Top 20 Sights of Sviyazhsk, Russia

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The island-town of Sviyazhsk is an unusual and incredibly picturesque place that attracts tourists with its historical sights and beautiful panoramas. The town stands on a small piece of land in the middle of a green-blue flood formed by the waters of the mighty Volga and the Sviyaga River. Sviyazhsk can be called a large museum, where fascinating pages of history unfold before visitors.

The city has preserved monasteries and churches built 400-500 years ago. They withstood a difficult time and all the hardships, so that later they could be reborn and again become the spiritual centers of the Volga region. Many architectural monuments of Sviyazhsk are unique not only for Tatarstan, but for the whole of Russia. Their cultural value is recognized by world organizations.

What to see and where to go in Sviyazhsk?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Sviyazhsky Assumption Monastery

Since its founding in the middle of the 16th century, the monastery has been the main spiritual center of the entire Volga region and one of the richest monasteries in Russia. In the 18th century, after the secularization of the lands, it gradually began to decline, and during the Soviet period it was completely plundered and closed. The revival began in 1997. The main architectural monuments of the complex are the Assumption Cathedral and the St. Nicholas refectory church with a bell tower, built 400 years ago.

Sviyazhsky Assumption Monastery

Assumption Cathedral

The cathedral is part of the Assumption Monastery ensemble. It is a unique example of Russian medieval architecture. The temple was erected in the classical Pskov-Novgorod style by craftsmen from Pskov from white hewn stone. The external decorations of the facade are made in the form of patterned kokoshniks, which were completed later - in the 18th century. Inside, fresco paintings from the era of Ivan the Terrible have been almost completely preserved.

Assumption Cathedral

Gate Church of the Ascension of the Lord

The temple of the beginning of the XVIII century, erected on the site of a dilapidated wooden church. The first building was built with elements of the Baroque style. After the destruction in the 1930s, only the lower tier with fragments of frescoes remained from it. The restoration of the temple began after a thorough analysis of historical data, which made it possible to recreate its original appearance. Restoration work was completed in 2015.

Gate Church of the Ascension of the Lord

Bell tower of St. Nicholas refectory church

A five-tiered tower 43 meters high, built in the 16th-17th centuries. Such structures in Russia are a rarity. It is an integral part of the Nikolskaya refectory church (the temple seems to have been specially built for it). At the beginning of the 19th century, the total number of bells reached 22, the largest of them weighed 8.5 tons. Only monks are allowed to enter the belfry.

Bell tower of St. Nicholas refectory church

Sviyazhsky John the Baptist Monastery

Now the former convent is the courtyard of the Assumption Monastery, but until 1917 it was an independent institution. The first mention of it dates back to the middle of the 16th century. In 1919, the monastery was abolished and a museum-reserve was organized on its territory. The main architectural monuments are the wooden Trinity Church built in 1551, the one-domed church of St. Sergius of Radonezh built in 1604 and the cathedral in the name of the icon of the Mother of God, built in the neo-Byzantine style at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

Sviyazhsky John the Baptist Monastery

Church of the Holy Trinity

A small temple of the middle of the 16th century is the only wooden building in Sviyazhsk that has survived from those times. The church was cut down from larch and put up literally in one day. In subsequent centuries, the appearance of the building changed as a result of alterations and restorations, which led to a significant distortion of the historical appearance. The church resembles a wooden manor, and only the dome with a cross indicates a religious purpose.

Church of the Holy Trinity

Cathedral of Our Lady of All Who Sorrow

The appearance of the cathedral is strikingly different from the appearance of the churches of Sviyazhsk. Unlike the latter, built in the manner of Russian architecture, it was erected in an elegant neo-Byzantine style. The temple has impressive dimensions - the spherical central dome reaches 32 meters in height. The external appearance of the building has been completely preserved, but the interior was lost in Soviet times.

Cathedral of Our Lady of All Who Sorrow

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh

The temple was erected in 1604, it was originally built as a courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. It is a two-story stone building: earlier, utility and residential premises were located on the first level, and the church itself was on the second. Inside, a fragment of a 17th-century fresco depicting the Old Testament Trinity (a copy of the icon of the same name by Andrei Rublev) has been preserved.

