Top 30 attractions in Colombia

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The Republic of Colombia is located in the northwest of South America. This hospitable country is ready to receive tourists throughout the year, here every tourist will find entertainment to their liking.

For a leisurely family vacation, the beaches of the islands of Rosario, San Andres or Cartagena are perfect. Fans of active eco-tourism should definitely visit the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Los Nevados parks, the Canbo Cristales River and the ancient Lost City.

What to see in Colombia?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

City of Cartagena

The major port city of Cartagena is a popular tourist attraction in Colombia. People come here to look at the medieval Old Town, where many attractions are located - San Felipe Castle, Plaza de la Aduana, the Palace of the Inquisition, as well as one of the oldest churches in the city of Iglesia de Santo Domingo.

City of Cartagena

City of Medellin

Founded in 1616, the city of Medellin is considered the second most important city in the country. The city has a botanical park, several museums and a zoo. The former estate of Pablo Escobar, a well-known local drug lord, is also popular with tourists. And in the summer, Medellin hosts the annual Flower Fair.

City of Medellin

City of Bogota

The capital of the state, the city of Bogotá, is the largest economic, political and cultural center of Colombia. Many buildings erected in the 17th-19th centuries have been preserved here - the Church of San Ignacio, the Palace of Justice, the National Capitol. In the Bogota Botanical Garden, you can visit the greenhouse and admire the man-made waterfall.

City of Bogota

Tayrona National Park

One of the most popular sites in Colombia is the Tayrona National Park. Here you can not only admire the amazing nature, but also stay for a few days in comfortable campsites, bungalows or eco-villages. To make it more convenient to move around Tayrona Park, you can rent bicycles right on the spot or rent peaceful sightseeing horses.

Tayrona National Park

Fortress of San Felipe de Barajas

Among other attractions of Cartagena, the fortress of San Felipe de Barajas occupies a special place. The construction of the fort began in 1536, and it brilliantly performed its defensive function until the fall of 1815 after the attack of the Spaniard Pablo Morillo. Despite its impressive age, today the fortress is used for various cultural and social events.

Fortress of San Felipe de Barajas

Church of Las Lajas

One of the most beautiful and visited temples in Colombia is the Las Lajas Church, located on a bridge in the canyon of the Guaitara River. According to legend, in 1754, the miracle of the appearance of the Virgin Mary took place in these places, who healed a deaf-mute girl. At the end of the 18th century, the first chapel was built here, which in 1948 became a neo-Gothic fortress. The miraculous miraculous altar image of the Virgin Mary attracts believers from all over the world.

Church of Las Lajas

Rock of El Peñon de Guatape

In the northwest of the country is the rock El Peñón de Guatape, which is estimated to be about 70 million years old. Since the 1940s, this attraction has been protected by the state. To get to the top of the 220-meter cliff, tourists will have to overcome about 650 steps.

Rock of El Peñon de Guatape

Caño Cristales River

The amazing Colombian river Caño Cristales is famous for its unusual color. Crystal clear water accurately conveys the yellow, green, blue, black and scarlet shades of underwater moss and algae, for which the locals call it the “river of five colors”. Swimming in Caño Cristales is considered by many tourists to be one of the must do things in Colombia.

Caño Cristales River

The Lost City of Ciudad Perdida

To make a trip to Ciudad Perdida, tourists should be in good physical shape - the entrance to the famous Lost City of Colombia is preceded by a jungle-covered mountain staircase with more than 1000 steps. This amazing place was discovered quite by accident in the 1970s and has not yet been fully explored.

The Lost City of Ciudad Perdida

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

In a mountain range in the north of the country, there is the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta National Natural Park of Colombia, the territory of which is divided into several climatic zones. Jaguar, puma, tapir, sloth, otter, several species of monkeys and a wide variety of birds are found here.

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Museo del Oro Gold Museum

Since 1932, the National Bank began to buy jewelry from the pre-Columbian period from treasure seekers who plundered the ancient settlements of the Indians. In 1968, all the purchased exhibits were issued to the Museo del Oro Gold Museum. One of the most famous exhibits of the Museum is the Golden Raft, made approximately in the 2nd millennium BC.

Museo del Oro Gold Museum

Tekendama waterfall

32 km from the capital on the Bogota River is the famous Tequendama waterfall. In 1927, a villa in the style of French architecture was opened here, which was later rebuilt into an extremely popular 8-storey hotel. But since the 1970s, the waters of the waterfall have become polluted by industrial and sewage waste, and the popularity of the hotel has gradually declined. Currently, work is underway to clean up the river and parallel the reconstruction of the hotel into the Museum of Biodiversity and Culture of the Tequendama Falls.

Tekendama waterfall

City of Leticia

One of the best places for eco-tourism in Colombia is the southernmost point of the country, the city of Leticia. From here, many tourist routes depart to the Amazon River and Lake Tarapoto, home to unique pink freshwater dolphins. Also not far from Leticia are the reservations of several Indian tribes.

City of Leticia

San Agustin Stone Sculpture Park

One of the most famous archaeological sites in Colombia is the San Agustin Stone Sculpture Park. There is no consensus among archaeologists who exactly created these unique sculptures from volcanic rocks, called Chinas. The sizes of the sculptures range from a couple of tens of centimeters to seven meters high.

