Top 20 attractions of Gomel, Belarus

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The main tourist sites cannot boast a centuries-old history. For the most part, they appeared in the past and the century before last, but have already managed to win the love of the public. The Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble stands out in particular, which includes many interesting objects, including the Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace and the Winter Garden. The park area surrounding the territory, the nearby beach and the promenade are the main places for recreation for both locals and tourists.

Gomel went through the trials of the Second World War, was partially damaged and was restored. Despite all the upheavals, he was able to preserve the grains of his history and allowed them to flourish in all their splendor in modern times. Every year new monuments and museums are opened, and the collections of old ones are replenished.

What to see and where to go in Gomel?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble

At the same time a monument of nature and a monument of architecture. It is located on the right bank of the Sozh River. The main objects: the ancient settlement of the X-XVIII centuries, the Rumyantsev and Paskevich Palace, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the chapel-tomb of the Paskevich family, the Winter Garden. The area of ​​the park area is 34 hectares. Among the 5 thousand trees there are many exotics. Swan Pond divides the park into two parts, attractions are built in the northern part.

Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble

Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace

The land for the construction of the palace was granted to Count Rumyantsev by Empress Catherine II. At the end of the 18th century, the work was completed. Style - neoclassicism. The palace was rebuilt, and new iconic objects appeared around. In 1934, it was bought by Count Paskevich. Under him, a vast park was laid out. In the 1990s, the building of the palace completely became the property of the museum. It is considered the main attraction of Gomel.

Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace

Peter and Paul Cathedral

It was built from 1809 to 1819 in the possessions of Count Rumyantsev. Currently, it is part of the palace and park ensemble. The first closure occurred in the post-revolutionary years. Services resumed during the occupation period. The second closure dates back to the 60s. For almost 20 years, a planetarium has been working inside. Now it is a functioning temple. Relics: the relics of St. Manefa of Gomel and St. Nicholas.

Peter and Paul Cathedral

Chapel-tomb of the Paskevichs

It was built near the Peter and Paul Cathedral by 1889. The remains of some members of the Paskevich family were brought here, including Ivan Fedorovich, who bought these lands from the Rumyantsevs. In total, 8 people found peace here. The tomb is made in pseudo-Russian style and resembles a small fairy-tale tower or castle. The actual burials are underground. The entrance to the crypt is through a pavilion erected nearby.

Chapel-tomb of the Paskevichs

observation tower

It is located in the southern part of the palace and park ensemble. Initially, it was a chimney of a sugar factory. When the building was converted into a Winter Garden, the reconstruction also affected the tower. Including the spire, its height is 40 meters, so the place turned out to be suitable for an observation deck. You can climb to the very top by a spiral staircase with 204 steps. In 2015, the re-opening took place.

Observation tower

Winter Garden

Created on the basis of the greenhouse that belonged to Paskevich. In 1877, they began to transform it into the Winter Garden, for which they took the workshop of a sugar factory. Interior decoration - natural minerals, this made it possible to obtain a living carpet from overgrown climbing plants. During the Second World War, the premises were almost not affected. Now the garden has a collection of 18 species of representatives of the flora of the subtropics.

Winter Garden

hunting lodge

Recognized as an architectural monument of the early XIX century. It served as the summer residence of Rumyantsev. At the same time, the count did not like hunting, and the name is probably associated with the location on the outskirts of the city. Since 2009, an exposition of the Museum of the History of Gomel has been opened in the house. The collection is housed in 7 rooms. Some rooms have been recreated as they were under Rumyantsev. Here you can hold photo shoots and wedding ceremonies.

Hunting lodge

Branch of the Vetka Museum

Opened in 2008. The exposition is divided into 4 large exhibitions: "Thing as a Text of Spiritual Culture", "Masterpiece", "Living Craft" and "Man of Tradition". Each has its own separate room. “Masterpiece” stands out among others, as only one object is presented here at a time. Exhibits - folk art of all directions. This includes towels, national clothes, handmade books and even icons.

Branch of the Vetka Museum

Gomel Museum of Military Glory

The exposition was opened in two stages. The first one took place in 2004 and was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the country's liberation from the Nazis. In full force, the museum complex earned a year later. 2 floors with 8 halls tell the story of the military glory of the city and Belarus. 35 units of military equipment, including tanks and aircraft, are exhibited in the open air. On the basis of this museum, the Museum of Criminalistics was created in 2010.

