Top 30 attractions in Cyprus

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Cyprus is one of the most sought after and popular beach destinations. On this wonderful island, the sun shines for more than 300 days a year, the swimming season lasts almost half a year from May to October. The tourism industry of Cyprus is fully and comprehensively developed - guests are offered accommodation in luxurious 5 * hotels on the first coastline, in more democratic 4 * and 3 * or in economical apartments.

Cyprus resorts are suitable for all types of travelers. Digging young people prefer stylish and energetic Ayia Napa, where after daytime sunbathing you can "light" in nightclubs. For a family with children, Larnaca or Limassol are more preferable - the hotels in these cities have excellent animation and entertainment for the little ones. For people who wish for a secluded and relaxing holiday, quiet and romantic Protaras will be an excellent choice.

Tourists from all over the world mainly visit the southern part of the island - the state of Cyprus itself. The northern part of the island is considered to be occupied by Turkish troops, but you can also get there and enjoy the picturesque mountain views or swim in the purest Mediterranean Sea.

What to see in Cyprus?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Tombs of the Kings in Paphos

A small necropolis near Paphos. Despite the name, there are no tombs of kings, only the burial places of the local nobility. Long before they were discovered by archaeologists, these places were plundered by “treasure seekers”, only the outer walls of buildings have survived to this day. The graves date from the 4th-3rd centuries. BC.

Tombs of the Kings in Paphos

Archbishop's Palace

Construction of the XX century. in pseudo-Venetian style in the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia. Nearby there is an old building of the palace of the 18th century, which was badly damaged after the invasion of the Turks in 1974. This place serves as the residence for the head of the local church, the Archbishop of Cyprus. The palace has a museum, a library, an art gallery and a cathedral.


Bath of Aphrodite

A small secluded grotto surrounded by lush vegetation and flowers. According to legend, the goddess Aphrodite took baths here and met her beloved Adonis. It is believed that the water from the bath rejuvenates the body, gives strength and vigor. But visitors are not allowed to swim in the grotto, so it is impossible to verify this version.

Bath of Aphrodite

Winery KEO

It is located in one of the centers of local winemaking - the city of Limassol. Wine has been made in Cyprus for thousands of years, and the KEO vineyards have been harvesting for over 150 years. During a free tour of the factory, tourists are told about the history and production process of different varieties of wine. Tasting is also free, after which it is proposed to buy your favorite drinks.

Winery KEO

Limassol castle

Fort of the period of the Ottoman Empire, built in the IV century. In the XVI it began to be used by the Turks to protect the harbor of Limassol. In the early periods, on the site of the fort there was a Christian basilica and a Byzantine fortress, where, according to legend, the wedding of King Richard the Lionheart with Princess Berengaria took place.

Limassol castle

Fortress of Paphos

A laconic and strict building from the time of Alexander the Great. The fortress was part of the defensive system, the lower floors were used as a prison. Only parts of the ancient fort have survived to this day, as the structure has been repeatedly destroyed over the centuries.

Fortress of Paphos

Kolossi Castle

The construction of the period of powerful medieval knightly orders. The castle tower is an example of military architecture of the 12th century. Not only the thick walls of the castle have been perfectly preserved, but also some elements of the interior decoration - drawings and frescoes depicting divine scenes. The construction was used by knightly orders as a military-strategic object.

Kolossi Castle

Kyrenia Castle (Northern Cyprus)

It was built by the Byzantines to protect against Arab raids. The castle was renovated during the reign of the Venetians. In the 16th century, it fell under the blows of the Ottoman army and was used by the Turks as a military base until the 19th century. In 1974, after the occupation of Northern Cyprus by Turkish troops, a museum was placed in the castle.

Kyrenia Castle (Northern Cyprus)

Buffavento Castle (Northern Cyprus)

It is located in the Kyrenia Mountains at an altitude of almost one kilometer. The building has an Italian name, translated it means "protection from the wind." The castle was built in the 11th century and was used as a prison for dangerous criminals. During the reign of the Venetians, it was not used, so the buildings fell into disrepair.

Buffavento Castle (Northern Cyprus)

Ghost town of Varosha (Northern Cyprus)

Once the city of Varosha was the best resort in Cyprus, visited by Brigitte Bardot and Elizabeth Taylor. After the Turkish invasion in 1974, the inhabitants were evacuated. The areas under construction were surrounded by a fence and armed guards were posted. The empty concrete boxes of hotels look creepy against the backdrop of sunny beaches and the sea, where people continue to relax.

Ghost town of Varosha (Northern Cyprus)

The ancient city of Kourion

In the XII century BC. was one of the major Cypriot cities. In the IV century BC. it was destroyed by an earthquake, but many structures have survived to this day. Not only the facades of buildings have been preserved, but also Roman mosaics depicting animals. The city amphitheater of Kourion is a fine example of ancient antique architecture.

The ancient city of Kourion

Ancient city of Amathus

One of the ten Cypriot city-states that existed tens of centuries ago. Located near Limassol. Only the ruins of squares, public baths, and administrative buildings have survived to this day. According to mythology, Amathus was founded by the father of Adonis. In ancient times, the cult of Aphrodite dominated here.

Ancient city of Amathus

Kykkos Monastery

An important center of Orthodoxy in Cyprus. It is the richest monastery on the island, located in the picturesque Troodos mountains. There is an icon of the Virgin, which has miraculous power (according to Christian beliefs). Moreover, the holiness of the image blinds the beholder so much that in 1975 the icon was dressed in a silver setting.

