Top 23 Chile Attractions

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Chile is a country of mysterious statues, frozen volcanoes, crystal lakes, snow-white beaches, snowy mountains and lifeless deserts. To get there means to plunge not only into another culture, but into another world that this country opens up. It meets the warm sea and icy mountains, dry desert and flowering valleys.

Chile is known for its ski resorts. The country was surrounded by the mighty Andes and the Cordilleras. In addition, the most beautiful volcanoes are located on the territory of Chile. Osorno Volcano has been compared to Fujiyama, and Ojos del Salado is the highest volcano in the world.

What to see in Chile?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Easter Island

Easter Island is a visiting card not only of Chile, but of the whole of South America. Seeing the mystical Moai statues with your own eyes is really worth it. Their origin is still unknown, as is the reason for the disappearance of the indigenous population. All Moai are turned to face the crater of the Rano Raraku volcano - another attraction of the island.

Easter Island

Valle de la Luna

Valle de la Luna or Valley of the Moon is a place in the Atacama that can be confused with the surface of the moon. It was there that many "lunar" episodes of films were filmed. It consists of 90% salt and carbonates. Moon Valley has many salt lakes that change color throughout the day. Once a year, during the rainy season, the valley blooms, and red flowers sprout through the dry earth.

Valle de la Luna

Andean Christ

This is a monument built in honor of the peace treaty between Chile and Argentina. Countries have been at war for a long time. It stands on the border between countries, on the slope of the Andes at an altitude of 3854 meters above sea level. The statue was erected in 1904. The statue was created by the sculptor Mateo Alonso. Now the Andean Christ is a symbol of well-being and tranquility.

Andean Christ

City of Santiago

Santiago is surrounded by the Andes. The city cannot be compared with other capitals. He's too different. Santiago is a city that harmoniously combines two elements: earth and water. It complements the beauty of each and does not lose its own charm. Surrounded by the mighty Andes and washed by the Pacific Ocean, it will please any tourist.

City of Santiago

Hill of San Cristobal

The mountain is located in the heart of Santiago. It is not surprising that from its top there is a picturesque view of the city and, of course, the mountains. You can even see their snowy tops. On the mountain there is an amusement park, two outdoor pools and a small zoo. You can climb the mountain on foot or by funicular. San Cristobal Hill is one of the largest urban parks in the world.

Hill of San Cristobal

Lauca National Park

Lauca Park is a confluence of many beauties of Chile. In addition to the steppes, it includes the foothills of the Cordillera. Its plains overlook several volcanoes. Among them are the twin volcanoes, Gualari and Akotango. There is rich flora and fauna. On the territory of Lauka there is Lake Chungara. Near its emerald waters there are many historical monuments. In the park, you can pitch a tent and enjoy the beauty of nature serenely.

Lauca National Park

Churches of the island of Chiloe

Chiloe Island is located in Patagonia. The distance from the mainland is only two kilometers. The Catholic churches were built by the Spaniards and are now listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Their architecture is a fusion of several cultures, along with their traditions and worldview. Therefore, churches harmoniously fit into the natural environment.

Churches of the island of Chiloe

Mining town of Sewell

The city was founded specifically for the extraction of copper. The houses are built of wood and painted in bright, catchy colors. The town was landscaped for a more comfortable stay in it. It has a seasoned American style. Nowadays it is abandoned. But he hasn't lost his charm. Sewell is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is visited by thousands of tourists every year.

Mining town of Sewell

Magdalena Island

The visiting card of the island is not architectural buildings at all. Everything is much more interesting. It is home to 100,000 penguins. You can watch them freely. The island itself is located in the middle of the Strait of Magellan. During the stay of penguins on land, a lot of tourists come to the island. There is a lighthouse on Magdalena Island. It offers stunning views of the strait and the island itself.

Magdalena Island

City of Valparaiso

Valparaiso leaves an extraordinary impression. It is not boring and very diverse. In its architecture, it resembles cities from different parts of the world. The spirit of carelessness and freedom reigns in it. He is not combed and slicked with gel. He is disheveled, disheveled and appreciates who he is. The more attractive part of Valparaiso is the Upper Town. There are architectural monuments and the most picturesque corners.

City of Valparaiso

Viña del Mar Botanical Garden

Viña del Mar is a very popular resort town. In addition to beaches and the sea, it is no less famous for its botanical garden. The garden was opened in 1951. It contains rare and interesting plants and animals. The most unusual are a collection of cacti, plants from Easter Island, a collection of medicinal plants. It also features the country's national symbol, the Laparezia flower.

