Top 20 attractions in Bulgaria

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Bulgaria is a European country with rich cultural heritage, warm sea, sandy beaches and picturesque mountain peaks. The mild climate makes it pleasant to relax here almost at any time of the year. And although sandy beaches are not so attractive in winter, ski resorts are able to give a good rest to both lovers of active pastime and connoisseurs of natural beauties. More and more often, our compatriots associate Bulgaria with an inexpensive, but high-quality vacation.

Separately, it is worth talking about Bulgarian cuisine. Traditional cooking recipes here have their own unique national flavor. The presence of a large number of vegetables, fragrant spices and seasonings, fruits and cereals - without all this, it is impossible to imagine the traditional dishes of Bulgarian cuisine. In addition to sweet desserts, sheep's cheese with a glass of red wine is served as an appetizer.

What to see in Bulgaria?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Seven Rila Lakes

The Rila Lakes are located in the northwestern part of the mountain range of the same name. You can get to them by lift. The walking tour will take you much longer. When you reach the end point of your journey, an unforgettable picture of its beauty will open before you: glacial lakes with crystal clear water against the backdrop of mountain peaks soaring into the sky.

Seven Rila Lakes

Fortress and rocks of Belogradchik

Both people and nature have worked on this piece of land. The first defensive fortifications began to be built here in the days of the Roman Empire. Nature here has created, perhaps, the most unusual mountain range. Bizarrely shaped rocks eventually got their own names and became overgrown with legends.

Fortress and rocks of Belogradchik

Rozhen monastery

This monastery is located at the foot of the Pirian mountains. Stained-glass windows and frescoes, ancient iconostases and the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary have survived to this day and delight the eye of both believers and just tourists. There is no pretentiousness and pomposity in the architectural design of the monastery. The entire monastery complex fascinates with the simplicity of its lines and the elegance of its architectural composition.

Rozhen monastery

Thracian tomb in Kazanlak

Funerary decorations and other details of the burial have not survived to this day. But the frescoes, amazing in their beauty, have been preserved. Their value is simply enormous, because they date back to the 4th century BC. The Thracian tomb is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, so an exact copy of it was created for tourists.

Thracian tomb in Kazanlak

Rotunda of St. George, Sofia

This early Christian church has a very unusual history. From the 16th to the 19th centuries, during the Turkish rule, it was converted into a mosque, and only at the end of the 19th century, the Rotunda of St. George again became a Christian church. They even managed to restore the frescoes on the walls and the dome of the building. Today, worship services are held here, as before, and there is also a museum.

Rotunda of St. George, Sofia

The village of Shiroka Laka

Beautiful two-story houses with bay windows and wooden stairs, paved streets, graceful bridges with wooden railings - all this reminds of the scenery for an old movie. Here they are kind to their customs and folklore. The village is located on the territory of an architectural reserve. There is also an ethnographic museum and many other places associated with the Bulgarian Renaissance.

The village of Shiroka Laka

Rose Valley

Millions of roses. Every woman dreams, if not to receive as a gift, then at least to see such a sea of ​​flowers at once. If you visit the valley near the Tundzha River, you will have the opportunity to enjoy this unforgettable sight, and the exquisite aroma of a thousand flowers will turn your head. You will definitely want to come back here again and again.

Rose Valley

Vitosha mountain range

The mountain slope, covered with coniferous forests, is an ideal place for hiking in summer, autumn and spring. With the advent of winter, Vitosha is covered with snow and becomes a place of pilgrimage for skiers and winter sports enthusiasts. Ski resorts, affordable prices and good service attract a fairly large number of tourists here.

Vitosha mountain range

Fortress Tsarevets

No wonder this fortress was the residence of the Bulgarian kings. The entire architectural ensemble of this building literally "screams" of wealth and grandeur. In addition, this place is literally covered with many legends and fairy tales. It must be seen with your own eyes. No photographs can convey the globality and monumentality of this architectural monument.

Fortress Tsarevets

Fortress of Baba Vida

The fortress museum of Baba Vida stands on the banks of the Danube. Many events in the history of Bulgaria are closely connected with this architectural monument. Today, special theatrical performances are organized for tourists and vacationers on the territory of the fortress. Before your eyes, the distant past will come to life, you will get to know the life and culture of this country in more detail, and just get aesthetic pleasure from the performance you have watched.

Fortress of Baba Vida

Ruins of ancient Pliska

Today, a historical and archaeological reserve has been created on the territory of the ancient settlement of Pliska. In the distant past, the capital of Danube Bulgaria was located here. To date, some of the buildings have been successfully reconstructed. The best preserved remains of the ancient palace belonging to Khan Omurtag.

Ruins of ancient Pliska

Summer residence of Queen Mary "Quiet Nest"

The residence of Queen Mary was built specifically for this crowned person. The architecture of the palace ensemble successfully combines elements of European and Arabic styles. Its terrace offers a beautiful view of the azure expanse of the sea, mountain ranges and the botanical garden.

Summer residence of Queen Mary Quiet Nest

Boyana Church

It is not for nothing that the Boyanka Church was included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. On its walls, a unique medieval painting dating back to 1259 has been preserved. Images of saints are striking in their realism and detail. The artistic and historical value of these murals can hardly be overestimated.

Boyana Church

Old town of Sozopol

This ancient town, in addition to the beauties of nature, pleases the eye with numerous architectural monuments and ancient temples. The historical center of Sozopol has been declared an architectural reserve. In the modern part of the city, the infrastructure is well developed, there are many hotels, cafes and restaurants.

Old town of Sozopol

Temple-monument of Alexander Nevsky

The Patriarchal Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky is the second largest Orthodox church in Bulgaria. Its wall paintings include 273 handwritten frescoes. In the decoration of the temple, you can see unique Orthodox icons made by famous Russian masters.

Temple-monument of Alexander Nevsky

Old Nessebar

This city has something to surprise both experienced travelers and beginners. Many architectural monuments here date back to the period of prosperity of the Byzantine Empire. The list of the most famous and visited places of Old Nessebar includes the Archaeological Museum, the Ethnographic Museum, the Church of St. Stephen. The favorable geographical location attracts crowds of tourists here.

Old Nessebar

Rila Monastery

It is difficult to convey in words all the beauty and grandeur of this monastery complex. Carved iconostases, murals by famous artists of that time, ancient icons and unique architecture make this monastery a pearl of world architecture. This monastery is still active today, occupying an area of ​​about 8800 sq.m.

Rila Monastery

Museum City Melnik

And this city has everything that Bulgaria can boast of: the sea, beaches, wine of its own production, countless architectural monuments, temples and museums. Many famous artists, writers and cultural figures of the Bulgarian Renaissance lived and worked in Melnik.

Museum City Melnik


Most precisely, this archaeological complex of the Middle Ages can be described in one word "monumentality". According to legend, this is where the tomb of Orpheus is located. There was also a temple dedicated to the god Dionysius. Perperikon is an ancient city. He still keeps many secrets and secrets from prying eyes.


Dzhumaya Mosque in Plovdiv

The Dzhumaya Mosque is admired by all tourists, regardless of religion. First of all, the artistic design of the external facade and internal walls of the building attracts attention. Decorations on the outer façade are not too noticeable, but inside the mosque is elegant, and the painting stylized with floral ornaments makes an unforgettable impression.

Dzhumaya Mosque in Plovdiv