Top 14 - attractions of Belarus

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Belarus cannot be called the most popular country among tourists. However, this attitude can be considered unjustified. Of course, there is no sea here, but there are a lot of beautiful corners, historical places and comfortable sanatoriums, hotels and boarding houses for travelers.

The nature of Belarus is beautiful. The cleanest lakes and rivers, dense forests, green fields - the country is simply created for green tourism and is actively developing this particular direction. Very affordable prices can be attributed to the poles of a trip to Belarus. Compared to Russia, there are very inexpensive products here. You can rent a cottage on the shore of a quiet lake at very modest prices. In addition, the Belarusians themselves are hospitable people who are always glad to see guests.

What you should definitely do in Belarus is to go hunting or fishing, see one of the ancient castles, visit the famous Brest and wander along the modern streets of the center of Minsk. We should not forget about the local cuisine - it is worth trying traditional potato pancakes and the local Zubrovka.

What to see in Belarus?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

This is the largest relic, truly primeval forest in Europe. Agree, it is very interesting to see what Europe was like before it was thoroughly settled and remade by people. Majestic, dense, with centuries-old trees - Belovezhskaya Pushcha invariably arouses interest among tourists. Only here you can see bison, oaks that are over 600 years old. Now it is a biosphere reserve, it is better to go here as part of an organized excursion.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Boris and Gleb Church in Grodno

Borisoglebskaya Church, located in the city of Grodno, is an old building and surprises precisely with its antiquity. Built back in the 12th century, during the times of Ancient Rus', they retained the power of the walls, majesty and a special unique flavor. Scientists call the Church of Borisoglebsk a separate phenomenon in architecture that has no analogues on the planet.

Boris and Gleb Church in Grodno

Victory Square in Minsk

The main square of the Belarusian capital, its architectural ensemble began to take shape back in the 1930s. The main place in the center of the square is occupied by the Victory Monument in the form of an obelisk; there is also a cozy square and residential buildings. In addition, capsules with earth from various hero cities were laid on Victory Square. There is also a hall in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, so the square fully justifies its name.

Victory Square in Minsk

Naroch National Park

Naroch National Park is called the most convenient platform for tourists who want to get acquainted with the beauties of Belarus. It offers travelers 16 tourist routes, comfortable rooms, comfortable cottages, and budget tourists can stay at the campsite. Blue lakes, the Forest Museum, an apothecary garden, rare herbs and animals - there is something to see and do in the Naroch National Park. And the nature here is just amazing!

Naroch National Park

Brest Railway Museum

This is a technical museum, which is entirely dedicated to the history of the development of railway transport. Here are still pre-war specimens of steam locomotives, perfectly preserved and carefully restored. In addition, in the railway museum of the city of Brest you can see unique steam valves and a whole collection of passenger cars of various classes.

Brest Railway Museum

Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble

This is a whole complex of six museum objects. The Gomel palace and park ensemble is recognized as the oldest and most authoritative in Belarus, so tourists cannot miss it. The ensemble includes the palace of the Rumyantsevs and the Paskevichs, the Winter Garden, an old park, which is recognized as a monument of landscape gardening art, the Khaletskys' estate and a number of other interesting objects.

Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble

National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus

This museum is the largest collection of works of art and works of Belarusian artists and craftsmen from other countries in the country. The museum's collection is impressive - in order to exhibit all the riches of the collection, its area had to be expanded several times and branches opened. The museum has restoration workshops, and the collections are constantly replenished.

National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus

Memorial complex Khatyn

This is, of course, the saddest attraction in Belarus. It is dedicated to 149 residents of the village of Khatyn, who, in 1943, were burned and shot by the Nazis. Khatyn has become a symbol of the victims of the Great Patriotic War among the civilian population. The memorial impresses with its poignant sculpture “The Unbowed Man”, evidence of Nazi crimes and the general atmosphere.

Memorial complex Khatyn

Museum complex Dudutki

The complex is dedicated to traditional crafts and folk technologies. It has been operating for more than 17 years and is a real open-air museum. People go to Dudutki to see with their own eyes a real village from the times of Ancient Rus', with a functioning windmill and houses in which things created by ancient masters have been perfectly preserved. In addition, in Dudutki you can see how real homemade cheese is made and visit the zoo.

Museum complex Dudutki

Mir Castle

A real pearl of Belarus, a castle complex founded in 1520. Included in the UNESCO list, today it is a castle museum. Mir Castle has 39 expositions, a pond and picturesque parks. But the most interesting thing is that you can rent a room or hold a festive event in the Mir Castle - there is a hotel and a restaurant serving dishes of ancient cuisine. The castle has a conference room and a souvenir shop with products by local craftsmen.

Mir Castle

Church of St. Simeon and St. Helena

This is the most famous Catholic church in Belarus, located in Minsk. The church surprises tourists with its grandeur, red brick walls and rich interior decoration. The Church of St. Simeon and St. Helena is relatively young - its construction began in 1905. Travelers can admire the stained-glass windows and bas-reliefs, as well as attend worship services that are held here regularly.

Church of St. Simeon and St. Helena

National Library of Belarus

This amazing building is included in the list of the most original buildings on our planet. The National Library of Belarus, the main library of the country, was built in the form of a rhombicuboctahedron. The height of this cube reaches 23 meters, and the weight, excluding the collection of books, is 115,000 tons. This building, somewhat similar to a diamond, looks especially original in the evening, when the backlight turns on, finally turning it into a gem.

National Library of Belarus

Nesvizh Castle

A really large castle, a whole complex, in the courtyard of which there is a real square. The construction of this castle began in the 15th century, then it was rebuilt and perfectly preserved to this day. Today, this residence of the Radziwills has become a museum-reserve where you can get acquainted with the life of an old aristocratic family. In 2012, the Nesvizh Castle was reconstructed and today it welcomes thousands of tourists - there are queues here on weekends.

Nesvizh Castle

Memorial complex "Brest Hero Fortress"

The Great Patriotic War began for the USSR in Brest. Today, the fortress has turned into a memorial that immortalized the feat of the Soviet soldiers who managed to delay the advance of the fascist invaders. The Brest memorial has become the largest monument of the Second World War in the CIS, a whole complex that includes battlefields, sculptural compositions and the ruins of an old fortress.

Memorial complex Brest Hero Fortress