San Agustin Stone Sculpture Park

San Andres and Providencia Islands

The extraordinarily beautiful islands of San Andres and Providencia are located in the southwestern Caribbean Sea. Once this area was a haven for sea pirates, and today tourists from all over the world come here to relax on the beaches or go diving, windsurfing and yachting.

San Andres and Providencia Islands

Rosario Archipelago

Not far from Cartagena is the Rosario archipelago, which consists mainly of coral islands. It is a popular tourist attraction for snorkelling, yachting, fishing or simply swimming in the extraordinarily clear waters. On one of the islands of the archipelago, there is a natural aquarium in which sharks and dolphins show performances for visitors.

Rosario Archipelago

Los Nevados National Natural Park

Popular with tourists, Los Nevados National Natural Park was established in 1973. It is home to many birds, animals and about 20 species of bats. In Los Nevados, you can make an excursion to the volcanoes of the Andes, visit the lake of glacial origin Santa Isabel, ride on the mountain peaks of the park in jeeps or spend the night in equipped guest houses.

Los Nevados National Natural Park

Mount Montserrat

One of the peaks located near the capital of Colombia is Mount Montserrat. A cathedral and a monastery were founded in these places in the 17th century. Today, the Basilica of the Crucified Christ is a popular tourist attraction in Montserrat. You can get here on foot along a specially paved path, by cable car or using the funicular.

Mount Montserrat

Simon Bolivar House Museum (Quinta de Bolivar)

In the 1820s and 1830s, the famous Colombian figure Simon Bolivar lived in Bogota, where he established his residence in a late 17th-century house. In 1919, with the collected funds, the house of the former residence was purchased and turned into a museum. Diplomatic and cultural events are now held here, and the museum's exposition includes things and objects of the famous liberator of Colombia.

Simon Bolivar House Museum (Quinta de Bolivar)

Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira

The salt mine near the city of Zipaquira is quite popular among tourists. And all thanks to the fact that at a depth of about 200 meters in the tunnels of this mine there is an amazing Catholic church, which is considered one of the most famous achievements of Colombian architecture. The Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira is part of the complex of the famous Salt Park.

Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira

Lake Guatavita

In the northeast of the capital, in the mountains of Cudinamarca, there is a sacred lake of one of the ancient civilizations of South America. The first conquistadors were very impressed by the stories of local residents about the tradition of throwing gold items into the middle of the lake at the coronation of a new ruler. Attempts to get these treasures from the bottom of Guatavita were made until 1912. Today the lake is a popular tourist attraction.

Lake Guatavita

Cathedral of Bogotá

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, which was first built in the 16th century, is located on the central square of the capital. After the earthquake of the XVIII century, which destroyed the building, the cathedral began to be rebuilt only after almost 100 years. The opening of the modern version of the Cathedral of Bogotá took place in 1823.

Cathedral of Bogotá

National Capitol Building

The building of the National Capitol is located on Bolivar Square in the capital. It houses the Colombian Congress. From the inside, the rooms are decorated with beautiful frescoes by Santiago Martinez, which depict famous political figures of the country.

National Capitol Building

Jose Celestino Botanico Garden

In 1781, a botanical garden was opened in Bogota, which was named after the famous Spanish botanist, naturalist and physician José Celestino Mutis. On the territory of the garden there is a man-made waterfall, as well as a lush greenhouse. In the Botanical Garden of José Celestino there is a scientific library, where some of the notes and sketches of the scientist are kept.

Jose Celestino Botanico Garden


In the city of Popayan, which attracts many tourists from all over the world, there is the famous Tierradentro National Archaeological Park. People come here to see the unique underground crypts of the pre-Columbian era, decorated with drawings using black, white and red colors.


Malpelo Island

To visit Malpelo Island, located in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, you must obtain permission from the Colombian Ministry of the Environment. However, all the difficulties with visiting are compensated by the beauty of underwater rocks and caves. Sand sharks, groupers and hammerhead sharks are found here, making Malpelo one of the most popular diving destinations.

Malpelo Island

Nunnery Convento de la Popa

At the beginning of the 17th century, the convent of Convento de la Popa was founded on a hill above Cartagena. Two centuries later, a small wooden chapel was rebuilt into a beautiful building, which many tourists come to admire. The pedestrian road to the monastery is quite difficult, so it is easier to take a taxi.

Nunnery Convento de la Popa

Colombian coffee cultural landscape

Most of the coffee produced in Colombia is grown in the coffee cultural landscape, which includes the departments of Caldas, Quindio and Risaralda. It is home to the Columbian Coffee National Park, the Coffee Culture Museum, and the Agricultural Culture National Park.

Colombian coffee cultural landscape

Carnival El Joselito in Barranquilla

An unusually colorful, cheerful and incendiary carnival takes place in Barranquilla every year before Lent. The carnival lasts 4 days, during which mass festivities take place in the city. Carnival in Barranquilla is popular with tourists from all over the world, so rooms in hotels should be booked in advance.

Carnival El Joselito in Barranquilla

Flower Fair in Medellin (Feria de las Flores)

Every year in the summer, the city of Medellin hosts the famous Flower Fair. This event was first held on May 1, 1957. Since then, the main event of the Fair has been the parade of porters "siyeteros", on the backs of which there are large platforms with figures made of fresh flowers.

Flower Fair in Medellin (Feria de las Flores)