Top 30 - attractions of Sevastopol, Russia

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Sevastopol is called the “city of glory of the Russian fleet”, since many important historical events are associated with the brilliant victories of Russian admirals and sailors in the Crimea. The imperial architecture of the city embankments and promenades of Sevastopol will bring tourists back to the elegant 19th century, and the relaxed atmosphere of summer evenings will take away all thoughts of worries and problems.

In Sevastopol, the tourist will get acquainted with the priceless cultural treasures of ancient Chersonese, enjoy the expressive views of the Black Sea coast and swim in the clear water of the Sevastopol Bay. Resort life is in full swing in the city from June to the end of September. The central event of August is the annual biker festival, which attracts tens of thousands of people.

What to see and where to go in Sevastopol?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Count's Quay

Pier within the city limits, decorated with classic terraces and rotundas. In 1783, a wooden pier with numerous port buildings was located on this site. In the first half of the 19th century, it was turned into the front facade of a military port, decorated with decorative elements and antique statues. There are memorial plaques erected in honor of the Russian emperors on the Grafskaya pier.


Chersonese Tauride

The ruins of an ancient ancient colony that once flourished on the shores of the Crimean peninsula. In those distant times, Crimea was called Tauris, and the rich and prosperous Greek city was the center of civilization and culture. Presumably, Chersonesos was founded in the 5th century BC. and existed until the XIII-XIV centuries, until it was destroyed by nomads. The first excavations in the city began in the 19th century. In the 20th century, on the basis of the finds, the appearance of ancient Chersonesos was recreated.

Chersonese Tauride

Diorama "Assault on the Sapun Mountains"

One of the largest works of battle painting, located on Sapun Mountain near Sevastopol. The diorama is located in a semicircular building; from the observation deck inside, you can see all the details of the composition. The painting depicts the events of May 7, 1944 (the operation to liberate Sevastopol), when detachments of the Primorsky Army stormed the approaches to Sapun Mountain.

Diorama Assault on the Sapun Mountains

Panorama Museum "Defense of Sevastopol"

Panoramic painting 14 meters high, located in the round exposition hall of the early 20th century. The canvas tells about the events of the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The creator of the masterpiece F.A. Roubaud captured the battle on Malakhov Hill, which took place on June 6, 1855. The panorama was painted in Munich. Students of the Bavarian Academy of Arts and several German painters were involved in the work.

Panorama Museum Defense of Sevastopol

Monument to the Scuttled Ships

Monument located on the embankment of Sevastopol. It is considered an important symbol, its image is present on the city coat of arms. The obelisk was erected in memory of the ships that were sunk on purpose in the Sevastopol Bay in 1854-55. in order to block the approaches to the city to the Anglo-French fleet. These events took place during the First Defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War.

Monument to the Scuttled Ships

Malakhov Kurgan

The memorial complex, designed to perpetuate the events of the Crimean War and the Great Patriotic War. Twice in history, troops held the heroic defense of Sevastopol and defended the city from the enemy. On the Malakhov Hill there are monuments to commanders and memorial plaques with the names of the heroes of both wars. For the inhabitants of the city, this place is very revered and almost sacred.

Malakhov Kurgan

Seaside boulevard

City promenade, built on the site of fortifications during the Crimean War. The boulevard is a popular place for recreation; there are many historical sights telling about the history of Sevastopol. The alley was founded at the end of the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, an orchestra played here in the evenings, the entrance to one of the sides of the boulevard was paid, and the lower ranks did not have the right to come here.

Seaside boulevard

Ecopark Lukomorye

An entertainment center for families, where there are several interesting museums, attractions, a zoo, a cafe and a theater. A special place in the park is occupied by plots and characters from the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. Almost every weekend and on holidays, children's parties and fun game shows are organized on the territory. Children will be especially interested in visiting the southern residence of Father Frost.

Ecopark Lukomorye

Tower of the Winds

Antique-style ventilation tower built in the middle of the 19th century for the needs of the Maritime Library. The structure is built in the form of an octahedron and is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting characters from Greek mythology. Each side of the tower symbolizes the direction of the wind. The Athenian Tower of the Winds built in the 1st century BC was taken as a model. The Maritime Library burned down in a fire in 1955, but the Tower survived and still adorns the city.

