Top 15 Graz Attractions, Austria

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The Austrian Graz will be able to compete with the brilliant Vienna and the operatic Salzburg, although this city is less known and popular with tourists. In Graz, travelers will fully enjoy the architectural beauties of the imperial period, as well as touch the distant history of the Middle Ages at the Schlossberg castle and the ruins of the Gösting fortress.

The federal state of Styria, whose capital is the city of Graz, is known for its excellent wines. Connoisseurs note that local varieties are very creative and original. They can be tasted in all restaurants and bars of the city.

Perhaps, Graz became known to the general public, including due to the fact that A. Schwarzenegger, an idol of several generations, an actor, bodybuilder and businessman, was born and raised here.

What to see and where to go in Graz?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Graz Town Hall

The building of the city hall, located on the central square Hauptplatz. The town hall, in the style of restrained classicism, was erected in 1803. It should be noted that the architectural development of Hauptplatz belongs to an earlier period, so the town hall can be considered a relatively new building. The central square is the venue for traditional Christmas markets. In normal times, colorful stalls with local delicacies are also located here.

Graz Town Hall


Mansion in Venetian style with outer boxes and a Renaissance courtyard designed by the architects D. dell'Allio and B. di Bosio. The building was rebuilt under the direction of these Italian masters in the 16th century. Landhaus was intended for meetings of the local parliament. The Legislative Assembly of the city is still located there. The interiors are made in the Baroque style and richly decorated with stucco.


Schlossberg Castle

The fortress is located on a hill 450 meters high. It became famous throughout Europe for the fact that it has never been taken during a siege since its foundation in the 12th century. Once the city of Graz was the central city of the Austrian lands, so the castle was necessary for defense purposes. On the Castle Hill there is a 28-meter clock tower Urturm. On all four facades of the tower there is a clock dial. The chronometer of the tower has been operating since the beginning of the 18th century.

Schlossberg Castle

Eggenberg Castle

A magnificent palace of the 17th century, one of the main attractions of Graz and the surrounding area. The castle was built for Prince Eggenberg, an adviser to Emperor Ferdinand II, who had great influence at court. The aristocrat was seriously fond of astrology, so the architect D.P. de Pomis designed the castle in the style of "Renaissance Harmony". The building has four towers - symbols of the seasons, 52 rooms - the number of weeks in a year, 24 common halls, which corresponds to the number of hours in a day.

Eggenberg Castle

Ruins of the Gösting fortress

A few kilometers from Graz is the once powerful fortress of Gösting, which covered the approaches to the suburbs and was an important strategic structure. The castle was built in the 11th century and stood until the 18th century, when a lightning strike completely destroyed its powerful walls. The discharge hit directly into the powder magazine and, as a result of a powerful explosion, Gösting turned into ruins. Of all the buildings, only the chapel of St. Anne has survived.

Ruins of the Gösting fortress


Museum of 2003, which contains a collection of contemporary art of the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries. The building was designed by architects P. Cook and C. Fournier. From afar, the futuristic structure resembles a giant submarine or a whale. The museum does not have its own permanent exhibition. Its space is used for the organization of temporary exhibitions dedicated to cinema, photography, contemporary architecture, painting and design.



The building for the armory was erected in the 17th century according to the project of A. Solari. Stockpiles of weapons were stored in the arsenal, which were planned to be distributed to the population in the event of a sudden attack by the enemy. Now several thousand rifles, rifles, pistols, cannons and other firearms are stored on its territory. Also in the arsenal there are halls with armor and tournament weapons of knights.


Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum

Austrian Graz is the birthplace of the famous American actor A. Schwarzenegger. In 2011, a museum was opened for fans of the work of this extraordinary person on the territory of the very house where Arnold was born and spent his youth. This small mansion is located on Lake Tal in the village of the same name. The museum exposition consists of the actor's personal belongings, original furnishings, as well as artifacts from the most famous films where Arnold was shot.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum

Opera theatre

The building for the Graz opera stage was erected in the 19th-20th centuries. near the city park. From the 17th century, theatrical performances were given on the territory of the carriage house of the Habsburg residence. The first theater was built in 1776. It is known that V.A. himself performed his works in it. Mozart. Later, this room was given over to a dramatic stage, which is still in operation. Modern opera is built in neo-baroque style.

Opera theatre

Cathedral of Saint Egidio

The main Catholic church of Graz, an architectural monument of the 15th century. The construction of the church began simultaneously with the construction of the castle for Emperor Frederick III. In the 16th century, the temple became the property of the Jesuit order. The temple has been serving as a cathedral in Graz since the 18th century. In the 20th century, interior interiors were restored under the direction of K.R. Lorenz.

Cathedral of Saint Egidio

Basilica Mariatrost

The temple is located on the top of a hill that rises almost 500 meters above the city. The church is an important pilgrimage center in Austria. It was built at the beginning of the 18th century in the architectural style of the late Baroque. The main facade consists of two symmetrical 60-meter towers and the main entrance portal. The interiors are luxuriously decorated in the best traditions of the Baroque style.

Basilica Mariatrost

Church of the Heart of Christ

The largest Catholic church in Graz. The building was built in the picturesque late Gothic style, which is characterized by a high central nave and figured stained-glass windows. The church was erected in 1887 according to the project of G. Hauberrisser. In 1988, the reconstruction was carried out. The temple is considered the third largest in Austria. Its unique stained-glass windows are quite a rare element that is not typical for church building in Styria.

Church of the Heart of Christ

Mausoleum of Emperor Ferdinand

The family tomb of the Habsburg dynasty, erected in the 17th century on the site of religious buildings. The mausoleum was designed by the Italian D.P. de Pomis, so the building has some features of Florentine architecture. Subsequently, under Leopold I, the grandson of Ferdinand II, the complex was finally completed. The emperor himself and his mother Maria of Bavaria rest in the crypt.

Mausoleum of Emperor Ferdinand


An entertainment complex located on an artificial island in the middle of the Mur River. The structure is connected to the banks with the help of bridges. In Murinsel, under a glass dome, there is a restaurant, a children's area "Island of Adventure" and an amphitheater. All structures of the complex are mounted on a mobile platform that can move along the river. The Murinsel space is designed for 350 people.



City street, which received the unofficial name "Art Mile" due to the large number of art workshops, exhibition galleries, studios and art cafes. There are also several shops selling antiques and jewelry. The best time to visit the Sackstrasse is before Christmas, as this is when the street decor is at its most picturesque.
