Top 15 attractions of Azerbaijan

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Azerbaijan is a bright colorful country where European and Asian cultures are closely intertwined. This is a modern prosperous state, carefully preserving its values ​​and history. Hundreds of historical sights are located throughout the country: fortresses and palaces, ancient cities and mosques, preserved from the time of mighty Persia. Azerbaijani resorts on the coast of the Caspian Sea are excellent health resorts where you can improve your health, fully relax and sunbathe on well-maintained beaches.

Lovers of picturesque landscapes are attracted to the country by the natural beauties of Azerbaijan. Here, the peaks of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus Ranges pierce the sky, in the Gobustan Reserve, mud volcanoes erupt from the ground, Lake Goygel sparkles with a mirror surface. 9 out of 11 climatic zones of the planet are represented in Azerbaijan - from the subtropics, where banana palms grow, to high-mountain zones with a sharply continental climate.

The best time to travel to Azerbaijan is from April to October. In spring, nature blooms with bright colors, from May the water in the Caspian Sea warms up to a comfortable temperature, the beginning of autumn is the best time for excursions and hikes. In the country, tourists find themselves in a real fruit paradise. Here you can eat plenty of delicious pomegranates, apricots, sweet grapes and watermelons.

What to see in Azerbaijan?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Flame Towers

This is a modern architectural complex, a symbol of a new and prosperous Azerbaijan. The buildings are huge glass skyscrapers in the form of flames directed to the sky. In the evening, the façade is illuminated to imitate a blazing fire. Flame towers are visible from almost anywhere in Baku; guests of the capital are delighted with the contemplation of the play of colors on the glass surface of the towers.

Flame Towers

Gobustan reserve

A territory protected by UNESCO and included in the World Heritage List. Here are the famous mud volcanoes, spouting from the ground mixed with oil and water. As well as rock paintings preserved from the prehistoric era, demonstrating the beliefs and daily life of primitive people. At the foot of Mount Boyukdash, there are inscriptions of Roman legionnaires who visited here in the 1st century.

Gobustan reserve

Maiden Tower in Baku

A mysterious building on the territory of the ancient Baku fortress Icheri Sheher. The tower is considered a symbol of the city and a unique object, as it is an example of Azerbaijani architecture, which has no analogues in the region. There is a version that originally an ancient Zoroastrian temple was located on its territory, where they worshiped the sun and fire.

Maiden Tower in Baku

Old city of Icheri Sheher

The oldest residential quarter of Baku, which is surrounded by well-preserved fortress walls. People have lived in this area since the Bronze Age. Even now, people live in houses, many of which are hundreds and thousands of years old. In the middle of the stone streets of Icheri Sheher, time seems to have stopped its course - here you can fully experience the atmosphere and flavor of the country.

Old city of Icheri Sheher

Palace of the Shirvanshahs

It is a palace ensemble of the 15th century, where the rulers of Shirvan lived. During the construction of most buildings, Apsheron limestone was used, which over time acquired a beautiful golden-walnut hue. On the territory of the complex there is a royal tomb, a palace mosque, a courtyard of Divan-khane, a mausoleum of the scientist Seyid Yahya Bakuvi.

Palace of the Shirvanshahs

Palace of Sheki Khans

A beautiful two-story building with rich interior and exterior decoration. In the 18th century it was built as the residence of Huseyn Khan Mushtad. On the facade of the palace, beautifully executed scenes of hunting and war are framed by intricate floral and geometric ornaments. The stained-glass windows, consisting of several thousand pieces of glass, are decorated with openwork stone lattices.

Palace of Sheki Khans

Caravanserai in Sheki

An inn located on one of the segments of the Great Silk Road. A stopping and resting place for merchants, slave-owners, messengers, travelers, who for centuries lingered here to gain strength for their further journey. Now part of the caravanserai has been given over to a hotel, and a museum operates in the other part. The walls of the structure were built of strong and thick stone, large arched gates, which served as an entrance, were tightly closed in case of danger and provided shelter to the people inside.

Caravanserai in Sheki

Gandzasar Monastery

Armenian Christian monastery in Nagorno-Karabakh. It got its name from Mount Gandzasar. On the territory of the monastery, tourists note a special atmosphere, as if cut off from the surrounding reality. This is a quiet and peaceful place with ancient architecture, mysterious writings and strange drawings on the walls. Here are the tombs of the rulers of the Khachen principality and bishops.

Gandzasar Monastery

Bibi Heybat Mosque

A significant monument of Islamic architecture on the shore of the Baku Bay. The mosque was built in the XIII century. Prospering and developing, it existed for the 7th century, and in 1936 it was blown up by order of the Soviet functionaries who came to power. In 1994, Heydar Aliyev issued a decree on the restoration of the mosque in its original place. The new building was built before 2008, as they tried to repeat the shapes and outlines of the old mosque, to recreate the interior from photographs.

Bibi Heybat Mosque

Tezepir Mosque

Baku mosque built at the beginning of the 20th century. It escaped the fate of being destroyed under the Soviet rule, for a long time it functioned as a warehouse and barn, but after 1943 it again became a mosque. Gold was used in the decoration of the building, internal patterns and inscriptions were made in the style of the school of Azerbaijani painting. The domes of the temple are made of marble.

Tezepir Mosque

Indian temple of fire worshipers Ateshgah

Quite an exotic attraction for Azerbaijan. The temple was erected in the 18th century by the Hindu community, whose representatives called themselves Sikhs. The building was built on the site of an ancient Zoroastrian sanctuary, where, before the adoption of Islam, they worshiped fire and performed mystical rituals. The last representatives of Zoroastrianism went to India, but their descendants returned through the centuries and erected a new sanctuary - the Temple of fire worshipers Ateshgah.

Indian temple of fire worshipers Ateshgah

Mukhtarov's Palace

The Venetian-style building, erected at the expense of the oil industrialist and millionaire of the early twentieth century, Murtuza Mukhtarov. After a European honeymoon trip, his wife was deeply impressed by European architecture, especially the flying Venetian palazzos. Mukhtarov decided to build a palace for his beloved wife in a European manner, for which he hired the architect Ploshko.


Azerbaijan Carpet Museum

The expositions of the museum are mainly devoted to the art of carpet weaving. Various schools and eras are represented, the collection contains many specimens of historical value. The oldest exhibit is a fragment of a carpet woven in the 17th century by representatives of the Ovchulug school. In addition to carpets, the museum has collections of ceramic dishes, bronze, gold and silver jewelry, and national costumes.

Azerbaijan Carpet Museum

Heydar Aliyev Center

A modern futuristic building with museums, congress centers, offices and exhibition galleries showcasing the achievements of Azerbaijani culture. The building won the 2014 World Design Award. The Heydar Aliyev Center was established in 2006 to develop Azerbaijani culture, customs, traditions, language and history.

Heydar Aliyev Center

Resorts of the Caspian Sea

The well-maintained coast of the Caspian Sea has a quality beach holiday. In Baku, Nabran, Khachmas, Lankaran, tourists will find everything necessary for a comfortable vacation - hotels of almost all world chains, developed infrastructure, excellent cuisine, high level of service. The water in the Caspian Sea warms up to 20 in May, the swimming season continues until October.

Resorts of the Caspian Sea