Viña del Mar Botanical Garden

Volcano Ojos del Salado

It is not only the highest volcano in Chile, but also the proud king of all volcanoes in the world. Its height is 6891 meters. They conquered the volcano not so long ago - in 1937. Solidified lava is clearly visible on the slopes of the volcano. In ancient times, the Incas considered it sacred. And this is not surprising. With its size, Ojos del Salado will impress any traveler. In addition, the volcano is considered active.

Volcano Ojos del Salado

Pumalin Natural Park

Pumalin is a private natural park. Infrastructure is developed on its territory. Hiking trails have been laid, and a campsite has been built for tourists. The territory of Pumalin is 3250 square kilometers. The park protects endemic plant species, but at the same time all conditions for tourists have been created, including shops, a restaurant, an information office.

Pumalin Natural Park

Humberstone and Santa Laura

These are two cities, the purpose of which was the extraction of saltpeter. They are in the Atacama, slowly disappearing under the ever-present sand. Life left the towns during the Great Depression. Since then they have been untouched. Years later, Humberstone and Santa Laura began to attract tourists. Now it is a popular tourist route.

Humberstone and Santa Laura

San Rafael Glacier

The San Rafael Glacier is considered the oldest in the world. The ice has an amazing color. It gives off blue, and in sunny weather it completely glows from the inside. Tourists can also observe the formation of icebergs and come close to them.

San Rafael Glacier

Torres del Paine National Park

This is a unique park of its kind. It combines mountains, lakes and a glacier. All this - on an area of ​​2400 square kilometers. The most recognizable feature of the park is the three stone spiers that rise in its center. In addition, Torres del Paine is lulled by blue lakes and a silent glacier. In the bosom of the mountain and river landscape you can meet different animals.

Torres del Paine National Park

City of Pucon

Pucon is a town that unwittingly became a center for outdoor activities. On one side is the Vallarrica volcano, which blows out clouds of smoke, and at night “turns on” the red backlight. From the second - a magical lake. Thermal springs formed around the active volcano. Tourists can swim in hot water and admire the snow-capped mountains!

City of Pucon

Lake District

The Lake District is a part of Chile where there is more water than land. There are 7 natural parks here, this place is considered the greenest region. And no wonder, because nature here loudly proclaimed itself the queen. On the territory of this region there are 12 large lakes, 10 small, blue rivers and noisy waterfalls. Very close to the Lake District is Chiloe Island, shrouded in mist.

Lake District

Natural monument of La Portada

La Portada means "gate" in translation. This is a unique arch created by nature. It is located north of Antofagasta. The height of the monument is 43 meters, length - 70, width - 23. The arch is surrounded by picturesque cliffs, the height of which reaches 52 meters. The fauna of La Portada is very rich and attractive. Visitors can see rare birds, dolphins and fur seals.

Natural monument of La Portada

Elqui Valley

The Elki Valley is the place where the most stars are in the sky. They say that 240 nights a year are cloudless. You can admire the sky in the observatory. In addition to the stars, the valley is known for growing crops and, in particular, grapes. Grape Pisco is an alcoholic drink that has the real taste of Chile. Also, this place is assigned a special biofield, so people come here to meditate and practice yoga.

Elqui Valley

City of Puerto Varas

The city lies comfortably on the shores of the large lake Llanquihue. Its founders were Germans, so it is distinguished by German architecture and traditional cuisine. Three of the most beautiful volcanoes rise up around Puerto Varas. The largest of them - Osorno, is compared with Fujiyama. The city is conducive to active recreation. For supporters of ecotourism, there are many excursions on the lake and in the picturesque surroundings of Puerto Varas.

City of Puerto Varas

Desert hand

In the middle of the driest desert in the world, a huge 11-meter human hand rises. This is a sculpture by the architect Mario Irarrasabal. It was made of reinforced concrete, and was presented to the public in 1992. The author's idea is to show how defenseless a person is in front of nature. Indeed, when you see this in the lifeless Atacama, you are involuntarily frightened by the power of the desert.

Desert hand


At the foot of the majestic Mount Aconcagua lies the tranquil ski resort of Purtillo. The service here is at the highest level, the ski resort has hosted many competitions and championships. The rooms of the resort hotels are ready to receive five thousand tourists at the same time. Among the picturesque landscapes there are 34 tracks for different categories of skiers.