Tower of the Winds

Theater of the Black Sea Fleet

The theater was founded in 1932 by order of Marshal Voroshilov and became one of the first professional military theaters in the Soviet Union. The troupe gave performances not only on stage, but also on ships. On the stage of the theater, works of naval and revolutionary themes were mainly staged. The stage did not stop working during the Great Patriotic War, despite the fact that costumes and scenery were destroyed during the bombing.

Theater of the Black Sea Fleet

Palace of Childhood and Youth

Once upon a time, Palaces of Children's Art worked throughout the USSR, where children could develop their talents, go to circles and sections, engage in scientific research or learn intellectual games. With the collapse of the country, these institutions gradually closed. In Sevastopol, such a unique Palace of Childhood and Youth has been preserved, where schoolchildren from 5 to 17 years old can spend their free time free of charge and with interest.

Palace of Childhood and Youth

Sevastopol Art Museum

An architectural monument of the late 19th century, located on Nakhimov Avenue. Inside the building there are three exhibition galleries, where collections of paintings, graphics, sculptures by masters of various eras are presented. The museum has works by Italian Renaissance artists, representatives of the Flemish school of painting, as well as French, Russian and German painters of the 18th-20th centuries.

Sevastopol Art Museum

Military History Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

An extensive collection dedicated to the history of the Russian Black Sea Fleet since the Russo-Turkish War of 1884-85. up to the modern period. Part of the museum's exposition is located on the street, which attracts the attention of people passing by. The museum houses Admiral Nakhimov's spyglass and the saber of the Turkish commander Osman Pasha, who was defeated in the Battle of Sinop. The entire collection is located in a historic building of classical architecture.

Military History Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

Sevastopol Marine Aquarium Museum

The museum was founded at the very end of the 19th century and became the first oceanarium on the territory of the Russian Empire. The building houses five exhibition halls, which contain marine life from different parts of the world. In addition to fish, reptiles, invertebrates, rays, eels, sharks, and moray eels are found in aquariums. A separate exposition is dedicated to the inhabitants of the Black Sea. From time to time, thematic exhibitions are held on the territory of the museum.

Sevastopol Marine Aquarium Museum

Inkerman cave monastery

An ancient monastic cloister near Sevastopol. According to some sources, the monastery was founded in the 8th century, others point to the 14th-15th centuries. After the establishment of the protectorate of the Ottoman Empire over the Crimean peninsula, the Inkerman cave monastery gradually fell into decay, its revival took place twice - in the middle of the 19th century and at the end of the 20th century after the collapse of the USSR.

Inkerman cave monastery

Vladimir (Admiralty) Cathedral

Sevastopol Cathedral of the XIX century, built in the Russian-Byzantine style. The architecture of the building resembles the temples of Constantinople of the 9th-10th centuries. The interior decoration is atypical for an Orthodox church, as instead of icons, memorial plaques with the names of the heroes of the First Defense of Sevastopol hang on the walls. In the cathedral are the graves of Russian admirals P. Nakhimov, V. Kornilov, V. Istomin.

Vladimir (Admiralty) Cathedral

Vladimir Cathedral in Chersonese

The temple, built in memory of the baptism of Prince Vladimir. This significant and epoch-making event for the whole of Rus' took place on the territory of Tauric Chersonesos. The first Byzantine-style cathedral building appeared in the second half of the 19th century under Alexander II, but it was almost completely destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. The temple lay in ruins until the early 2000s. Restoration and re-consecration took place in 2004.

Vladimir Cathedral in Chersonese

St. Nicholas Church

The temple was erected in honor of the soldiers who died in the Crimean War during the first defense of Sevastopol. The building is part of the memorial complex at the Fraternal Cemetery. The cathedral was created according to the original architectural design of A. Avdeev. The building has the shape of a pyramid topped with a massive cross. The inner walls are faced with marble boards on which the names of the dead officers are carved.

St. Nicholas Church

Intercession Cathedral

A picturesque Sevastopol temple, an example of one of the directions of church architecture of the late XIX-XX centuries. After the Revolution of 1917, the cathedral was closed by the Bolsheviks, but reopened its doors during the occupation of Crimea during the Second World War. During the war, the building suffered significant damage, but it was reconstructed by 1947. From the 60s. In the 20th century, a gym was located on the territory of the temple. Intercession Cathedral returned to the bosom of the Church in 1994.