Gomel Museum of Military Glory

Museum of Criminology

Created on the basis of the Museum of Military Glory in 2010. Its main goal is to popularize the interesting and socially important profession of a criminalist. The exposition covers the period from 1917 to the present day. Among the exhibits there was a place for the paraphernalia of policemen of different years. Presented and constantly improving technical means. Meetings of practicing criminologists with schoolchildren are held.

Museum of Criminology

Museum of the History of Printing and Photography

Opened in 2017 at the initiative of the local press. All Gomel publications, one way or another, took part in the formation of his collection. Among the exhibits are printing devices, archival photographs, old black-and-white pages of newspapers and bright posters. During the tour, tourists are invited to get acquainted not only with the history of printing and photography, but also walk through the past of modern Gomel media.

Museum of the History of Printing and Photography

Art Gallery G. X. Vashchenko

The collection of works of art is named after the outstanding Belarusian artist. Gavriil Vashchenko donated 50 of his works to the gallery. Subsequently, his wife replenished the collection with 70 paintings by domestic masters. Currently, about 400 paintings are exhibited here. They are distributed between two exhibition areas. In addition, the gallery also hosts temporary exhibitions.

Art Gallery G. X. Vashchenko

Gomel Drama Theater

Exists since 1954. The building is classic for theaters of the post-Soviet era - with stucco, decorative details and large columns at the entrance. The troupe tours the country, and visits Russia. Once every three years, the theater hosts Slavic Theater Meetings. The hall seats just under 500 people. In 2005, the reconstruction of the premises was completed. Repairs also touched the porch and facade.

Gomel Drama Theater

Puppet Theatre

Founded in 1968 by Viktor Chernyaev, who led the troupe for the next 20 years. The theater received at its disposal the House of Culture in 2002, and 5 years later it was restored. At the entrance there are small sculptures illustrating familiar fairy tales from childhood. Among the productions there is a place not only for recognized world works, but also for Belarusian fairy tales.

Puppet Theatre

Gomel State Circus

The first circus troupe has been performing in a wooden building on Konnaya Square since 1890. Several moves, the transfer of premises to the theater and even a fire led to the need to build a permanent solid house for the circus. It was ready by 1972. The auditorium is designed for one and a half thousand seats. Near 2006 there is a fountain with illumination, which works several months a year, and a monument to the clown Pencil.

Gomel State Circus

St. Nicholas Monastery

Founded in 1994. The temple of the same name, which was built back in 1904, became the base for the male monastery. There is a gate church, and the courtyard is located in the village of Teryukha. The brethren adhere to the charter of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Relics: the myrrh-streaming icon of St. Nicholas, the venerated copy of the Kozelshchanskaya icon of the Mother of God, and the icon of St. Righteous John of Kormyansky with a particle of relics.

St. Nicholas Monastery

Holy Tikhvin Monastery

It is female and has been leading its several times interrupted history since the end of the 19th century. It has existed in its current form since 1993. The nuns teach at Sunday school. The monastery has an icon-painting workshop and a sewing workshop. Relics: a list of the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God and the relics of the Chernihiv saints. The monastery includes a holy spring, near which baths and a chapel are built.

Holy Tikhvin Monastery

Elias Church

Monument of Belarusian wooden architecture of the second half of the 18th century. The complex consists of 3 log cabins: Babinets, middle log cabin, altar apse. Near the church of the Old Believers in the past there was a mixed skete for men and women. It is believed that Yemelyan Pugachev came here to pray. Although the temple was closed several times in the 19th century, it remained active during the Soviet period.

Elias Church

Bauman bridge

Pedestrian bridge across the river Sozh. There were already several bridges in the city, including floating ones. But a large pedestrian one was needed, since more and more vacationers wanted to get to the beach from the park area. And people from the suburbs could use it to get to work. The building was opened in 1970. Since its height and spans allowed, shipping remained as intense.

Bauman bridge

Sozh river and embankment

493 out of 648 km of the Sozh River flows through Belarus. Several cities stand on it, including Gomel. It is partly navigable and its waters are among the cleanest in Europe. The improvement of the city embankment is associated with the names of prominent local figures Rumyantsev and Paskevich. In the immediate vicinity of it is a palace and park complex. During the walk, tourists get acquainted with the monuments of archeology and nature.

Sozh river and embankment