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh

Church of Constantine and Helena

The first church was erected under Ivan the Terrible in 1551; a building built in the 18th century in the style of ancient Russian architecture has survived to this day. Since 1939, a museum was located on its territory, until in 1993 the temple was transferred to the Orthodox community. The church is the only religious building in Sviyazhsk that does not belong to any monastery.

Church of Constantine and Helena

Church of the Annunciation

The church was built in the middle of the 18th century in the Baroque style, the classical bell tower was added later. At the beginning of the 20th century, the building was dismantled and all that a tourist can see today is the preserved brick foundation. Now a wooden cross has been erected on the site of the church. The commemorative plaque contains a photograph of the temple and its brief history. Restoration work has begun in recent years.

Church of the Annunciation

Christmas Square

The main city square, founded on the site of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary destroyed in the 1930s (its ruins are nearby). The main administrative and public buildings are located here: government, post office, school, police, as well as cafes and shops. For tourists, an observation deck is equipped with a view of the picturesque floods of the Volga.

Christmas Square

Museum of the History of Sviyazhsk

The museum collection is located on the territory of the building of the middle of the 19th century. It consists of several permanent exhibitions: “Pages of the History of Sviyazhsk”, “The Ancient City of Sviyazhsk”, “Enchanted by the Island”, “Like the Mother Volga…” and other thematic exhibitions that tell about the history of the city and acquaint visitors with its cultural heritage.

Museum of the History of Sviyazhsk

Civil War Museum

The museum opened in 2016 and immediately attracted the attention of visitors. The exposition is located in a city estate of the 19th century, which previously belonged to a family of wealthy burghers. It is dedicated to the history of the Red and White armies, their confrontation, as well as to the personalities who played a key role in the outcome of the war. A separate exposition tells about one of the leaders of the Revolution - Leon Trotsky.

Civil War Museum

Monument to the victims of political repressions

In the 1940s, after the end of the Second World War, Sviyazhsk became a subdivision of the GAUAG and was used to keep prisoners (mainly political ones), as well as disabled people who were injured during the hostilities. The monument to the victims of repression was erected in 2011. It is a grating in stone through which a prisoner releases a dove.

Monument to the victims of political repressions

"House of Merchant Kamenev"

The building is located on Rozhdestvenskaya Square, it houses the hotel of the same name. The historic stone and wood building was built in the 19th century and belonged to the merchant F. T. Kamenev. But this building has not survived to this day. In 2011, a new house was erected in its place. The restorers tried to recreate the original appearance and interior as much as possible.

House of Merchant Kamenev

The building of the women's gymnasium

A red brick building built at the beginning of the 20th century. It still fulfills its purpose (the secondary school is located here). Gothic elements can be seen on the central facade of the building - they are indicated by the lancet shape of the windows and the rose stained-glass window located under the roof - an architectural technique characteristic of Catholic churches.

The building of the women

"Old Water Tower"

One of the numerous exhibition halls of the Museum-Reserve "Island-city of Sviyazhsk", located in a two-story building that was once part of the system of hydraulic structures of Sviyazhsk. The first floor - the base of the tower is made of stone, the second - of wood. Inside there is a small exhibition of paintings by local artists and an exhibition of handicrafts.

Old Water Tower

Complex "Lazy Torzhok"

The complex is a historical reconstruction of Sviyazhsk, where you can immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of bygone centuries. Craft shops and shooting ranges operate here, impromptu military duels are regularly held in full historical attire and national dishes are prepared. You can also visit an exhibition of ancient weapons and armor.

Complex Lazy Torzhok

horse yard

The horse yard is located near the Assumption Monastery. The ensemble of buildings is an architectural monument. After the restoration, an entertainment complex was launched on the territory of the yard. Here you can ride a horse, visit a smithy, bakery and honey shops, order a carriage and ride it around Sviyazhsk, dine in a restaurant and buy souvenirs.

Horse yard

Volga river

Sviyazhsk is located on an island connected to the "mainland" by an isthmus, just at the place where Sviyaga and Volga meet, forming wide spills of incredible beauty. The city looks very picturesque from the pleasure boats passing by. Small islands and land areas are scattered in the middle of the mirror-like water surface, giving the surrounding landscape a unique flavor.

Volga river