Intercession Cathedral

"35th coastal battery"

A complex of defensive structures of the early 20th century at Cape Khersones. The battery was built for the defense of Sevastopol from the sea. The guns of this complex could conduct circular continuous fire on the enemy, the firing range was more than 40 km. The outer protective walls of the battery reached 4 meters in thickness. In 2007, a memorial museum complex was organized on the territory.

35th coastal battery

Mikhailovskaya Battery

Historical museum complex on the northern side of the Sevastopol Bay. The defensive structure was built in the 19th century and survived during the First and Second defenses of Sevastopol. Since 2014, the territory has housed the Maritime Museum, which tells about the history of the Black Sea Fleet, the Crimean War, as well as the First and Second World Wars. More than 20 thousand exhibits are placed in 30 halls of the fortress.

Mikhailovskaya Battery

Konstantinovskaya battery

Fortification construction of the XIX century, guarding the Sevastopol Bay. It served as a reliable barrier on the way of enemy ships. The battery housed about 100 guns capable of continuous fire for a long time. During the Second Defense of Sevastopol, she helped the defenders of the city to hold their positions. Near the Konstantinovskaya battery on the edge of the pier is a white lighthouse tower.

Konstantinovskaya battery

Balaklava Bay

A narrow winding sea bay, artfully hidden among the rocks. The bay is considered one of the most picturesque on the Black Sea, besides, it is not visible at all from the open water side. People began to settle on the shores of the bay 2.5 thousand years ago, wars were constantly fought over the territory, as several peoples at once wanted to have a place with such a good location. In Balaklava Bay, it was possible not only to reliably hide from enemies, but also to make successful raids from here.

Balaklava Bay

Object 825GTS

Former secret object of the USSR on the territory of the Balaklava Bay. During the Cold War, even the inhabitants of Balaklava did not know about its existence. Here was located the base of submarines, on which nuclear weapons were placed. In the event of a nuclear attack on the USSR, these boats could strike back. Until 2014, it was assumed that the premises of the facility would house the Cold War Dungeons museum area.

Object 825GTS

Object "Mole"

Underground facility built in the 1930s. XX century. It was originally planned that a power plant would be located on the territory, but the war of 1941-45. disrupted construction plans. With the onset of peacetime, work resumed, but went so slowly that the USSR collapsed, and the facility could not be completed. The concrete labyrinth is still in a frozen state, since neither the Ukrainian nor the Russian government has come up with a use for it.

Object Mole

Genoese fortress Cembalo

The fortress stands on the hilly shores of Balaklava Bay. Only the remains of fortified walls, towers and the ruins of the temple have survived to our time. Several centuries ago, there was a lively trading settlement here, founded by people from the Republic of Genoa. In total, three similar structures were built on the territory of Crimea - in Sudak, Balaklava and Feodosia. All of them fell into decay after the accession of the Ottoman Empire in the Crimea.

Genoese fortress Cembalo

Chorgun bridge-aqueduct

A bridge built in the middle of the 19th century on the Chernaya River. It was used as part of a water pipeline that stretched to the Sevastopol Admiralty. The length of the aqueduct reaches 12 meters, in summer it is almost invisible due to dense thickets on the banks of the river. After the Crimean War, water supply ceased, most of the building was destroyed. Chorgun bridge-aqueduct is the only fully preserved section of this water pipeline.

Chorgun bridge-aqueduct

Georgievskaya rock

A rock towering over the sea surface 1.5 km away. from Cape Fiolent. At the top there is a cross dedicated to St. George the Victorious. At 140 meters from the rock there is Jasper Beach, which is considered one of the best in the Crimea. It is a picturesque coastline strewn with small pebbles of different colors. The water here is always clean and clear. A staircase of 800 steps leads to the beach from the Balaklava St. George Monastery.

Georgievskaya rock

Cape Aya

One of the most picturesque sections of the Crimean coast in the vicinity of Balaklava. At the beginning of the 20th century, the remains of a developed urban settlement of the 10th-15th centuries were found on the cape. The name "Aya" comes from the Greek word "ayos", which means "holy". There is an assumption that in ancient times it was a sacred place for immigrants from Hellas. Another interesting theory claims that the cape was a landmark for sailors who first landed on the shores of Taurida.

Cape Aya

Cape Fiolent

The coastline, indented by sheer cliffs, offers a breathtaking view of the Black Sea and the distant coastline. There are very steep slopes on Cape Fiolent, under which there are excellent beaches, on which sea water acquires a blue and almost “tropical” hue. Convenient tourist routes are laid along the coast.

Cape Fiolent