization. In the IV century BC. it was destroyed by an earthquake and over time was buried under numerous cultural layers. On the territory of Kourion, as a result of excavations, buildings of the Greeks, Romans, the remains of buildings belonging to the Byzantine period and the Early Middle Ages were found. Today, there is an archaeological park on the site of Kourion.

The ancient city of Kourion

Ancient city of Amathus

According to a popular legend, it is believed that Amathus was founded by Kinir, the mythical Cypriot ruler who initiated the cult of Aphrodite on the island. In the VIII century BC. a port was already built in the city, through which trade with the mainland was carried out, and a royal palace. Amathus existed until the 12th century, then people gradually began to leave it, and rich burials and pagan temples were plundered.

Ancient city of Amathus

Sanctuary of Apollo Gilates

Apollo Gilates was the patron of Curio. In the VIII century BC. not far from the city, a grandiose sanctuary was erected in honor of this god. The temple was destroyed along with a large part of Kourion in the 4th century BC, later another temple was erected in its place, which dates back to the later Roman period. But this building also suffered the sad fate of being destroyed as a result of another earthquake.

Sanctuary of Apollo Gilates

Limassol Marina

Prestigious area of ​​Limassol, including residential apartments, as well as parking for yachts, where ships up to 115 meters in length can moor. On the territory of Limassol Marina there are also restaurants and boutiques corresponding to the price segment, a spa and fitness center, and a yacht club. The area is equipped with a comfortable infrastructure that provides residents with a high quality of life.

Limassol Marina

Embankment Molos

The promenade of Limassol, about 3 km long, is decorated with tropical vegetation and flower beds. The alley stretches from the old city port along residential areas. The embankment was reconstructed a few years ago in accordance with the traditions of modern landscape design. Decorative pools, sculptures, fountains and other elements decorating the space appeared here.

Embankment Molos

Omodos village

An ancient settlement that already existed in the Byzantine era. The village received its modern name during the Middle Ages. The place is famous for producing Cypriot wine of excellent quality. Almost all local residents are involved in this process. Every summer in August, Omodos hosts a wine festival. The village also has a museum of Byzantine icons and a folk art exhibition.

Omodos village

Limassol castle

The castle was built in the 14th century during the rule of representatives of the Lusignan family in Cyprus. Previously, the walls of the Byzantine fortress of the 10th-11th centuries stood on this site. The construction has repeatedly passed from one conqueror of Cyprus to another, while being subjected to significant destruction. At the beginning of the 19th century, a prison was located on the territory of the fort, which lasted until 1950. After reconstruction, the Cyprus Museum of the Middle Ages was opened in the castle.

Limassol castle

Kolossi Castle

The fortress was built under King Hugh I of the Lusignan family in the 13th century. Since 1291, the knights of the Order of St. John (Hospitallers) have settled in the castle. In the XIV century, Kolossi briefly passed into the hands of the Templars. The building is built of limestone in the best traditions of medieval military architecture. The main castle tower reaches a height of 22 meters, the thickness of its powerful walls is more than 2.5 meters.

Kolossi Castle

Winery KEO

The KEO distillery was founded in 1929, and today it is considered one of the largest wineries on the island of Cyprus. At first, a small production was opened, by 1951 the volume of output had grown to hundreds of liters of wine and beer per day. The range of KEO is quite wide, the plant produces cognac, liquor, soft drinks, canned fruits and vegetables. The plant's products are purchased by many European countries.

Winery KEO

Cyprus Wine Museum in Erimi

The village of Erimi is located 17 km. from Limassol. The settlement has long been located at the crossroads of important trade routes, which contributed well to the development of winemaking. The Wine Museum was organized in 2000 on the territory of one of the local mansions. The exposition is dedicated to the history of Cypriot wine, details of the production process and storage of the drink. It also houses an extensive collection of wine vessels.

Cyprus Wine Museum in Erimi

Carob Museum

The museum is located on the territory of the old quarters of Limassol. Its small exposition is devoted to the carob tree, which grows everywhere in Cyprus. In past centuries, the gifts of this tree were used quite widely. Juice was extracted from the fruits, a substance like sugar was made, honey and even animal feed were made, and parts of the fruits were also added to pastries.

Carob Museum

Museum of Historic and Classic Cars

The museum exposition is located on an area of ​​1000 m². Here are historical models of cars and motorcycles made in different countries in different years. The exposition was based on the private collection of the Cypriot collector D. Mavropoulos. The oldest exhibit in the museum is a Model T Ford from 1912. At the exhibition there is a rental of retro cars.

Museum of Historic and Classic Cars

Archaeological Museum of Limassol

The museum was founded in 1948, initially the collection was located on the territory of the Limassol castle, but in the 70s. XX century, it was moved to the building, where it is located to this day. Most of the exposition consists of finds discovered during excavations in the vicinity of Limassol. Ancient statues, marble tombstones, jewelry, coin collections and other artifacts are exhibited here.