Kykkos Monastery

Church of Saint Lazarus

An ancient Christian church built by Emperor Leo IV the Wise on the burial site of Lazarus, a friend and associate of Christ. The church was the cultural, social and religious center of Larnaca. During the Venetian occupation of Cyprus, the temple belonged to the Roman Church, it housed a Benedictine monastery.

Church of Saint Lazarus

Ayia Napa Monastery

Monastery of the Virgin of Napa, with the foundation of which two legends are associated. According to the first, an icon of the Mother of God was found at the site of the construction in the cave, the second tells of a noble Venetian who, in defiance of her parents, became a nun and took refuge in a cave on the site of the monastery.

Ayia Napa Monastery

Stavrovouni Monastery

It is located on the top of a mountain 40 kilometers from Larnaca. It is considered the oldest monastery in Cyprus. Since its founding, the monastery has experienced several periods of poverty and armed invasions, but now its former power and grandeur have been fully restored, the monastery is flourishing. An important Christian relic is kept in Stavrovouni - a part of the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

Stavrovouni Monastery

Selimiye Mosque in Nicosia (Northern Cyprus)

The main mosque of Northern Cyprus, a wonderful example of Cypriot architecture. The building was built for 150 years, at different times it was a small church, a Gothic temple, Hagia Sophia and after that - a mosque. The design clearly shows a mixture of architectural styles from different eras and cultures, which gives the mosque a unique value.

Selimiye Mosque in Nicosia (Northern Cyprus)

Catacombs of Saint Solomon

One of the main shrines of Cyprus. According to Christian legends, the Great Martyr Solomonia, who fled from Palestine, died here. She, along with her sons, was hiding from the persecution of King Antiochus IV, but was discovered. All seven sons of Solomonia were martyred, their mother died while praying over their bodies.

Catacombs of Saint Solomon

Settlement of Hirokitia

An ancient settlement of the Neolithic era (7-6 thousand years BC), a UNESCO heritage site. Despite the impressive age of 9000 years, the ruins of Khirokitia are well preserved, which allows archaeologists to draw conclusions about a distant era based on the objects found there. It is still unknown where this settlement came from and where people then disappeared from it.

Settlement of Hirokitia

Aqueduct Kamares

An 18th-century aqueduct that supplied water to Larnaca. The structure consists of 75 stone arches, reaches 25 meters in height and stretches for several tens of kilometers. The aqueduct functioned until 1930. After the laying of modern water supply systems, it turned into a historically significant architectural monument.

Aqueduct Kamares

Forty Column Castle

The ruins of an ancient building of the 7th century, which was used to defend against Arab raids. Initially, it was built on forty columns, hence the name. The castle was almost completely destroyed by the earthquake, only some towers and catacombs of interest to researchers have survived.

Forty Column Castle

Gate of Famagusta

Located in the center of Nicosia. The gates are part of the Venetian fortifications. They were created in the 16th century and protected the settlement from Turkish attacks. After the restoration in 1980, the halls of the gate began to be used as a place for lectures and conferences, and concerts are often held in the 35-meter corridor due to excellent acoustics.

Gate of Famagusta

Caravanserai Buyuk Khan (Northern Cyprus)

One of the most striking sights of Nicosia. The building appeared under the Ottoman Turks in the 16th century and was used for its intended purpose until the arrival of the British troops. The British placed here a prison and a shelter for the poor. After the 90s In the 20th century, as a result of a large-scale reconstruction, the caravanserai turned into an art center.

Caravanserai Buyuk Khan (Northern Cyprus)

Avagas Gorge

Located on the plateau of Laona. It is a picturesque cliff surrounded by green vegetation and pink flowers. A great place for hiking, admiring nature and getting to know the Cypriot flora. There is an interesting cave in the gorge, discovered in 2003 and almost inaccessible due to a very narrow entrance.

Avagas Gorge

Fig Tree Bay

An attractive place in the resort town of Protaras, where there is a picturesque landscaped beach. There are always enough tourists in the bay, as it is located in a beautiful place where the azure water of the Mediterranean Sea merges with the sky, and the purest sand sparkles in the rays of the bright sun.

Fig Tree Bay

Bay of Petra tou Romiou

It is considered one of the most beautiful and romantic places in the Mediterranean. According to legend, it was here that the goddess Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam. The white cliffs and the piercing blue sea of ​​the bay create a picturesque contrast that pleases the eye. Newlyweds and couples love to take photo shoots here.

Bay of Petra tou Romiou

Salt lake of Larnaca

A reservoir consisting of four interconnected salt lakes. The total area is a little more than 2 km². This place is unique in that wild ducks, gulls, flamingos, cormorants periodically nest here in large numbers. A recreation area with gazebos, benches and equipped picnic areas has been created around the lake.

Salt lake of Larnaca

Aphrodite water park in Paphos

A large area with a variety of slides, pools, numerous water activities. The water park also has a children's playground with copies of slides for the youngest visitors. On the territory there are recreation areas and restaurants where you can take a breath in the shade of exotic trees.

Aphrodite water park in Paphos

Nissi Beach

The most famous beach in Ayia Napa. Here life is constantly in full swing - DJs play and foamy discos take place. Tourists perform liberated dances and relax in luxurious restaurants against the backdrop of white sand and blue sea. The place is not for lovers of solitude, but it is very suitable for cheerful and noisy companies.

Nissi Beach

Cape Greco

A picturesque place popular among divers, romantics and nature lovers. The best time at Cape Greco is in the evening, when the evening sun sets into the sea. Many tourists come to admire this spectacle and take photos as a keepsake. The cape is located between the popular Cypriot resorts of Protaras and Ayia Napa.

Cape Greco