Top 15 Kenya Attractions

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Kenya is considered one of the most popular countries for travelers. There are 60 national parks on a relatively small territory of this state, so tourists come here for photo safari, animal watching, extreme trips across the endless savannah.

Every year, during the great migration of animals, the Kenyan Masai Mara National Park becomes the scene for a unique natural phenomenon - almost 2 million zebras, gazelles, wildebeests leave in search of food and water in Tanzania. And they are followed by lions, cheetahs, leopards and other predators.

Kenya is also more than 120 km. beaches with sparkling white sand. At the resorts of Watamu, Mombasa, Lamu, Malindi, you can sunbathe, go diving and enjoy the unusual local cuisine.

What to see in Kenya?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Masai Mara

One of the most visited and significant nature reserves in Africa, located on the border with Tanzania and the Serengeti National Park. Both territories form a single system within which there is a wide variety of local fauna. The Masai Mara is the vast African savanna where millions of animals travel long distances during the great migration from May to September.

Masai Mara

Mount Kenya

A natural monument of national importance, the second highest peak in Africa (about 5200 meters above sea level). On the slopes of the mountain there is a national park inhabited by crested antelopes, buffaloes, and elephants. Here begins its journey the most full-flowing river in Kenya - Tana. Tropical forests, bamboo thickets, olive groves, fern thickets and even groups of cedar pines replace each other at different levels of height.

Mount Kenya

Fort Jesus

Located in the city of Mombasa and is one of its main attractions. The fort was built by Portuguese settlers at the end of the 16th century. It was used to defend against hostile African tribes and Turkish invaders. Many times the Arabs tried to take over the fort, as the fortress is very well located and over time it became the best harbor of the entire continent. Today, a museum is open within the walls of the fortification.

Fort Jesus

Hell's Gate National Park

One of the few parks in Kenya that can be visited without a guide. On its territory you can walk, travel by car, ride a bike and even set up a tent camp in special places. The park got its name because of the gorge, along the edges of which there are rocks and form a narrow passage. For local explorers Thompson and Fisher, this landscape was reminiscent of the "gates to hell."


Amboseli National Park

It was established in 1974 as a biosphere reserve. The territory of Amboseli is spread out against the backdrop of the majestic peak of Kilimanjaro (the mountain is 40 km away). The ecosystem of the park is quite fragile, and endangered species of cheetah and black rhino live here. In total, there are about 50 species of large animals, 400 species of birds. E. Hemingway and R. Ruark described the landscapes of Amboseli in some of their novels.

Amboseli National Park

Tsavo National Park

Spread over vast expanses, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 4% of the entire territory of Kenya. The reserve is known for the fact that a large number of rare species listed in the Red Book live here. A large population of elephants lives in Tsavo (almost 7,000 individuals), lions, about which many tales are told and several films have been made, and many herbivores. The park is divided into Western and Eastern Tsavo.

Tsavo National Park

Watamu National Marine Park

Located on the coast of the Indian Ocean north of Mombasa, 120 km. The Watamu ecosystem is very diverse: coral reefs, coastal mangrove forests, turtles, hundreds of species of fish, shellfish and marine "reptiles". The Marine Park is a popular place for scuba diving. Tourists also take boat trips or simply swim in the turquoise clear water.

Watamu National Marine Park

Ruins of Gedi

The remains of a lost city in the rainforests of Kenya. Researchers have not yet answered the question of what happened to the population, why Gedi fell into decay. It is believed that the city arose in the 13th century, about 2500 people lived in it. As a result of excavations, objects from various and rather remote parts of the world were found here, which indicates active trade relations between local residents and merchants from different countries.

Ruins of Gedi

Crocodile farm "The Mamba Village"

The largest farm in Africa, located on the outskirts of Mombasa. Dozens of crocodiles live in several pools, which can be fed at certain times under the supervision of staff. Tours are conducted around the farm, the guide talks about the characteristics of animals and their lifestyle. There is also a crocodile leather shop where tourists are invited to buy souvenirs and a cafe serving crocodile meat.

Crocodile farm The Mamba Village

Lake Victoria

A large African lake that plays a significant role in the life of the continent. One of the coasts belongs to Kenya, the rest to neighboring countries. Victoria contains most of the fresh water that supplies half of Africa and gives rise to many rivers. The Kenyan shore of the lake is not as popular with tourists as the Tanzanian, but here you can go fishing, boating or watching crocodiles.

Lake Victoria

Thompson Falls

It is named after its discoverer, a Scottish naturalist and traveler. It is a powerful jet of water that falls from a height of 75 meters. The waterfall is located 60 km. from Lake Nakuru, it is part of the Iwaso River. The locals call it "Nyahururu". There are a large number of hippos in the vicinity of Thompson, which attract many tourists.

Thompson Falls

Lamu Island

The largest island of the archipelago, consisting of 3 islands: Pate, Mandu, Lamu, Kivayu and several other small islands. There is a large marine national park where exotic marine life lives. People first appeared on Lamu in the 14th century, they were representatives of the Swahili people. Until now, the main means of transportation on the islands are donkeys, as they were hundreds of years ago.

Lamu Island

Resort town of Malindi

A modern tourist center that rivals Mombasa. The city is divided into two parts - the first is built up with expensive shops, clubs, hotels and casinos, and the second is an old Arab quarter with authentic restaurants, inexpensive guest houses and all the accompanying surroundings. The resort's beaches are considered the best in Kenya. You can come here all year round, as the weather conditions are conducive to a great holiday.

Resort town of Malindi

Lake Bogoria

It is a national park. It has a relatively small size: 17 km. in length, about 4 km. wide and only 9 meters deep. The water in the lake contains a large amount of salt, as more than 200 alkaline hot springs flow here. In some months, the salinity reaches 100%. Once the lake was freshwater and deeper, but over 10,000 years the composition of the water has changed dramatically.

Lake Bogoria

Lake Nakuru

Another lake is a national park in Kenya. It is known for the fact that a millionth flock of pink flamingos flocks here (sometimes their number reaches 2 million). A magnificent sight opens from a bird's eye view, as the banks of Nakuru are covered with a solid pink border. Against the backdrop of flamingos, zebras and rhinos graze on the banks. The bird population is carefully guarded and protected.

Lake Nakuru