Archaeological Museum of Limassol

Cathedral of Agia Napa

The main Orthodox church in Limassol, built in 1903 by architect Papadakis on the site of an 18th century church. The architecture of the cathedral imitates the features of the Greek style and the Byzantine style of construction. The miraculous image of the Mother of God is kept inside the temple. The interior is distinguished by the pomp of decoration and an abundance of luxurious decorative elements, while the external facade looks rather modest.

Cathedral of Agia Napa

Monastery of Saint George Alamanu

Convent located 19 km from Limassol near the settlement of Pendakomo. The monastery was founded in the 13th century by a monk who was fleeing the persecution of Christians in Cyprus. For seven centuries, the monastery flourished and fell into decay several times; until the middle of the 20th century, male monks lived on its territory. After another revival in 1949, nuns came to live in the monastery of St. George Alamano.

Monastery of Saint George Alamanu

Saint Nicholas cat's monastery

The monastery is located 10 km from Limassol, several nuns and dozens of cats live on its territory. The history of the creation of the monastery is connected with the name of St. Helena, who in the 4th century ordered about 1,000 cats to be brought to the island so that the animals would exterminate the breeding poisonous snakes. The cats immediately settled in a monastery founded near the place where the ship of St. Helena moored. Since then, cats have received all respect in Cyprus.

Saint Nicholas cat

Donkey shelter

The shelter has existed since 1994, it was created by the charitable organization "Friends of the Cypriot donkeys". The fact is that in Cyprus there have always been a lot of these animals, they were used in the household for the transport of goods and as a means of transportation. As people stopped needing the help of donkeys, they simply left them where they had to. The shelter took care of the homeless and infirm animals.

Donkey shelter

municipal park

On the territory of the city park of Limassol there is a mini-zoo, an outdoor amphitheater, a botanical garden, playgrounds and cafes. Mass events are often held here, such as a marathon race or a children's festival. In the park there is a monument to the Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. In summer, the amphitheater often hosts performances with the participation of artists from different countries. Groups from Russia, Europe and the USA come here.

Municipal park

Zoo in Limassol

A small zoo where animals live in their natural environment. The administration is very kind to each inhabitant of its menagerie. The zoo team organizes a large number of educational programs, for example, holds open lectures for schoolchildren on biology and classes on environmental protection. On the territory of the zoo there is a mini-farm where ponies, goats, donkeys, turkeys, ducks and cows live.

Zoo in Limassol

Petra tou Romiou

The very place where, according to legend, the goddess of beauty Aphrodite emerged from the waters of the sea. This is a small stone beach surrounded by rocks, where every tourist who comes to Cyprus wants to get. It is believed that if a couple in love bathes in Petra tou Romiou, then a long happy life and many beautiful children await them. A woman who bathes here at midnight during the full moon will ensure her eternal youth and beauty.

Petra tou Romiou

Governor's Beach

The beach is located 20 km from Limassol, it is a group of small cozy bays hidden on the rocky coast. The place got its name thanks to one of the British governors of the island, who liked to come here to swim. Governor's Beach is an amazingly picturesque place. The coastline is dotted with chalk cliffs that contrast with the blue of the water, creating magnificent scenery.


Dasoudi beach

The city beach of Limassol, which has a fairly convenient location. It can be reached from almost any hotel in the city in a short time. The coastal zone is planted with eucalyptus trees, which emit a pleasant aroma, very beneficial for the respiratory system. Infrastructure for tourists includes: parking, sports grounds, cafes, a playground and comfortable paths leading directly to the sea.

Dasoudi beach

Ladies Mile beach

The beach is considered the most beautiful in Cyprus and one of the largest. Its coastline stretches for almost 5 km. Ladies' Mile is a part of the coast, on which there are several beaches, passing one into another. In the high season, there are a lot of tourists here, as this place is considered the most popular place in Limassol for sunbathing. Like all Cypriot beaches, Lady's Mile is beautifully equipped.

Ladies Mile beach

Kourion beach

The beach is located 19 km. from Limassol, its territory is included in the protected area of ​​Cyprus. The place is very popular with locals. The coastline of Kourion stretches for 1 km. There is practically no infrastructure here, except for one large restaurant and some amenities organized for tourists, but magnificent views open up from the coast, especially in the evenings.

Kourion beach

Fasouri Watermania Water Park

The best water park in Cyprus, located 7 km from Limassol. It is surrounded by magnificent olive groves and citrus orchards. The park was opened in 1999, by 2007 its area has increased significantly. Now Fasouri Watermania covers an area of ​​100 thousand m². The water park offers tourists 30 attractions and 7 restaurants. The design is made in the style of the natural landscapes of French Polynesia.

Fasouri Watermania Water Park